The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1486: Face

   For the fact that Meng Zhang led the human monks to quell the evil disaster, the senior officials of the Ziyang Sect still quite appreciated.

   You must know that because of the devil disaster, some of the sects of the Holy Land that did not deal with the Ziyang Saint Sect did not say bad things about the Ziyang Saint Sect, and even made many troubles to question the Ziyang Saint Sect's ability to rule the north of Junchen Realm.

   After the defeat of Xiao Qiao, Meng Zhang not only did not retreat, but led an army of monks to face the difficulties, defeated the main force of the army of monsters, and completely reversed the situation.

   Seeing that it won’t take long, the devastation will be completely subsided.

   When the time comes, the Ziyang Saint Sect not only removes the hidden danger in the rear, but also gives the opponent an excuse to attack.

   Although Xiao Liang did not take advantage of the power of the Xiao family less, he gave Meng Zhang eye drops in front of the senior officials of the Ziyang Saint Sect. Many of the information reported to the door is modified and processed.

   As for the real situation of Daheng Cultivation Realm and the specific situation, the senior officials of the Ziyang Saint Sect are not ignorant, but have a clearer understanding.

   The credit of Meng Zhang and Taiyimen is not so easy to obliterate.

   Of course, for the superior, the subordinate's credit is only the duty.

   The hard-working watchdog is always just a watchdog.

   If the situation requires, the Ziyang Saint Sect will also do the same thing to kill the donkey.

   It's just that, so far, Meng Zhang is respectful to Ziyang Saint Sect, and Ziyang Saint Sect really has no reason to attack Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect.

   The Xiao family cultivator was moving around in the Ziyang Saint Sect, saying that the Taiyimen must not be allowed to grow bigger.

   Restricting the strength of the subordinate vassal sect was originally a basic policy of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   If the Taiyi Sect swallows the entire Daheng Cultivation Realm, then the Taiyi Sect will really soar into the sky.

   Therefore, the senior officials of the Ziyang Saint Sect agreed to let Xiao Liang knock on the Taiyi Gate.

   However, Xiao Liang can't do too much.

   The current situation is not very good for the Ziyang Saint Sect. The senior Ziyang Saint Sect does not want to catch fire in the backyard at this time.

   Moreover, Taiyimen, as a traitor to the Great Li Dynasty, might still have something to use in the future.

   After discussing with the top of the family, Xiao Liang will use his identity and the inequity of information to try to win the victory of Taiyimen.

   In this way, he not only completed the task of the sect, knocked and weakened the Taiyi sect, but also obtained significant benefits for the family. It really has the best of both worlds.

   As for Meng Zhang's thoughts, Taiyimen's interests were ignored by him.

  The Xiao family is very powerful in the Ziyang Saint Sect, and it has never done similar activities less before, using the power of the sect to take advantage of it.

   The Xiao family has a lot of work and expenses.

  In order to maintain the position within the sect, it is necessary to make friends with the senior sect, invest in talented monks, and the needs of the family itself...

   Each of these requires a lot of financial and material resources.

   If you don't take care of yourself from the outside, how can you fill these bottomless pits with the income of the Xiao family alone?

   The Xiao family thinks that it is a great help to Taiyimen.

  Taiyimen's investment in Ziyang Saint Sect is the matchmaking between Xiao family and provides an opportunity.

   Taiyimen went to the Daheng Cultivation Realm to quell the evil disaster, and the Xiao family even gave all kinds of help.

   If there is no help from the Xiao family, can Taiyimen get funding from the Ziyang Saint Sect?

   If the Xiao family does not send Zhenjun Nanzhu and others, will Taiyimen have enough power?

   For this, the Taiyimen should not be grateful, thank the Xiao family well?

   In order to quell the evil disaster, the Xiao family also sacrificed a great deal, and even the family's direct descendant Xiao Qiao paid the loss, not to mention the loss of Xiao Qiao's monks.

