The warden who guards the witches

Chapter 396 Breakfast on a Rest Day

In the early morning, at the secret police base in the old city, in the basement of an old house, Heinz sat on a chair and listened to the report of his subordinates.

"It's hard to describe that feeling. The order came out of nowhere, but it was hard to resist." Operation Captain Roddy chose his words carefully, "I know it sounds like an excuse, but it's really yes……"

"It doesn't matter, I believe you. Everyone present has already experienced his strange abilities." Heinz made a gesture, "I ask you, what special things did he do when he exchanged appearances with you? ”

"He attacked me from behind, and then..." Rody hesitated and said, "I vaguely heard him chanting a spell. The pronunciation of the spell was very strange, as if-"

"My family's secret technique?" Heinz asked.

"Yes." Rody nodded.

"Okay, I understand. You go up and have a good rest." Heinz nodded, "Your body is really fine."

"It hurt a little after a few hits, but those two bastards were pretty tough." Roddy smiled to himself, "Compared to Frank and the others, I'm lucky enough."

In this operation, two people were shot. In comparison, Rody was only beaten a few times by his colleagues, not even slightly injured.

"Since there's nothing wrong, you can take a carriage out of the city in an hour and find an opportunity to return to the country." Heinz said calmly.

Rody's expression changed slightly: "Sir, please give me a chance to make amends."

"This is not a punishment, just a normal personnel transfer." Heinz replied, "Your face is remembered most clearly, and you will be wanted sooner or later. What's more troublesome is that we are not sure whether Aiden Garrod can change again. Be like you. Let you leave here for insurance."

After a moment of silence, Rody saluted: "I understand, sir, I accept the arrangement."

After Roddy left, Heinz leaned back in his chair with a heavy heart.

The failure to capture Aiden Garrod was a heavy blow to them. After tonight, the entire Silver City police force will begin to search for them. The military may also step in if they are identified as foreign spies.

What surprised him the most was that Aiden Garrod actually had the same power as his family's secret technique, and there were two kinds of it... No, the kind of mental control that forced Roddy not to lie was also very suspicious.

He didn't know much about the power of God other than family secrets, but he remembered that a relevant intelligence organization had contacted him before, and he still kept his contact information. Maybe he could buy information from them - Qian simply didn't know much about it. It wasn't a problem. The funds the king allowed him to use were almost enough to organize an armed attack on a city. This was enough to show how much the king valued this mission.

And this was the biggest reason why he felt heavy.

If you continue to get into trouble with this task at this point, you will have to take huge risks.

If Serra Rexia is still alive in the end, and the political assassination ordered by the king becomes known to the world, the opposition will not only have a sign to rally, but also have strong evidence to accuse the king.

To this end, he sent a secret telegram to the king.

Of course, he did not explicitly say that he wanted to give up the mission, but vaguely explained the obstacles and future risks encountered by the mission. If the king is willing to agree, he is also willing to accept corresponding sanctions.

He was anxiously looking forward to this outcome in his heart, even if the possibility was slim - people would try to grasp at every straw in a desperate situation... Saila probably had this mood when he was being hunted.

But no matter what, he couldn't show his emotions in front of his subordinates.

There was a knock on the basement door again, and Heinz let him in.

Another secret policeman came in and handed over a telegram: "Sir, your Majesty's reply."

Heinz took it without changing his expression, quickly deciphered the cipher text and deciphered the information inside:

"You are a national hero and I believe you will not let me down."

"Sir, what should we do next?" His subordinate asked him for instructions.

"...Send a backup team to monitor the Rose Prison." Heinz slowly put down the telegram and said with a cold expression.

In the morning, prisoners in the core area of ​​Rose Iron Prison were arranged to eat in the large cafeteria.

Breakfast on weekdays is basically a cold meal delivered to the cells for the prisoners to quickly eat in their cells, but today is a long-lost rest day - under Aiden's arrangement, the prisoners in Rose Iron Prison work all week Five days, one day to receive study guidance, and the remaining day is a rest day for "free" activities. Prisoners are human beings too. If they are not allowed to rest at all, the accumulation of suppressed emotions will make it more difficult to manage prisoners, which will do more harm than good to prison management.

For breakfast on rest days, except for a few prisoners who have to stay in the cell for special reasons, and those with low treatment levels who have to receive overtime and study guidance, most prisoners are arranged to eat in the large cafeteria just like usual lunch and dinner, and then are sent to the dining hall. Sent to different event venues.

Saira sat in her seat and curiously looked at the prisoner sitting opposite today.

Sitting across from her today was a woman with horns on her head.

"I can finally drink hot soup in the morning. It would be perfect if the bread could be toasted a little more..." Mayfair sighed loudly.

"Why don't you ask them to give you more butter and roast a whole chicken with honey?" Camila teased.

"I'm not you. I eat a ton in one meal." After finishing speaking, Fei'er suddenly noticed Saira's gaze, "Hey, what are you looking at, the new guy?"

"No." Sera lowered her head quickly.

"It is indeed rare to see a succubus with such a strong bloodline that it grows horns on its head, but there is no need to be so rare..." Arsenal, who was sitting next to Sera, said expressionlessly while stirring the coffee, "Don't offend the prisoners in the core area. The warden only asked me to ensure that you will not be assassinated. It is not my business if you are beaten by other prisoners."

Sera did not dare to speak, and could only lower her head to eat her bread.

"Look at your useless appearance..." Arsenal shook her head, "No wonder you can't even win the heart of a man."

"Men? Who is talking about men!" Fei'er suddenly pricked up her ears and looked at Arsenal with shining eyes, "Wow, you are actually interested in men?"

"Very rare? What impression do you have of me in your mind?" Arsenal glanced at Fei'er.

"You can't blame her for this. With your dead face, anyone who sees it will think you are cold." Camilla laughed slyly.

"Watch your words. I have the authority to cast spells now." Arsenal turned her eyes to Camilla.

"Do you think I'm afraid of you? But forget it, I prefer the feeling of hitting each other with fists, fighting ghosts is boring." Camilla was relatively calm for once.

"Don't worry about this fighting maniac... I think I just heard you talking about how to win a man's heart?" Fei'er brought the topic back with great interest, "You deliberately brought it up in front of me because you wanted to ask me for advice, right?"

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