The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1604: Origin of Sendo

Having not seen each other for many years, the two have a lot to say.

When the mother-in-law Qiansi left, she said she was going to the Middle-earth Continent to investigate the situation in the realm of cultivation there.

In its heyday, Taiyimen perished by Guantian Pavilion. Taiyimen is now re-emerging. I don’t know how Guantian Pavilion will react. This has always been Meng Zhang’s heart disease.

Meng Zhang has been unable to free his hands and has no reliable channels to investigate the attitude of Guantian Pavilion.

After the mother-in-law Qiansi knew about this, she agreed to Meng Zhang. When she went to the Middle-earth Continent, she would help Meng Zhang to investigate Guantian Pavilion's attitude towards Taiyimen.

I don’t know if the mother-in-law Qiansi has been away for so many years, has she completed this matter?

Of course, since we haven't seen each other for a long time, Meng Zhang is not good to ask this question directly.

Mother-in-law Qiansi left Tiangong for so many years this time, she did not waste her time in vain, but did a major event.

She and Meng Zhang exchanged greetings for a while before slowly getting into the subject.

Mother-in-law Qiansi asked Meng Zhang if he still remembered the news that Jun Chen world would usher in a big change that she had mentioned at the beginning.

Meng Zhang kept this matter in his heart and never forgot it.

His experience over the years also seemed to faintly confirm this matter.

Seeing that Meng Zhang hadn't forgotten this matter, Granny Qiansi nodded in satisfaction.

By the way, Meng Zhang asked what kind of big change it was that would affect the entire Junchen Realm, and even the major sacred sects would be implicated in it.

Mother Qiansi smiled mysteriously on her face, and did not directly answer Meng Zhang's question, but instead asked whether Meng Zhang knew the origin of Junchen Realm Immortal Dao and the original origin of this world cultivation realm.

Regarding the question raised by Qiansi, not only have various legends been circulating in the cultivation world, Meng Zhang has also read relevant content from various classics.

Nearly 10,000 years ago, a fairy came from outside the sky and descended on Junchen Realm.

These immortals defeated and killed the gods that originally ruled Junchen Realm, and subverted the ruling order here.

Then the immortals migrated from the outside world to a large number of human races, helping the human race to thrive and grow in the Junchen realm.

The immortals preached in the human race, not only left their own traditions, but also taught and cultivated countless cultivators.

The cultivators with immortals as their backing defeated the natives of Junchen Realm, including the gods, the sea tribe, and so on.

During this process, the immortals also led the cultivators, fighting endlessly with invaders from other worlds.

In the end, the invaders from other worlds were defeated, the natives of Junchen Realm were wiped out, and the human cultivators became the new rulers of Junchen Realm.

After that, the immortals slowly disappeared without a trace, and the heavenly palace led the sacred sects to rule the entire Junchen world.

After listening to Meng Zhang's words, Granny Qiansi nodded.

She told Meng Zhang that what he said was not bad, but many details were too rough.

Next, the mother-in-law Qiansi gave a detailed account of Meng Zhang and added many details.

First of all, Meng Zhang only talked about the immortals coming to Junchen Realm, but didn't know the origin of these immortals.

In fact, these immortals all came from a world called Lingkong Immortal Realm.

It is said that Lingkong Immortal Realm is an extremely powerful and rich world with countless immortals.

For thousands of years, Lingkong Immortal Realm has been sending immortals to all corners of the void to open up immortal paths in various worlds and spread cultivation civilization.

In this regard, the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm is the source of the immortal Dao of Junchen Realm and the original source of the cultivation realm here.

The immortals established a brand-new ruling order in Junchen Realm, and in order to maintain this order, they left their own inheritance.

Although the immortals preach extensively, the true core inheritance will only be left to selected heirs.

The major sacred sects in Junchen Realm today are the direct lineages left by these immortals.

For example, the ancestors of Shengzong Ziyang is the famous Ziyang Zhenxian.

The ancestor of the Jiuxuan Pavilion is a domineering and domineering Jiuxuan true immortal.


When Meng Zhang heard this, his heart moved.

It is sad that these sacred sects have been able to rule Junchen Realm for so many years, and their status has never been shaken.

In addition to the strength of these sacred sects themselves, it also lies in the protection of people from their ancestors.

In the realm of comprehension, in addition to fighting for strength, it is also necessary to fight for ancestors.

In its heyday, Taiyimen was nothing but a Yuanshen sect. Guantian Pavilion was destroyed when it was destroyed. It was no difficulty.

Mother-in-law Qiansi didn't know what Meng Zhang was thinking, and she continued to tell Meng Zhang the origins of these sacred sects.

The sects of the great sacred land in Junchen Realm are basically the inheritance of true immortals, but there are two exceptions.

One is located at the top of all the sacred sects, and nominally rules the Junchen Realm.

After the immortals sent to open up immortal paths in various worlds and establish a ruling order, the spiritual sky immortal world will send people over to establish the organization of the heavenly palace.

The organization of Tiangong is to rule all the worlds on behalf of the spiritual world, to prevent the immortals from starting a new stove and seizing one side.

After all, in the process of conquering various worlds, the spirits of the immortal realm have also made great efforts.

Since he is an immortal from the spiritual world, he must be loyal to the spiritual world forever, and he is not allowed to have different intentions.

Of course, Tiangong's rule over Junchen Realm is often nominal.

There are not many territories directly under the jurisdiction of Tiangong, and the main part of Junchen Realm is directly ruled by the sects of the great sacred land.

It's just that all the sacred sects in the Holy Land must obey the rule of the Tiangong in name.

The existence of Tiangong is also a good thing for Jun Chen Realm.

Tiangong organized the various sacred sects to establish a defense system like Nine Heavens to defend against intruders from other worlds.

Tiangong coordinated the relationship between the sects of the sacred places, and when faced with the challenges of foreign races, let the cultivators of the race unanimously go abroad.


Simply put, the Heavenly Palace represents the forces of the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, surpassing the sects of the major sacred places, and has a very special status.

Another exception sect is Guantian Pavilion.

The inheritance of Guantian Pavilion comes from the spiritual world.

It is said that in the spiritual world, there is a larger Guantian Pavilion, and it has a great influence.

In addition, in the major worlds under Lingkong Immortal Realm, there is basically a Guantian Pavilion.

Generally speaking, the fairies conquered a whole new world and established their rule. First, the Lingkong Xianjie sent people to build the Tiangong, and then the people from the Lingkong Xianjie Guantian Pavilion came to build a brand-new Guantian Pavilion in this world.

Guantian Pavilion is based on the principle of observing the sky and the deed of reigning in the sky. It claims to be the spokesperson of the heavenly way. Its style of behavior has always been maverick and its own way, which is incompatible with other sacred sects.

In many cases, Guantian Pavilion will be rejected by other sacred sects.

Of course, because of Guantian Pavilion's profound background and strong strength, other sacred sects will not easily oppose it.

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