The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1606: Chance

In the entire Junchen Realm, there are not many void warships.

Although Meng Zhang had seen it several times, he had not had the opportunity to examine it in depth.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, in Junchen Realm, it seems that there are only those sacred sects that can own the void battleship.

The secret of the construction of the void battleship, the sacred sect of the Holy Land is naturally never passed on.

In Junchen Realm, no matter how much it costs, it is impossible to purchase a void warship.

Some, like the Great Li Dynasty, are powerful enough to counter the great forces of the Holy Land Zongmen, and have some special flying boats that are far inferior to the void warships, but can navigate briefly in the void.

These flying boats cannot be compared with the void warships in any aspect.

The abilities of Aether Yimen and Meng Zhang are definitely unable to obtain void battleships from those sacred sects.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang asked Granny Qiansi about the void battleship.

The mother-in-law Qiansi told Meng Zhang clearly that those sacred sects would never allow the void warships to flow out.

In the heavenly palace, the only batch of void warships is directly in the hands of the heavenly palace senior officials.

Not to mention a person like the Silver Kettle Old Man, even the Heavenly Thunder Supreme, can hardly be transferred directly.

After listening to Mother Qiansi's words, Meng Zhang fell into silence.

It seems that it is impossible to obtain the void battleship from those sacred sects through normal means.

The only way is to try to get in touch with Dali Dynasty.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, the Dali Dynasty, which has extremely strong construction capabilities, has been tirelessly developing various war tools for many years.

Top war tools such as the Void Battleship have long been on the catalog of the development of the Dali Dynasty.

I just don't know how the development progress of Dali Dynasty is?

Although Dali Dynasty had never produced a finished product of a void warship, a flying boat that could travel in the void could still be manufactured.

In addition, the mustard space owned by Meng Zhang himself can also accommodate some living creatures when needed.

Meng Zhang asked the mother-in-law Qiansi again, when the immortals started to fight, and when the great sacred sects began to fight?

Mother-in-law Qiansi didn't give a clear time, only that the distance is not far away.

As short as hundreds of years, as long as hundreds of years, it is possible.

In terms of Meng Zhang's Shouyuan at this time, this time is really not very long.

However, such a small amount of time, if used properly, is enough for Meng Zhang and Taiyimen to make all kinds of preparations.

Mother-in-law Qiansi also reminded Meng Zhang.

He had better keep the news that Jun Chen world was about to change drastically as much as possible and not let it out easily.

So far, this news has only circulated secretly among a small number of high-ranking monks.

Of course, a big change in Jun Chen world is imminent, and some signs have slowly begun to show up.

If it is a keen-eyed and well-informed person, they should also be able to detect some signs.

Apart from other things, although those sacred sects have been in dispute for many years, they still have a tacit agreement in some general directions.

The various sacred sects have been working together to maintain the original ruling order of Junchen Realm, and jointly suppress the destroyers of order.

But now, the various sects of the holy land have vaguely shown hostility towards each other, and are no longer willing to abide by the previous tacit understanding.

In the void outside the Junchen Realm, it has become increasingly difficult for Tiangong to organize the Void Returning Power of the sacred sects of the Great Sacred Lands to fight together against invaders from other worlds.

For many years, Tiangong has been the main force against invaders outside the territory, and the support of the sects of the sacred places is also indispensable.

If the sacred sects of the great sacred land open up internal fighting, then relying solely on the power of the heavenly palace, it is really difficult to stand alone, and it is difficult to resist the powerful extraterritorial invaders.

Naturally, Tiangong had noticed this situation a long time ago.

Many years ago, in addition to vigorously cultivating direct monks, Tiangong also increased the support for monks outside the sacred sect.

In recent years, the strong in Junchen Realm's casual cultivation have emerged in large numbers, and even a lot of powers of returning to the void have appeared, all of which benefited from this.

Of course, if the sacred sects of the great sacred land really fall into internal fighting and no longer help the heavens to resist invaders from outside the territory, these forces alone will not be able to resist the invaders outside the territory.

Mother-in-law Qiansi and Meng Zhang talked about this situation, but they both felt that they could not touch this kind of major event that was related to the entire Junchen Realm.

It's not that they are too selfish, and it's not about holding themselves up high, but that with their strength, in the battle of different big worlds, it is too insignificant.

Even if they are willing to help, it won't do much.

Meng Zhang couldn't help asking one more question. As the supreme institution that represents the Spirit Kong Immortal Realm to rule the Junchen Realm, could the Heavenly Palace not stop the upcoming major changes in the Junchen Realm?

Mother-in-law Qiansi sighed, blocking the hatred of enlightenment is the greatest hatred among cultivators, and it is a deep hatred that never ends.

Even the Heavenly Palace could not stop the dispute between the immortals on the great road more unintentionally.

The only thing Tiangong can do is to try to maintain the situation when the war breaks out and try to keep Jun Chen world.

If things can't be done, Tiangong has to give up everything and just ask for self-protection.

With the strength of the Heavenly Palace, even if Jun Chen Realm is truly destroyed, there are still ways to get out.

Even the Heavenly Palace, which represents the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, can't stop the upcoming major changes, and Taiyi Sect really has to rely on itself.

Seeing that Meng Zhang's mood was a little depressed, mother-in-law Qiansi told him good news.

This great change in Jun Chen Realm is not all bad, but there will be a lot of opportunities.

The greatest advantage, the greatest opportunity is the opportunity to become a fairy. That is what the immortals are fighting for, and other people are powerless and unable to intervene.

In addition, there are some inferior opportunities.

These opportunities are of great benefit to the cultivators, especially those in the rebirth period, and this is the goal of the cultivators from all walks of life.

After obtaining these benefits, the cultivator in the rebirth period has a great possibility of breaking into the fairyland and becoming a true fairy.

Those who cultivate in the rebirth period are also called There is only one word difference between Xuxian and Zhenxian, but they are worlds apart.

Above the immortal, and below the immortal, there are two completely different life forms, and they can even be regarded as two completely different creatures.

If Xuxian wants to become a true immortal, it is really hard to reach the sky.

The immortals opened up the path of immortality in Junchen Realm, and it has been nearly 10,000 years since the preaching.

But in the entire Junchen Realm, I don't know how many amazing cultivators, including the descendants of the various sacred sects, but none of them can become true immortals.

The biggest pursuit of the virtual immortals is to become real immortals.

After years of hard cultivation, it has been unable to break through, and the opportunity to help become immortal suddenly appears, and all the virtual immortals in the entire Junchen world will definitely be crazy about it.

Especially those who are at the top of the Void Rebirth cultivator and are called the Supreme Beings, I am afraid that in order to seize the opportunity to become an immortal, at all costs.

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