The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1487: Negotiation

   Meng Zhang told her mother-in-law Qiansi.

  厽厼. Mother-in-law Qiansi has no objection to Meng Zhang's borrowing of her name.

   Based on her understanding of Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang is not the kind of person who doesn't know the importance.

  Ten thousand steps back and said, even if Meng Zhang caused a big trouble under the banner of Mother-in-law, Mother-in-law could completely deny her afterwards.

   After Meng Zhang left her mother-in-law Qiansi, he began to consider how to negotiate with Xiao Liang.

   It is not easy for him to come forward directly. In his capacity, if the two sides break down, it will be difficult for him to turn around.

  The best thing is to be able to find a middleman.

   This middleman should have some weight, so Xiao Liang had to pay attention to it.

   Among the people Meng Zhang knew, it was really difficult to find such a person.

   Meng Zhang thought for a while, then left Tiangong and returned to Zhiyuan City.

   He and King Gray Peng have always kept in touch.

   He contacted King Grey Peng and hoped to meet him.

   When King Grey Peng appeared in front of Meng Zhang, Meng Zhang was almost shocked.

   The king of gray peng, who has always been mighty and powerful, actually looked very haggard.

   Gray Peng Wang and Meng Zhang have a good friendship, and they have had the experience of fighting side by side.

   Meng Zhang couldn't help but asked a few questions with concern.

   Gray Peng Wang smiled bitterly, instead of answering Meng Zhang’s question directly, he changed the topic.

  Meng Zhang saw that he was reluctant to say more, so he didn't force it.

  Meng Zhang knew the character of King Gray Peng, did not go around in circles, and went straight to the topic, asking him for help, hoping that he would help negotiate with Xiao Liang.

   The King Gray Peng told Meng Zhang that as the undercover agent of the Purple Sun Saint Sect in the Black Jade Forest, if there is no major incident, he would generally not contact the Purple Sun Saint Sect.

   And his faction does not overlap with the Xiao family, Xiao Liang may not buy him.

   King Gray Peng himself is not good to come forward directly, but he pointed a clear way to Meng Zhang.

   After bidding farewell to King Grey Peng, Meng Zhang once again went to the Heavenly Palace to visit a senior named True Monarch Ding Yang.

   Zhenjun Dingyang is the head of Liuyang Pavilion.

   Since resigning from the head of Liuyang Pavilion, he has spent most of his time in the palace.

Among the many vassal sects of Ziyang Shengzong, Liuyang Pavilion has the closest relationship with Ziyang Shengzong, and can almost be regarded as the outer door of Ziyang Shengzong.

   The founder of Liuyang Pavilion was originally a monk of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

  The outstanding monks of Liuyang Pavilion will go to Ziyang Saint Sect to practice regularly and accept the guidance of the seniors of Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Liuyang Pavilion's high-level is on the side of Ziyang Shengzong, and it is also highly valued by him.

   True Monarch Dingyang has a wide range of contacts within the Ziyang Saint Sect, and he is very famous.

   Many times, the senior officials of Ziyang Shengzong will buy his face.

   Many cultivators in the realm of comprehension who want to cling to the Ziyang Saint Sect, but have no way to enter, will connect with the Ziyang Saint Sect through the relationship of Dingyang Zhenjun.

   Before going to the Black Jade Forest undercover, King Grey Peng had a good friendship with True Monarch Ding Yang.

   In the residence of Liuyang Pavilion in Tiangong, Meng Zhang successfully met Zhenjun Dingyang.

   Meng Zhang gave a generous gift and moved out of the relationship with King Grey Peng. He was quickly accepted by True Monarch Ding Yang.

   Actually, as the head of Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang, like Zhenjun Ding Yang, is also a great monk in the late Yuanshen. In the eyes of True Monarch Ding Yang, he has the value of making friends.

   After Meng Zhang talked with Zhenjun Ding Yang for a while, they came to the topic, hoping that Zhenjun Ding Yang would act as an intermediary to help Taiyimen negotiate with Xiao Liang.

