The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 395 The Madman's Vision

"Did you read my letter?" Saira was a little surprised.

"Of course, we often review letters from prisoners... Don't show that look. How much privacy do prisoners have in prison? Apart from going to the toilet and taking a shower, when have you not been monitored?" Aiden replied calmly, " This kind of review usually doesn't catch any big fish. Prisoners who want to cause trouble usually use code words or lingo. Our review is not a military intelligence service. You obviously don't understand the prison system, but your letter is too simple. I still can’t see what’s going on.”

Aiden said, taking out the letter and showing it to Saira.

Both letters contain only one sentence.

One said "Please don't forget the original agreement" and the other said "I know that letter was sent by you and I need your help."

"There is very little content in it, but I can barely tell that you are asking for help from the recipient of the letter. He must be an acquaintance of yours." Aiden said seriously, "I remember that you have never wanted to get involved in political struggles. I guess this person He shouldn't be an anti-King person. You didn't mention your situation at all in the letter. Are you relying on the other party to find out? Who is he? "

"This..." Saira hesitated, "It's not what you think."

Arsenal glanced at the letter and suddenly sneered in an emotionless voice: "Ha."

"Do you know anything?" Aiden turned his attention to Arsenal.

"It seems that Warden, you still don't understand girls' thoughts well enough." Arsena commented.

"I've been working in the women's prison for five years after all." Aiden raised his eyebrows.

"The prison is full of criminals. How can you see an innocent and cute fairy tale princess like her? It's understandable. I guess even you, the warden, would never have thought that this woman could be that stupid. ." Arsenal said.

Saira shrank her head when she heard this.

"Don't be so pretentious, just say it." Aiden urged Arsena to continue.

"You should know from the content that this letter is written to her lover to beg him to change his mind. I guess the address to which the letter is received is a secret contact address that only they know." Arsena stared at Saira, unable to look directly at her. "Don't dare to face reality? It's a pity that your lover has come to the autonomous prefecture to kill you now, and I can't receive your letter at all. Your stupidity really opened my eyes. Zombies are probably a little smarter than you."

"To Heinz?" Aiden read the letter again and nodded.

Saira didn't know that Heinz had gone to Silver City to perform the mission in person, so she kept sending letters to persuade Heinz to change his mind. What seemed to keep her clinging to her pitiful hope was the letter that first warned her of the danger - a letter she seemed to believe had been sent to her by Heinz.

Heinz actually didn't want her to die, but he just couldn't help it - at least that's what Saira herself believed, or hoped to believe.

Aiden, like Arsenal, felt that Saira's behavior was stupid, but he did not intend to comment. With Saira's situation and psychological quality, it was difficult to demand that she be as rational as them.

"Do you think the first letter was sent by Heinz?" Aiden asked softly, "Then why were you unsure when I asked you."

"I'm not sure, I just... think it might be." Saira lowered her head and replied softly, "He taught me before that if I receive a letter warning of danger, I would rather believe it. But if the letter mentions I made a very specific request and had to identify the source before complying, so I think it was probably from him.”

"You hope it's from him." Arsena said again, "Poor guy, you have to hold on to such a little hope."

Saira didn't reply. She had been scolded by Arsenal so much that she didn't dare to speak back.

"Well, I didn't have any high expectations at the beginning anyway. If you really had any reliable helpers, you wouldn't have to hide in jail." Aiden put the letter away, "If there is nothing I can do in the end... I I suggest that you contact the powerful figures in the anti-king faction. It is better to become a political puppet than to lose your life. But I still say that, I don't like my prison to become the center of political struggle, whether it is overt or covert. , so I will continue to use my own methods to deal with Count Hoffman and his forces."

Aiden said and stood up: "That's it for this conversation. It's almost lights out time. Let's go back to the cell."

Aiden brought the two of them back to the cell in the core area. As soon as they entered the door, Arsena suddenly turned around and said: "Warden, can you take a moment to say a few words?"

Aiden nodded, turned around and asked the prison guard on duty in the duty room to come out and take Saira back to the cell. He turned to Arsena and said, "Speak."

"I heard a rough idea of ​​what happened just now. This stupid woman really has some special identity, right?" Arsena asked.

"The king's illegitimate daughter, a true princess." Aiden told her the truth directly this time.

"It's more bizarre than I thought." Arsena didn't show much surprise on her face, but Aiden knew that she was surprised, "She is really a princess from a fairy tale. Such an identity is also a weapon, you Why not suggest that she solve this dilemma on her own?"

"Do you think she has that kind of quality?" Aiden asked.

"Mud can't hold up a wall." Arsenal gave a rather vicious comment.

"It doesn't need to be said to this extent. She is just an ordinary person. She has not experienced as much as you."

"Ordinary people can also transform, especially when they are in desperate situations." Arsena replied.

"I can provide psychological counseling for prisoners, but I'm not good at emotional counseling. You can try to guide her." Aiden smiled.

"Why do I have to do this?" Arsenal shook her head.

"It depends on your mood. If she changes her mind faster than I do, I'm willing to let her try." Aiden said, raising his chin deep into the corridor, "Go back to the cell."

Aiden sent Arsenal back to his cell, and by the way, he inspected the cells in the core area, greeted several prisoners, and got rid of Fei'er's usual verbal entanglement. He returned to the entrance of the prison area again. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard a "bang" from the cell next to him.

Aiden turned his head and saw that the "madman" He Luo suddenly hit his head on the railing, staring at him with a creepy look.

Aiden stared at her for a while, and then left the prison area directly. It was meaningless to talk to this madman.

For some reason, he felt that He Luo's frequency of staring at him like this seemed to have increased a lot, and occasionally she would shout or sing a few meaningless words. This was actually a bit abnormal. You know, He Luo almost never recognized people. When he saw her before, she was basically either going crazy as if no one was around or staring at the wall in a daze.

Until the core area gate was closed, Aiden felt that He Luo's eyes were glued to his back.

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