The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1493: conversation

With the small world of ghosts as the foundation and final retreat, Tai Miao's activities in the underworld became more frequent.

After the Extreme Sword God was transformed into a wonderful slave god, the other three guardian gods will look forward to it.

The Supreme Sword God General, who had no way to go forward, and whose cultivation level was almost impossible to improve, not only had the cultivation base equivalent to the Yuanshen Stage at once, but also could continue to improve his cultivation base through cultivation in the future.

This was full of great temptation for the other three guardians of the law.

Although they hadn't exhausted their lifespan, they all faced the same problems as the Extreme Sword God General.

However, transforming from God requires a huge amount of materials. The power of the ether gate also needs to be collected slowly through various channels.

While waiting for the collection of materials, Tai Miao continued to wander in the underworld.

He not only conquered a lot of ghosts and expanded his subordinates on a large scale along the way, but also looked for various special resources.

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The deeper the degree of integration between the small world of ghosts and the underworld, the greater the changes in the rules of heaven and earth.

If you don't adjust the various formations inside, these formations will lose their effect sooner or later.

Especially the long-distance teleportation array, which is of great importance, is related to the transmission of personnel and materials, and there is no room for loss.

Wen Qiansuan spent most of his time in the small world of ghosts, dealing with problems in various formations.

In order to maintain the long-distance teleportation array, it is often necessary for Meng Zhang to use the Void Cauldron to lock the space himself.

Compared with the means of Dali Dynasty leading to Yindu City, Taiyimen was a trick. By building a long-distance teleportation array in the small world of ghosts, it achieved the means of connecting the underworld.

If it were not for the small world of ghosts as a transit, it would be more complicated to directly build a teleportation circle connected to the underworld.

The current strength of the ether gate, Wen Qiansuan's current formation skills, may not be able to build successfully.

Since it is tricky, there are naturally some sequelae.

In order to maintain the long-distance teleportation circle in the small world of ghosts, it takes a lot of energy to involve Wen Qiansuan.

When needed, Meng Zhang also used the Void Cauldron to help stabilize the space.

With more times, Meng Zhang has made great progress in formation attainments, and he has a very deep understanding of the rules of space.

After dealing with the problem of the small world of the ghost door, Meng Zhang finally found time to have a good talk with the senior Taiyimen, the ghost Shouzheng.

Meng Zhang specially found a secluded place among the hundred grass slopes of Taiyimen Mountain Gate, set up an altar, and began to summon Shouzheng in the underworld.

In the past, when Meng Zhang's cultivation was low and low, he always felt how tall this ritual was. He summoned to keep upright, and he did not get a response every time.

He is now a great monk in the late stage of the Yuanshen, and he is very knowledgeable in all aspects.

Not only has the inner mystery of these rituals been mastered for a long time, but there is no need to worry about the backlash caused by the rituals.

Even the head of the Taiyi Sect in its heyday was just such a cultivation base.

Shouzheng paid more and more attention to Meng Zhang's call.

Soon after Meng Zhang began to summon, the deity who kept upright came to him personally.

Shouzheng probably also guessed that Meng Zhang's solemn call to his family must have something big.

A tall old man in Taoist costume just floated above Meng Zhang's head and saluted Meng Zhang.

"Shouzheng has seen the head."

The act of keeping upright made Meng Zhang feel a little relieved. Since he still recognizes the head of his family, today's conversation should not turn out to be the worst.

Meng Zhang didn't go around in circles, he went straight to the topic.

He told Shouzheng that a ghost and **** named Tai Miao in the underworld took the initiative to take refuge in Taiyi Sect and made a great oath to be loyal to Taiyi Sect forever.

Over the years, Tai Miao has made great contributions to Taiyi Sect.

Tai Miao actively responded to Meng Zhang's call on many occasions and personally came to Yang Shi to help Taiyimen fight.

With the help of Taiyi, the Taiyi Gate has a special channel connecting the underworld.

Taimiao helped Taiyimen collect various resources in the underworld and sent them to the Yang world continuously.

Taiyimen gained huge benefits from it.


In addition to retaining the true origins of Tai Miao, Meng Zhang was almost like pouring beans from a bamboo tube, and most of the interactions between Tai Miao and Taiyi Sect were told.

When Meng Zhang was speaking, Shouzheng didn't say a word, just listened quietly.

Shouzheng's heart is not as calm as it seems on the surface.

Although Shouzheng didn't know the subtle details, but from some details, it can be seen that the opponent is definitely a powerful ghost and god, and his strength may not be lower than himself.

Meng Zhang's ability to subdue such a powerful ghost and **** is his fortune, and he is also infinite in Taiyimen.

Shouzheng, as the true monarch of the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, was entrusted with important tasks before the demise of the martial art.

Some of his secrets about Taiyimen are far more familiar than the younger generation of Meng Zhang.

Taiyimen, which had been in decline for a long time, had almost completely sunk, finally ushered in a recovery.

Shouzheng had a certain guess as to what this meant.

After Meng Zhang finished speaking, Shouzheng took the initiative to congratulate Meng Zhang and the Taiyi Sect for being able to surrender such ghosts and gods as Tai Miao.

Shouzheng expressed very generously that he is willing to share the worship of Taiyimen with Taimiao.

He also wants Meng Zhang to introduce Taimiao to him, and he will communicate with Taimiao.

If Tai Miao has anything to help in the underworld in the future, he only needs to say hello, and he will definitely help.

The upright attitude was so good, it was a bit beyond Meng Zhang's expectation.

He didn't show any dissatisfaction, but was very cooperative.

Of course, Meng Zhang would not reveal the subtle details just because Shouzheng said a few good things.

In Meng Zhang's view, Tai Miao still has many shortcomings in his background compared to the old predecessor Shouzheng.

If you let them come into contact at this time, it might be too wonderful to be taken advantage of by Shouzheng.

It is necessary to wait for Taimiao to become stronger and establish a solid foundation in the underworld before Meng Zhang will let him start contact with Shouzheng.

Meng Zhang seemed very pleased with his upright attitude.

He made a heart-wrenching look and told Shouzheng with a heart-to-heart.

After all, Shouzheng is an old predecessor of the Taiyi Sect. As for the hard work of the sect, Taiyi Sect will definitely not neglect him in the slightest because of the ghost and **** Tai Miao.

In the future, there will be no less sacrifices to Taiyimen.

For example, the ghost vows promoted by the Taiyimen within its rule will be fairly distributed, and Shouzheng and Taimiao will be used as guarantees for ghosts and gods.

Shouzheng, if there are any other needs, Taiyimen will definitely satisfy them.

As for the topic that Shouzheng wanted to make friends with Tai Miao, Meng Zhang took the initiative to turn aside.

According to Meng Zhang, Tai Miao is now collecting some special resources for the martial sect in the underworld, and is temporarily unable to withdraw.

When there is a chance in the future, we must introduce them to know each other.

Shouzheng was very sorry for not being able to get acquainted with Too Miao immediately, but he didn't say much.

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