The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 373 How can such a good thing happen?

Because of the memories left by the previous world, Aiden has no good feelings about the concept of secret police.

Secret police, that is, political police, are commonly known as spies.

The main responsibility of these so-called "police" is often not to uphold the law, but to protect the central power activities. For this purpose, they sometimes go against the national law.

The secret police of the Kingdom of Gistas are also like this. As long as they are approved by their superior unit, the King's Guard... that is, the current Gistas Gendarmerie, they can directly exercise the right of arrest. If they have the approval of the king, they also have the right to directly execute some "special criminals" without trial - to put it bluntly, it is a bunch of dirty work that is inevitably linked to political struggles. In addition to domestic affairs, they occasionally perform some external espionage and assassination missions.

If you just want to get the words of God from this channel, Aiden thinks it is still relatively hopeful.

After all, there is actually no direct cost to simply impart the words of God. At worst, you can exchange it with another word of God.

However, Aiden was somewhat reluctant to deal with a foreign Gestapo chief.

Moreover, it was not certain that he could find a way to deal with him now.

Abigail had just mentioned the recent situation of the Kingdom of Gistas to him not long ago. After learning the information from the divine word, Aiden also went to learn more specific information.

The new king of Gistas was only 24 years old. When he ascended the throne, his foundation was unstable. He also intended to implement a series of administrative measures, which caused dissatisfaction among a group of ministers and newly promoted local nobles. The ministers of the opposition took some of the relics and letters left by the former king and some details in the will and made a fuss, claiming that the former king had an illegitimate daughter who also had the right of inheritance, and questioned the legitimacy of the new king's succession to the throne.

The new king and his supporters have been questioning the authenticity of this will. However, judging from the current situation of the secret police in Gistas, I am afraid that even the new king believes that what the opposition said is not groundless.

Then the next thing is logical. Now the new king is urging the gendarmerie to find the illegitimate daughter all over the world and kill her. Of course, the ministers and local nobles are also digging deep into the ground to find her. At this stage, the struggle for royal power has become a search contest where whoever finds the person first will have the advantage.

However, the illegitimate daughter has not yet taken the initiative to show up - from this point of view, this secretive princess probably does not want to get involved in the power struggle, or cannot participate, but her own wishes have nothing to do with this matter.

For the opposition, the king's illegitimate child only needs blood and evidence to prove his identity to shake the new king's right of succession. If she herself has no intention of entering politics and is willing to be a puppet, it would be even better.

Of course, the new king is also very clear about this. The most direct and effective way to prevent the opposition from using his sister who has been living among the people is to turn her into a dead person. Compared with the huge project of racking one's brains to deal with the opposition's political enemies one by one, it is obviously easier to just deal with one person.

In addition to the open and covert struggles between the new king and the opposition, the republican movement against the aristocracy within the kingdom has also begun to sprout. The conflict between the small countries in the south has led to a large number of refugees pouring into the southern border. At the same time, the old enemy Dragon Spine Empire entrenched in the north is also eyeing it, ready to find a suitable opportunity to take a piece of meat from this old neighbor when it is weak.

The secret police of the kingdom must be in a very tense state now, and even the Inquisition is forced to get involved because of possible political assassinations.

At this time, rashly going to contact Count Hoffman, who leads the secret police - whether with a real identity or a forged identity, there is a big possibility that you will bring unnecessary suspicion and trouble to yourself. If you accidentally get involved in a foreign political struggle, you may not know how you died.

You must know that after running out of the autonomous state and coming to the Kingdom of Gistas, Aiden's identity is probably not even a strong dragon from another place. It may be a bit difficult to have an equal dialogue with a local snake like Count Hoffman.

Unless... the other way around.

Thinking of this, Aiden couldn't help but laugh at himself in his heart: What are you thinking about? How can such a good thing happen?

Now the secret police of Gistas are overwhelmed with domestic affairs. How can the head of the secret police have the mind to go sightseeing in the autonomous prefecture?

What should be done now is to pay close attention to the developments of the kingdom and wait until the political situation stabilizes a little before making plans.

If the intelligence provided by Sophie doesn't work, should he try Melissa's side? In the long run, it is not wise to always follow the path arranged by the Goddess of Conspiracy, but Melissa's "assistance" is still very useful to him.

Everything has a sequence. If you can't survive the revenge of Mr. Bloody Clothes, it is simply too ambitious to consider getting rid of the chessboard of the Goddess of Conspiracy. And now, he does not have the capital to compete with a saint who holds the only power.

In terms of Mr. Bloody Clothes' revenge drama alone, Melissa's help is still extremely beneficial to him. After all, the Goddess of Conspiracy also hopes that his duel with Mr. Bloody Clothes will be a little interesting.

With no other direction to go, and this "ordinary life" continuing would not make any progress, Aiden began to seriously consider the timing of visiting Melissa.

Knock, knock, knock—the door of the office was suddenly knocked, interrupting Aiden's thoughts.

"Come in." Aiden echoed.

"Excuse me, warden." A prison guard from the ordinary prison area walked into the office and handed a small stack of documents to Aiden's desk, "This is the summary of the prisoners transferred to the first prison area last week."

"Okay, thank you." Aiden nodded.

When the prison guard was about to leave, Aiden asked, "Are there any interesting prisoners recently?"

He just said this casually out of habit. Under normal circumstances, new prisoners in ordinary prison areas are unlikely to stand out from those in the core area, and the new prisoners in the core area recently are also unremarkable, and there are no special people worth noting.

But the prison guard thought about it for a while and gave a positive answer.

"This is true! There was a prisoner who was sent here last Friday. It was said that she was originally sentenced to probation. As a result, she was dissatisfied with the verdict and took off her shoes to throw at the judge..." The prison guard laughed as he spoke, "Then her probation was ruined."

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