The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1419: see through

It should be said that the performance of the mountain ridge king is very successful.

From beginning to end, Meng Zhang didn't have the slightest suspicion for him.

What Shanji Zhenjun told Meng Zhang was not entirely a lie.

He has said at least everything about the **** stone.

The grievances between him and Zhenjun Shanzhong and the struggle for power within Wanhe Mountain are even more real facts.

This practice of mixing most of the truth with a few lies, perfectly concealed his purpose.

Because of the magical effect of the sacred stone, Meng Zhang couldn't help being greedy.

As soon as he was greedy, he would have a bit of profit to make his intellect faint, his judgment decreased, and he fully believed everything that the true monarch of the ridge said.

Even if there is a flaw in the words of the True Lord of the Ridge, he will spontaneously make up for it and actively find an explanation.

Therefore, in ancient and modern times, most people who are deceived have greed in their hearts.

Meng Zhang followed the true monarch on the ridge until he reached this place. He didn't have any suspicions before seeing the true monarch on the back of the mountain.

But at the moment when he saw the true monarch Shanbei, Meng Zhang was touched by the spiritual sense of the Tianji Master, and he started to warn spontaneously in his heart.

Now that there was a warning sign in his heart, Meng Zhang naturally came over and began to observe everything carefully.

With his cultivation base and eyesight at this time, he didn't need to use the illusion-breaking eyes, as long as he settled down and took a closer look, he quickly discovered a few flaws.

One of the biggest flaws is the person on the back of the mountain.

After Meng Zhang became a great monk in the late Yuanshen, the first strong enemy he encountered was Zhenjun Shanzhong.

After the two played against each other, Meng Zhang was deeply impressed by his breath, and he has not forgotten it so far.

On the surface, Zhenjun Shanbei is a brother-in-law relationship with Zhenjun Shanzhong, and they are two independent individuals.

But Meng Zhang's sensitivity is extremely sharp, far beyond the imagination of Zhenjun Shanzhong and others.

In particular, his spiritual sense as a celestial jigger not only had the magical effect of early warning, but also could sense many things that other cultivators would not be able to sense.

Relying on the unique spiritual sense of the Tianji Master, his sensing ability can often chase the monks of the Sun God stage.

The breath of the true monarch Shanbei hidden in the depths of the soul is almost the same as the breath of the true monarch Shanzhong recorded by Meng Zhang back then.

After discovering this, Meng Zhang immediately thought of the biggest possibility.

Shanbei Zhenjun is not an independent individual, but an external incarnation of Shanzhong Zhenjun.

Meng Zhang himself had refined the external incarnation of Tai Miao, and he had also seen the external incarnations of other true monarchs.

True Monarch Shanbei is nominally the younger brother of True Monarch Shanzhong, but is actually the incarnation of True Monarch Shanzhong.

This is indeed unexpected, but not unacceptable.

Even after discovering this matter, Meng Zhang didn't immediately doubt the true monarch of the ridge.

Perhaps, the true monarch of the ridge was also kept in the dark, without knowing it at all.

Perhaps, even if the true monarch of the ridge knew it, he did not regard it as a major event.

But now that he discovered something he didn't know before, Meng Zhang had to keep an eye on it and observe it carefully to see if there were any other accidents.

With precautions in his mind, Meng Zhang soon made new discoveries.

In his spiritual sense, the seemingly ordinary cave in front of him is like a beast that chooses people to eat, with an inexplicable fierce aura inside.

Meng Zhang even had a hunch that if he really acted according to the original plan and rushed into this cave mansion in a hurry, I am afraid that a great danger would befall him.

At this time, Meng Zhang could finally be sure that the matter this time was fraudulent.

Coupled with the urging of the true monarch of the ridge, he finally put aside the greed in his heart completely, and his mind was restored to clarity.

The true monarch of the ridge used a plan to draw himself here, they clearly had premeditated.

With Meng Zhang's disposition, once he saw through the opponent's layout, he immediately shot without hesitation.

Step back ten thousand steps and say, even if Meng Zhang was nervous and killed the wrong person, so what?

To break into the realm of comprehension, everything is the best.

I would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let myself run into risks.

Facts have proved that Meng Zhang did not make a mistake, let alone nervousness.

Only after the power of space operation confined the primordial spirit of the mountain back true monarch, that is, the distraction of the mountain heavy true monarch, Meng Zhang had time to deal with the mountain ridge true monarch.

Meng Zhang was not in a hurry to behead the true monarch of the ridge, ready to capture him.

In his heart, there are still some questions that need to be answered by the mountain ridge master.

Although he was still mocking Zhenjun Shanzhong, Meng Zhang had already attacked Zhenjun Shanzhong.

The yin and yang qi he released easily smashed the illusory peaks released by the true monarch of the ridge, and hovered towards the true monarch of the ridge.

A mere cultivator in the middle stage of the soul, he has enough certainty that he can easily take it down and capture it alive.

Now that Meng Zhang has seen through the trap, True Monarch Ridge no longer talks nonsense.

He tried his best to withstand Meng Zhang's attack.

Meng Zhang, who easily suppressed the true monarch of the ridge, moved his heart, and the distraction of the true monarch of Shanzhong slowly flew towards him in this way.

Although distraction is not the deity, there may not be much information available.

However, Meng Zhang was still ready to perform the soul search technique and thoroughly inspected it again to see if there was any gain.

While doing these things, Meng Zhang kept his eyes on the huge boulder in front of The primordial spirit of Zhenjun Shanzhong has been hiding in the huge boulder.

Meng Zhang has cast the so-called divine stone concealment and discovered its existence.

Last time you beheaded your physical body, your soul escaped by chance.

You old guy doesn't hide and linger, and you want to calculate yourself, you really don't know how to live or die.

Today, we will do our best to eliminate evil and solve you old fellow completely.

Meng Zhang made a silent announcement in his heart.

Zhenjun Shanzhong tried to blew himself many times with his distraction confined by Meng Zhang.

But how could Meng Zhang, who was well prepared, let him easily succeed.

Meng Zhang mobilized the power of the space avenue to create an invisible space cage, which blocked all the actions of this distraction.

Don't say it was a self-destruction, this distraction couldn't even move a thought.

This distraction came to Meng Zhang, and Meng Zhang was about to release the power of the primordial spirit to investigate its interior.

Suddenly, Meng Zhang felt a chill and stopped acting immediately.

At this time, Meng Zhang made new discoveries.

The interior of this distraction has been corroded by a magical aura.

For a Taoist monk like Meng Zhang, the aura of the magical way is so stinky that he is not willing to provoke it easily.

The most important thing is that once the monk's soul is corroded by the aura of the magic way, it will slowly change until it is completely demonized.

Thinking of the collusion between the cultivators and the Demon Dao in the Daheng Cultivation Realm, Zhenjun Shanzhong even secretly cultivated a demon fetus.

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It is not surprising that his body is incarnate as the true monarch on the back of the mountain, and his original spirit is corroded by the aura of the magic way.

But in this way, Meng Zhang could not search for his soul.

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