The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1420: Arbitrarily

If Meng Zhang used the power of the primordial spirit to contact the primordial spirit of Shanbei Zhenjun, then the power of his own primordial spirit might be contaminated by the aura of the magic way, and it would be very troublesome to get rid of it.

Moreover, after Zhenjun Shanzhong's distraction was eroded by the aura of Demon Dao, the soul-searching method was of little use.

Meng Zhang's original plan failed, and with a cold snort, the distraction of Zhenjun Shan Zhong was squeezed by the power of space.

With a soft sound, all the power that exploded from the distraction being destroyed was constrained in that invisible space cage.

Seeing that his distraction disappeared, Zhenjun Yuanshen, who was hiding in the sacred stone, didn't even react at all.

Since Meng Zhang knew that the other party had set a trap in the cave mansion in front of him, he would naturally not throw himself into the trap.

He turned his attention to the true monarch on the ridge.

Meng Zhang didn't use any other means, just to drive the yin and yang two qi, it forced the ridge true monarch into embarrassment.

The true monarch of the ridge can be said to have exhausted all the means.

He is holding a mountain-like magical instrument, constantly inspiring Taoist magical powers.

The Tier 4 flying sword he released turned into a sword shadow, desperately slashing the yin and yang qi that swept toward him.

The true monarch of the ridge is also the head of the faction anyway, not only has a deep foundation, but also has a lot of cards in his body, if Meng Zhang wants to capture him alive, he still needs to spend a little effort.

It is not Meng Zhang who should be anxious now, he has a lot of time to toss slowly.

"Old Shan Zhong, you old tortoise, think you can get away with it today if you shrink your head?"

"This seat destroys Wanhe Mountain first, kills all your gangsters, and then comes and slowly cleans up you."

Meng Zhang's remarks were not a fright, but he was really prepared to do so.

The current inside Wanhe Mountain is at a time of emptiness, and Meng Zhang is attacking internally. With his cultivation, no one can stop the Wanhe Mountain.

It is not difficult for him to bloodbath Wanhe Mountain and destroy this sect.

Meng Zhang is now working with True Monarch Shanji, and wants to excite True Monarch Shanzhong at the same time.

Zhenjun Shanzhong was completely indifferent, as if he didn't hear Meng Zhang's threat.

On the contrary, the true monarch of the ridge, who was being forced to the wind by Meng Zhang, couldn't help showing an anxious expression on his face after hearing Meng Zhang's words.

Seeing this, Meng Zhang moved in his heart.

The conflict of grievances between the true monarch of the ridge and the true monarch of the mountain should be true. The power struggle between the two is even more real.

Why did the mountain ridge king stand by the side of the mountain heavy, lure himself here, trying to lure himself into the trap? In the middle, Meng Zhang has a lot of puzzles.

Whether it is to satisfy his curiosity or to help solve the problem thoroughly, Meng Zhang wants to know the answer.

Since the true monarch Shanzhong pretended to be a tortoise with a shrunken head, the true monarch of the ridge seemed to care more about the survival of Wanhe Mountain.

Then Meng Zhang started from the side of the mountain ridge true monarch to open a breakthrough.

"Mountain ridge, you will immediately catch it, and tell the truth about the whole story today. Maybe you are in a good mood and you can temporarily let go of Wanhe Mountain Man Gate."

Meng Zhang increased the pressure to suppress the true monarch of the ridge, while persuading him to surrender.

Judging from today's situation, as long as Meng Zhang does not step into the trap, no matter whether it is the true monarch of the ridge or the true monarch of the mountain, there will be no way to help him.

Meng Zhang showed great power outside, but Zhenjun Shan Zhong started to be a tortoise with his head shrunk, letting the true king of the ridge support him hard outside.

The reason why the mountain ridge king succumbed to the mountain heavy king and agreed to calculate Meng Zhang with him is for the future of Wanhe Mountain.

But if a great monk like Meng Zhang started to kill, Wanhe Mountain would have no future.

The face of the true monarch of the ridge changed, and his heart was full of contradictions and struggles.

The primordial spirit of the true monarch Shanzhong, who was hiding in the sacred stone, probably also discovered the shaking of the true monarch on the ridge.

After a long silence, Zhenjun Shanzhong finally spoke.

"Head, you, as the leader of a faction, bear the destiny of Wanhe Mountain on your shoulders. You must not succumb easily."

Listening to the voice coming from the cave, the true monarch of the ridge seemed to have made a certain determination.

"Head Meng, if you tell you all the calculations of Brother Shanzhong, can you let me go?"

The true monarch of the ridge began to secretly transmit to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang sneered with disdain all over his face. At this time, he still wanted to bargain with himself.

The fellow Shanji Zhenjun, could he have forgotten that he also colluded with Shanshige just now, trying to calculate himself.

"Fellow Daoist Mountain Ridge, you are no longer qualified to bargain with this seat."

"Only when you voluntarily surrender, Wanhe Mountain can have a ray of life."

Meng Zhang didn't bother to coax True Monarch Mountain Ridge, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with him slowly now.

Meng Zhang has not forgotten that the real enemy, Zhenjun Shan Zhong, is still hiding in the cave in front of him.

Since he has been hiding inside, Meng Zhang is not willing to throw himself into the trap, so he can only find a way to force him out.

"Head Meng, even if you defeat the old man, as long as the old man is unwilling, you can never know anything about it from the old man."

"Head Meng, please consider it carefully. My Wanhe Mountain is not a worthless sect."

The true lord of the ridge continues to persuade Meng the true lord of the ridge is already prepared for his fate.

Now that the matter had reached such a point, he had already put his life and death aside, but hoped that the sect inheritance would not be cut off.

The true monarch of the ridge angered Meng Zhang when he said so.

Meng Zhang knew in his heart that a monk who came from a big sect like the mountain ridge true monarch was also the leader of a school, and he must have practiced some secret techniques that cling to the heart and close the mind.

Meng Zhang's talent, supernatural power, and his heart power do not work for him. Even if he was captured and then searched for his soul, he might be able to resist.

But Meng Zhang couldn't hold back this tone in his heart, and he just didn't want to compromise with the true monarch of the ridge.

Meng Zhang knew that he was a little bit angry this time.

However, he has been cultivating for so many years, and he has always been trembling, honest and seldom willful.

If you have been suppressing your own temperament and first consider the pros and cons of everything, then it would be too frustrating to live like this.

Today, Meng Zhang is going to let his own temperament, indulge indiscriminately once.

For many years, Meng Zhangdu almost forgot, when was the last time he acted arbitrarily.

Today, he does not consider the interests or the long-term, but he has to take a good breath and take revenge.

Because of my trust in the true monarch of the ridge, I once admired him very much.

This guy colluded with Zhenjun Shanshige to deceive himself, trying to trick himself into a trap.

Since he dared to live up to his trust and dared to be evil, he must be psychologically prepared to pay a sufficient price.

In Meng Zhang's heart, there are both old shame and anger who have been deceived, and the fear of almost falling into a trap.

If he does not vent all the negative emotions in his heart today, his thoughts will not be clear, and his mood will not be smooth.

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