   True Monarch Ding Yang, who has a lot of friends, does not do similar things less often.

   Make peace with people and come out to be fair. For him, it's just commonplace.

   True Monarch Ding Yang happily agreed to Meng Zhang's request.

   After the two had a good talk, Zhenjun Ding Yang went directly to visit Xiao Liang without any delay.

   As the principal of the Ziyang Saint Sect in the Tiangong resident, Xiao Liang stayed in the Tiangong most of the time.

   Ding Yang met Xiao Liang smoothly and negotiated with him on behalf of Meng Zhang.

   Ding Yang's own cultivation base, the power of Liuyang Pavilion, was nothing in Xiao Liang's eyes.

   However, Ding Yang's personal connections at the top of the Ziyang Saint Sect were a bit envious of even Xiao Liang.

  As a cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect, Xiao Liang knew that Ding Yang had a certain face in front of the Void Returning Power in the door.

   Even though he was very dissatisfied with Meng Zhang, Xiao Liang welcomed Ding Yang politely, and talked with him patiently.

   Xiao Liang’s bid is too far from Meng Zhang’s bottom line.

   Xiao Liang almost took away the fattest spoils, which is tantamount to letting Taiyimen do nothing for nothing. How could Meng Zhang agree.

   Even if Ding Yang made peace through it, the two sides still couldn't agree.

   The relationship between Meng Zhang and Qiansi's mother-in-law also couldn't make Xiao Liang give in.

   Xiao Liang's aggressive and pretentious look of Meng Zhang, even the middleman Ding Yang couldn't get past it.

   Meng Zhang is willing to make concessions and pay benefits, but he does not want to be arbitrarily manipulated, and even less willing to be bullied by Xiao Liang.

  In the end, the negotiations between the two sides were completely broken.

   True Monarch Ding Yang, as the middleman, did not achieve much, but he was almost in vain. But Meng Zhang didn't let him run in vain, and made up a generous gift afterwards.

   Seeing that Meng Zhang is so sensible and has the face of King Grey Peng, Zhenjun Ding Yang decided to buy him a favor.

   True Monarch Dingyang has been in and out of Ziyang Saint Sect for many years, and can almost be regarded as an insider of Ziyang Saint Sect.

   A lot of inside information about Shengzong Ziyang, including some of the Xiao family, he knows well.

   Xiao Lianghu pretended to be a tiger, using the name of the Ziyang Saint Sect to threaten Meng Zhang, and the act of squeezing benefits could not be hidden from his eyes.

   He saw through Xiao Liang's details at a glance and knew his plan.

   Originally, Zhenjun Ding Yang was unwilling to be, but finally revealed some important information to Meng Zhang.

   Although he didn't say it clearly, he clicked on Meng Zhang's sentence.

  Meng Zhang and mother-in-law Qiansi had previously speculated that such persecution of Taiyi Sect was mostly not the original intention of the Ziyang Sect. 厺厽. Now Zhenjun Ding Yang's words can be regarded as a corroboration.

   Although the negotiation failed, Meng Zhang was not so disappointed in his heart.

   If this matter is not the will of the Ziyang Saint Sect, but the selfish thoughts of the Xiao family, then Meng Zhang still has room for maneuver.

   If you offend the Xiao family, you should offend it.

  Meng Zhang still doesn't believe it. With the current situation of the Ziyang Sacred Sect, the Xiao Family can still send a brigade of monks to attack Taiyimen.

   As for the next making things difficult for the Xiao family, there is also the possibility of deliberate accidents, causing trouble, etc., Meng Zhang will continue.

   After leaving Zhenjun Dingyang, Meng Zhang directly returned to the residence of Taiyimen in Tiangong.

   He confessed a few words to the resident monk and returned to Zhiyuan City.

   Meng Zhang temporarily set aside the affairs of the Xiao family and returned his attention to the Da Heng cultivation world.

   As more and more monsters are removed, the evil is about to die out.

   As Meng Zhang who is leading this matter, he can sense that he has gained a lot of merits from heaven.

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