The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 374 Everything is for this country

The royal palace of King Gistas and the king's study.

The uniformed Royal Secret Police Chief, Count Heinz Hoffmann, was reporting to the young king with his head lowered:

"Our undercover has successfully sneaked into their secret meeting. The Republicans hold regular meetings at a private winery in Holland District. We are now ready to raid their gatherings at any time. However, it seems from the undercover report , I think the possibility of the existence of upstream organizations is very high..."

The young new king was leaning back on the cushions and the back of the chair, with his hands clasped in front of his belly and his eyes closed.

When he heard this, he whispered: "Heinz."

Heinz raised his eyes and glanced at the king who still had his eyes closed, and continued to report as if he hadn't heard: "Now closing the net should be able to pry something out of their mouths, but if the upstream organization gets wind of it and wants to catch them all again, ——”

The king opened his eyes this time and raised his voice slightly: "Heinz."

Heinz then raised his face and asked expressionlessly: "What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

"You no longer need to report this matter to me." The king said softly, "There is no need to do it personally. Just leave it to the gendarmerie. I have already approved the document."

"This is my duty, Your Majesty." Heinz replied respectfully.

"The rebellious traitors of the Republican Party have just grown to a thousand people, and they can't make any waves for the time being. The southern consortium will not help them at the moment, and the local nobles will not help them. Even the Dragon's Back Empire will not be stupid enough to support a group of traitors. The wild dogs that may bite him in the future, not to mention the Republicans, will not accept it, so it is enough to just keep an eye on them for now." The king sat up slightly and said, "With your ability, you should not waste your energy on it. On 'little things like this'."

Heinz was silent for a moment, and finally lowered his head: "I understand."

The king stared at him for a while and then said slowly: "I have read the morning report. The mission in the autonomous prefecture did not seem to be particularly smooth. When the target was about to be captured, the person was taken away by the local police. What kind of thing is going to the trial court... and then being sent to prison?"

"I'm sorry." Heinz lowered his head.

"It's not your fault. If you were there, I believe you would have heard a satisfactory result. If you have any fault, it's that you were not there." The king said slowly, "We are desperate. Jumping into the prison was indeed a bit unexpected. But when he was taken away by the police and handed over, there should have been many opportunities, but they all missed it. Who was the person in charge of the mission? "

"Direct conflicts with local judicial authorities will cause serious consequences, especially in autonomous prefectures. Once the evidence is given, the empire may use the "Autonomous Prefecture Agreement" to take action." Heinz said respectfully.

"Who is in charge of the mission?" The king ignored his explanation and repeated the question.

"It's Frozen," Heinz answered.

"I remember that before departure, you transferred fifty elites from the central government and gave them to him." The king said.

"I'm sorry to live up to your expectations," Heinz said.

"He failed to live up to your expectations. It seems that he is not suitable for this task, and he can no longer cope with this situation. Let him come back. Things have become like this, and the next thing..." The king stared straight at Heinz's eyes said, "I want to leave it to you to handle it yourself."

Heinz's expression did not show any change. After being silent for a while, he opened his mouth to say something: "Your Majesty..."

"I can only leave this matter to you. Only you can do it." The king interrupted him, and then added, "You are the only one I can trust."

Heinz swallowed back the words that came to his lips.

"This is the top priority we have to solve now." The king said slowly, "We have been chasing so hard and still haven't succeeded. If she chooses to send a letter to the opposition asking for help, the opposition should definitely take action. This game , Whoever is slow will lose."

"Must you do this?"

"Definitely. She is innocent, but this matter has nothing to do with her wishes. Even if she has only one breath left, the opposition can continue to use the banner to continue the trouble, and the New Deal will not be promoted. There is no way Although they are facing external and internal troubles, those people still want to engage in meaningless internal fighting. To stop this stupid behavior, we can only completely extinguish their hopes. The transfer of the task will take effect immediately. I will give it to you. You have the authority to transfer as many people as you want, and you can use any means to complete this task. This is the king's order."

Heinz looked at the seemingly gentle and frail young man in front of him, and read majesty and determination in his eyes.

Finally he nodded: "I understand."

The king stared at Heinz for a while, then turned to look out the window: "You don't want to do it, do you?"

Heinz was silent for a moment and answered: "I will do it."

"I joined the army when I was sixteen. I heard about your past deeds when I joined the White Eagle Brotherhood. At that time, I admired you very much and thought you were the hero of this country." The king said, turning his face back, "Now I still think so, and I am glad that you will be willing to stand by me after I take the throne."

"I'm ashamed of myself." Heinz replied calmly.

"I can only guess what my father told you, and I don't want to embarrass you." The king said seriously, "But sometimes we have to make some difficult decisions. Everything is for this country."

Heinz didn't say anything this time, but bowed solemnly.

At this time, the king suddenly asked: "Is she the same age as me?"

Heinz was rarely stunned for a moment, but soon regained his composure and nodded: "Yes."

When the old king was alive, he appointed him to protect the illegitimate daughter. He didn't tell the new king about this matter openly, but the new king obviously noticed it a long time ago.

Using a question that seemed to have little meaning to ask him about the personal information of the illegitimate daughter, the king was not only confirming his guess, but also confirming his attitude.

"What month?" The king asked again.

"It's March."

"She's older than me..." The king nodded thoughtfully, but he didn't continue to ask - for him, compared with the matter of his sister who had never met, the attitude of Count Heinz Hoffmann was the most critical.

"Go ahead." The king waved his hand.

Heinz then left the study and strode out of the palace.

Everything is for this country. He kept thinking about what the king said.

It was like shouting a slogan in his heart, and it was like convincing himself.

Suddenly I saw a notification in the background saying that this book seemed to have a limited free recommendation starting at 2 pm on the 11th. It should mean that it is free for a limited time. You can also save up to read it on that day. Although I am afraid that there is not much benefit from subscribing here... But anyway, I really thank everyone for their continued subscription support. You are all my parents! Thank you!

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