The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1494: Read

Meng Zhang also casually mentioned about the treasure hidden in the underworld by the ancestors of the Taiyi Sect. With the wonderful help, he had already taken it out several years ago.

Hearing this, the original calm Shouzheng face changed slightly, but in the end he didn't say much, but congratulated Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang obtained the legacy left by the ancestors of the Taiyi Sect, and will surely be able to lead the Taiyi Sect to continue its rise in the future and return to its former glory.

It seemed that he didn't care much about it.

After Meng Zhang finished talking about the business, he chatted with Shouzheng for a long time before ending the summoning and sending Shouzheng back to the underworld.

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After finishing the conversation with Meng Zhang, Shouzheng returned directly to the underworld.

His figure appeared in a huge palace.

Shou was expressionless, but his mind was full of thoughts.

No matter what kind of chance Meng Zhang had, his subordinates had the ghost and **** called Tai Miao, and his reliance on keeping upright would definitely be greatly weakened in the future.

Shouzheng himself does not, nor does he bother to fight for favor.

But some of his calculations, some future arrangements, still need the power of Meng Zhang and the entire Taiyimen.

Shouzheng even if you don't strive for anything for yourself, you have to think about the people who have followed you for many years.

In the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, many Yuanshen True Monarchs lost their bodies for various reasons and had to be transformed into ghosts and gods.

Most of these ghosts and gods were robbed one after another after Taiyimen suffered annihilation, thus completely disappearing.

Only Shouzheng and a few lucky ones survived.

In addition, staying in the underworld for many years has also established a power and has many subordinates.

His subordinates have nothing to do with Taiyi Sect.

Even the few guys who came from the Taiyi sect, after becoming a ghost, their temperament changed drastically, and they no longer cared about the righteousness of the same sect.

They surrendered and kept upright because their ability to keep upright had nothing to do with the Taiyi sect from which they came from.

Regardless of whether Meng Zhang was intentional or unintentional, in fact, through his wonderful existence, he formed a certain restraint on Shouzheng.

This is the power tactics used by the upper ranks.

A qualified head will not rely entirely on one party.

Shouzheng has seen many similar precedents, but it happened to him, but he always felt a little unhappy.

According to Meng Zhang, Tai Miao helped Taiyimen to establish a channel to communicate with the underworld, which can continuously send the resources of the underworld to the Yang world.

What a huge benefit is contained in this, and the integrity is very clear.

At least from the current point of view, Tai Miao has shown greater value.

In the future, I am afraid that Taiyimen will invest more resources in Taimiao.

Thinking of this, Shouzheng fell into deep thought.

After sending off to Shouzheng, Meng Zhang was also relieved.

From his heart, he also didn't want this senior in the door to feel that the younger generation crossed the river and demolished the bridge, even less willing to fall out with the other party.

The underworld is vast and boundless, and has more opportunities than Junchen Realm.

Relying on great strength alone is not enough to gain a great advantage in the underworld.

Shouzheng and Taimiao should complement each other and help Taiyimen to expand in the underworld.

A long time ago, Meng Zhang found that Shou was on some things, had his own selfish thoughts, and didn't care much about him as the head.

With great checks and balances, I hope Shouzheng can be honest.

As for what will happen after Shouzheng Day, Meng Zhang still doesn't know.

After dealing with this matter, Meng Zhang still focused on his own practice.

For more than a decade after this, the surrounding situation was relatively calm.

Although the evil disaster of Daheng Cultivation Realm has almost subsided, many subsequent tasks still require Taiyimen to keep investing.

On the Jiuqu province side, except for the big merchants such as the Datong Business League, which hold a group for warmth, the entire province is completely under the control of Taiyimen.

There is not much distraction, and Meng Zhang can concentrate on his practice.

He occasionally left the retreat place several times, either to the heavenly palace or to the small world of ghosts.

Since the last negotiation failed, Meng Zhang did not go to see Xiao Liang again.

Xiao Liang probably also knew that ordinary methods could not help Meng Zhang.

Before he was sure enough, he didn't continue to shoot.

Continual failure will only compromise his prestige, making Ziyang Saint Sect high-level officials look down on him.

In the realm of cultivation, in fact, there has always been a relatively large demand for various resources from the underworld.

However, the yin and yang are separated and the communication between the two places is difficult, resulting in the fact that the materials of the underworld are rare on the market and the price is very high.

Taiyimen began to sell a large amount of materials from the underworld, which undoubtedly proved that Taiyimen had a channel to connect with the underworld.

Although this makes people jealous, but around the Taiyi Sect, there is no other cultivation force that can threaten the Taiyi Sect for the time being.

Because it was able to provide a large amount of materials from the underworld, Taiyimen opened up many new commercial channels in Tiangong and gained a lot of benefits.

It's also a coincidence that an old friend of mother-in-law Qiansi just needs some special resources from the underworld.

After learning the news from the mother-in-law Qiansi, Meng Zhang asked Taimiao to collect it in the underworld.

Tai Miao took the Great Sword God General and a bunch of ghosts for a long time in the underworld.

Probably the reason for the high luck and the imminent fortune, it actually made Tai Miao successfully collected these resources.

With Qiansi's mother-in-law as an intermediary, his old friend was still very generous and gave Meng Zhang a bottle of forging **** jade liquid in exchange.

Meng Zhang refined this bottle of forging **** jade liquid, saving a lot of time again.

The effect that originally took decades to achieve, he only achieved more than ten years.

Soon after, Meng Zhang felt that his primordial spirit had grown to the limit, and he couldn't grow anymore.

His cultivation in the later stage of the Yuanshen has completely completed and reached the culmination.

If his cultivation base wants to continue to improve, he must find a way to survive the thunder tribulation and enter the Yang Shen stage.

Among the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, Meng Zhang took out the Taiyimen's inheritance book and read the text part of the secret method of crossing the tribulation with a bit of anxiety.

Probably the cultivation base has arrived, crossing the invisible threshold.

This time Meng Zhang read the Secret of Crossing Tribulation very smoothly, and quickly read the text.

The text part of the secret method of crossing the robbery is not long, and the content does not seem to be much.

But Meng Zhang read almost word by word, and after reading it, he read it repeatedly and tried to figure it out.

With his comprehension, he quickly mastered this secret method of crossing the robbery.

Meng Zhang hadn't seen any other secret methods of crossing the robbery, and couldn't compare them.

Judging from the introduction of this book, this is a very clever secret method of crossing triumphs.

After he mastered it, he also felt this way. He felt that the secret method was extremely mysterious and profound.

After mastering the secret method of crossing the tribulation, logically speaking, Meng Zhang should start to prepare, ready to start crossing the tribulation.

But don't know why, he suddenly hesitated in his heart.

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