The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1605: Celestial controversy

When Meng Zhang heard that the mother-in-law Qiansi mentioned the origin of Guantian Pavilion, the background of Guantian Pavilion was such a big one, and the power was so terrifying, his heart was cold.

Not to mention revenge for the Taiyimen of the past, just to guard against Guantian Pavilion is a very difficult task.

The current Ziyang Saint Sect was restrained by the Dali Dynasty for most of its power, but with a little random means, it was able to make Taiyimen breathless.

If a sacred sect like Guantian Pavilion really wants to wipe out the roots and exterminate the inheritance of the Taiyi sect, what should it do?

In the past, Taiyi Gate was insignificant, and it was still located in the north of Junchen Realm.

The various sacred sects are very guarded against each other. The Ziyang Sacred Sect absolutely does not allow other sacred sects to have trouble on their own territory.

But now, the Taiyi Sect has become stronger, and it has also been jealous of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The Ziyang Saint Sect, who has been entangled with the Dali Dynasty, may not shut out other holy land sects for the sake of face and dignity.

When the mother-in-law Qiansi described the origin of these sacred sects, she listed the Guantian Pavilion separately.

She knew the grudge between Guantian Pavilion and Taiyimen. Before she left for the Middle-Earth Continent this time, she also promised Meng Zhang that she would help investigate the information of the Guantian Pavilion.

She saw Meng Zhang's face change, guessed his thoughts, and comforted him.

For one thing, although Guantian Pavilion is a so-called orthodox sect, its behavior has always been weird and cannot be judged by common sense.

Guantian Pavilion wiped out the Taiyi Gate in its heyday, and did not hunt down the remnants at that time. After many years, it is unlikely that Taiyimen will be used again.

Secondly, a big change in Jun Chen world is imminent, Guan Tian Pavilion itself is troubled, and there is no longer the mind to spend energy on a mere Taiyi door.

Mother-in-law Qiansi's words calmed Meng Zhang's heart a bit.

Mother-in-law Qiansi mentioned once again that the great changes in Junchen Realm were about to take place, and Meng Zhang was very curious about what kind of great changes would happen in Junchen Realm, spreading throughout the world, so that the sects of the Great Sacred Lands could not get away.

Upon hearing Meng Zhang's question, mother-in-law Qiansi gave a mysterious smile.

Even though she knew that this was a special secret room, and cut off all prying eyes from the outside, she still looked around carefully before continuing to speak.

Those immortals in the Junchen Realm opened up the Immortal Dao, and after leaving the Dao lineage, they disappeared together.

In the near future, these immortals will appear again.

But this time, they are no longer partners who work together to conquer Junchen Realm, but are enemies who will start a life-and-death battle.

Mother-in-law Qiansi didn't know exactly what the immortals were fighting for, but only knew that what they were fighting for was the chance of enlightenment.

The immortal is not the end of cultivation. Above the immortal, there is still a long way to go.

These immortals are true immortals, and above the true immortals, there are also celestial immortals.

Although the immortal has a long life, it is not easy to break through the realm.

Many immortals were only true immortals until they fell, and they were still unable to break through to the heavenly immortals.

According to the news obtained by Qiansi's mother-in-law, what these immortals are fighting for is the opportunity to become an immortal.

The great battle is endless, and there is no favor to talk about.

Even the closest comrades-in-arms, even the same sect or even blood relatives, in the face of enlightenment opportunities, the six relatives will deny it and prevent me from killing those who become enlightened.

Since these immortals are going to fight for the great road, the sacred land sect, which is their direct descendant, naturally can't stay out of the matter.

Maybe, when the immortals fight, the sects of the holy land will also have fierce melee.

Although Tiangong and Guantian Pavilion are not directly related to these immortals, they cannot avoid this dispute involving the entire Junchen Realm.

Especially Guantian Pavilion, for unknown reasons, was actually hostile by many holy land sects, and almost became the public enemy of holy land sects.

If it weren't for these sacred sects to guard against each other and be hostile to each other, I'm afraid they would have united to attack Guantian Pavilion long ago.

Meng Zhangcai was finally relieved when she heard what Qiansi's mother-in-law said, and there was no need to worry about the threat from Guantian Pavilion.

Meng Zhang was dazzled and refreshed by the immortal battle mentioned by the mother-in-law Qiansi and the upcoming battle of the sect of the holy land.

Thinking of such a vast scene, Meng Zhang was very excited.

Of course, besides being extremely excited, Meng Zhang also had a deep vigilance in his heart.

A battle of this level and scale would definitely affect the entire Junchen Realm, and maybe it would break Junchen Realm into a piece of white ground.

The sky is falling apart and the mountains and rivers are flowing backwards, this is an inevitable scene.

In the realm of comprehension, the great impact that those high-level comprehensions have on the surrounding environment is often called the disaster of heaven.

When cultivators at the Yang Shen stage like Meng Zhang fight against the enemy, they will consciously control the attack range, reduce the power of their shots, and prevent them from leaking out.

It is not impossible for the immortals to make a big fight regardless of the fact that the earth sinks, the ocean evaporates, and the Junchen Realm is broken into several pieces.

If Junchen Realm encounters the disaster of extinction during the war, those Sacred Land Sects do not know whether they have the ability to protect themselves, at least Meng Zhang knows that Taiyi Sect does not have much ability to resist such disasters.

Taiyimen's vast territory, ruled tens of millions of people, numerous vassal forces, and a large number of disciples. How should they protect themselves?

Thinking of this problem, Meng Zhang's mood immediately fell.

In front of Qiansi's mother-in-law, Meng Zhang didn't conceal anything, but directly expressed his thoughts.

After listening to Meng Zhang's words, the mother-in-law Qiansi was also silent for a while.

Then, she said that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the situation in Junchen Realm may not be so bad.

With the improvement of Meng Zhang's cultivation level, he was able to give greater protection to the disciples.

Apart from other things, even if the Jun Chen Realm is completely destroyed, even if the Jun Chen Realm is completely destroyed, it can still survive in the void outside the domain. It can even shelter some disciples and the like.

Meng Zhang suddenly remembered that the last time he was in the void, when he was ordered to meet the Buddhist monks, he had seen three huge pagodas.

Buddhist monks relied on such a pagoda to migrate in the void.

In Junchen Realm, some sects have the ability to build void warships.

Void warships can carry a large number of people and carry out long-term voyages in the void.

If Taiyimen had enough void battleships, even if Junchen Realm was destroyed, they would be able to take all the disciple disciples with them to take refuge in other worlds.

After staying in the palace for a long time, Meng Zhang's vision and knowledge have also improved a lot.

There are many worlds in the void.

Although there are not many big worlds like Jun Chenjie, there are still a lot of ordinary worlds, especially small worlds.

Of course, even if there are many worlds in the void, it is not easy to find a world suitable for human existence.

But this is at least a retreat, which can be used when Jun Chen Realm can't stand it.

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