   For this, shouldn't Taiyimen compensate the Xiao family?

   Da Heng Cultivation Realm is such a big piece of fat, can it be eaten only by a mere Taiyi gate?

   Even if it was eaten, it would be bad or bad for Taiyi Sect.

   The Xiao family's attempt to acquire Daheng Cultivation Realm is actually helping Taiyimen to share the pressure.

   The seniors of the Xiao family never felt that they were taking the Taiyi Sect by tricks. On the contrary, they thought that Meng Zhang should obey the orders obediently and hand over all the gains.

  Meng Zhang didn't agree to Xiao Liang's request, making Xiao Liang hate in his heart.

   He had already begun to think about how to deal with Taiyi Sect and let Meng Zhang know how powerful it was.

   After Meng Zhang left the Ziyang Shengzong residence, he went directly to visit Granny Qiansi.

   After the two met, Meng Zhang went straight to the topic and told Xiao Liang's unreasonable request.

   In the past, mother-in-law Qiansi tried to avoid topics related to the Holy Land Sect.

   The matter between Meng Zhang and Ziyang Shengzong, she would only gently mention a few words at most, and would never get involved.

   Since she revealed the news of the imminent change in Junchen Realm, Granny Qiansi no longer concealed her attitude towards the Sect of Holy Land.

   Regarding the topic related to Ziyang Shengzong, she will not deliberately avoid it.

   Now if Meng Zhang and Ziyang Shengzong clashed, she would definitely not intervene directly.

   But if she just gave Meng Zhang some pointers and secretly provided some support, she would still be generous.

  According to the analysis of Qiansi's mother-in-law, the Ziyang Saint Zong is currently in a disadvantaged position and will not ask for trouble, and will directly attack the Taiyi Sect.

   However, with the consistent virtues of these sacred sects, the beating and suppression of subordinates' cultivation forces has always been indispensable.

   The request that Xiao Liang made to Meng Zhang was mostly his personal idea, and at most it was the participation of the Xiao family.

   Ziyang Shengzong’s eyelids are not so Even if you want to conquer the realm of Daheng Cultivation Realm, the appearance will not be so ugly.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law analysis and Meng Zhang's own speculation basically coincide.

   As long as the Ziyang Saint Sect is not directly attacking the Taiyi Sect, there is still a lot of room for maneuver in the middle.

   The Xiao family is in the middle, and things are indeed a bit difficult.

   To be honest, if it weren't for the Xiao family's ugly appearance and outrageous appetite, Meng Zhang would not refuse the Xiao family's participation in the division of the Da Heng cultivation world.

   The Xiao family is fully capable of taking a share in the realm of Daheng cultivation.

   But the Xiao family assumed that they wanted to eat alone, and Meng Zhang couldn't agree to it.

   Taiyimen has worked so hard for so many years and sacrificed so much. Is it because it is not enough to make wedding dresses for the Xiao family?

   Xiao Liang spoke in the name of Ziyang Shengzong, and Meng Zhang really couldn't directly object to it.

   Taiyi Gate is a subordinate of Ziyang Shengzong and cannot openly oppose Ziyang Shengzong.

   How to sever the greedy giant hand of the Xiao family without letting the conflict involve the Ziyang Saint Sect, then Meng Zhang needs to think carefully.

  Meng Zhang's first idea was to try to try to talk to the Xiao family again.

   The bottom line of Meng Zhang is very clear. You can allocate a portion of the benefits to the Xiao family, but the Xiao family is definitely not allowed to eat more, let alone allow the Xiao family to monopolize all the benefits.

   Although neither the silver pot old man nor Qiansi's mother-in-law would directly intervene in the affairs between Taiyimen and Ziyang Shengzong, Meng Zhang is the best at doing things like pulling a big banner and making tiger skins.

   When necessary, move out of the two banners of reviving the emptiness, there is always no fear in the Xiao family.

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