The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1614: Ask for

Not far from Meng Zhanghe's eyes, there is an endless deep forest.

The forest of the underworld is completely different from the Yang world. It is full of yin and there is no vitality in it.

The whole forest is not green, but black, mixed with pale dead gray.

The dead trees swayed weakly with the gloomy wind.

Meng Zhanghe did not hide his figure, and went straight to the front of the forest.

The group of guys headed by Deadwood, as well as the army of ghosts under them, stay in the forest in front of them on weekdays.

Deadwood is a grumpy guy, so he can't be provoked.

He regards this forest as his own forbidding, and no outsiders are allowed to approach it.

Before that, Tai Miao only sneaked into the forest to investigate. After being discovered by Dead Wood, she immediately became a deadly enemy of Dead Wood.

Before Tai Miao was alone and lonely, he couldn't help the guys. At this moment, with Meng Zhang's help, he was full of confidence.

Standing behind Tai Miao, Meng Zhang felt the unique yin of the underworld constantly attacking his body.

The true essence in Meng Zhang's body spontaneously circulates, dissolving all these yin qi.

For the creatures from the Yang world, the real scary thing in the underworld is not Yin Qi, but the breath of death mixed in Yin Qi.

This unique breath of death comes from the special rules of heaven and earth in the underworld.

The living beings in the yang have stayed in the underworld for a long time, no matter how high the cultivation base is, their lifespan will be greatly depleted.

Tai Miao has a profound knowledge on the Avenue of Life and Death.

Meng Zhang and his external incarnation have almost the same sentiment.

Although Meng Zhang didn't pay much attention to the avenue of life and death on weekdays, he could still use the power of the avenue of life and death skillfully because of the wonderful relationship.

The avenue of life and death is among the many avenues, very few of which help to resolve the special breath of death from the underworld.

As the power of the Great Path of Life and Death moves silently, although the special breath of death in the underworld has not been completely resolved, its influence on Meng Zhang has been greatly weakened.

Compared with other monks, Meng Zhang can stay in the underworld for longer and lose less lifespan.

Before Tai Miao came to the forest, she hadn't made a sound, just let out her breath unscrupulously.

Dead Wood had previously unceremoniously rejected Tai Miao's request in exchange for Thick Yin Wood.

He had discovered that Taimiao had sneaked in, so he was very wary of Taimiao.

Deadwood ordered all his subordinates to strengthen precautions in the near future to prevent them from sneaking in.

As soon as the wonderful breath was released, the originally secluded forest immediately boiled.

Countless ghosts roared and ran towards this side roaring.

Before all the ghosts were dispatched, Deadwood took action.

Dead Wood, True Monarch Cold Stone, and the three Yin Birds appeared before Tai Miao.

Deadwood and their gang are either ghosts or ghosts, but they don't pay much attention to rules or the like.

In the previous battle, the three of them joined forces and repelled it without much effort.

Seeing Tai Miao, he still didn't give up, and he dared to come to the door, and his face was full of disdain.

The dead wood is tall and thin, roughly in the form of a human, but has a lot of twisting tentacles on its body.

He glanced at Meng Zhang and immediately knew that this was a wonderful helper.

"Boy, I thought I had a helper, so I would come and die again."

The three Yin Birds even flew high into the sky, condescendingly overlooking Meng Zhang and the others.

True Monarch Hanshi had a non-smiling expression on his face, and he glanced at Meng Zhang with a little puzzlement.

He didn't know Meng Zhang, but he saw that Meng Zhang was a living person.

Cultivators from the Yang world will visit the underworld for various reasons from time to time.

However, these visitors, in the face of the creatures of the underworld, such as ghosts and powerful ghosts, will try their best to avoid conflicts.

Even if they encounter conflicts, they will try to avoid them and avoid direct conflicts with the creatures of the underworld.

Like Meng Zhang, it is really rare for a cultivator from the Yang world to swagger to the gate of a certain power in the underworld.

Before True Monarch Coldstone was transformed into a ghost, he was a monk of the large Yuanshen sect Tianshihui in the middle-earth continent of Junchen Realm.

After he entered the underworld and became a ghost, he kept in touch with the Heavenly Stone Society.

Because of the needs of each other's interests, he also received a lot of help from the Heavenly Stone Society in the underworld.

He accepted the solicitation of Dead Wood and became its subordinate, which is related to a big action of the Heavenly Stone Society in the underworld.

Otherwise, such a stupid guy as Dead Wood would really not be qualified to solicit him.

The underworld is vast, with inconvenient transportation, and the transmission of information is also not very smooth.

Ghosts or ghosts in a certain area are often only familiar with the strong in the area.

The wonderful situation is a little bit special. Before occupying the Frost Mountain and opening up his foundation, he had wandered through many places in the underworld.

Later, he led an army of ghosts to fight from the east to the west, to fight from the south to the north, and fought in all directions.

In this process, he defeated many powerful enemies and gained a lot of fame.

The Heavenly Stone Society has a lot of plans in the underworld.

Therefore, the Tianshihui also paid attention to collecting information about the underworld.

The True Monarch of Cold Stone who was born into the Tianshihui can be considered well-informed through the channels of the Tianshihui.

The magnificent name is so wonderful that Zhenjun Hanshi has heard of it before.

If according to his idea, as long as Tai Miao is willing to pay a sufficient price, he can be exchanged for a thick shade to avoid conflict between the two sides.

But Dead Wood, a dead brain, doesn't care about these at all. Not only does it have no ideas for exchange, but it directly regards Tai Miao as an enemy.

In the eyes of True Monarch Cold Stone, the conflict and battle with Tai Miao had no meaning at all.

Deadwood this guy set up such a powerful enemy for no reason, maybe it will affect the plan of the Tianshihui.

It's just that True Monarch Cold Stone is currently under the dead wood, and there is really no way to convince this stubborn guy.

Now Tai Miao brought reinforcements Meng Zhang to the door, and it was really endless.

"Dead wood, this seat will not want your things in vain. You hand over the thick yin wood, and this seat has its own compensation."

This was the last time Tai Miao asked for it, and it was also the last chance for both sides to make Not only did Tai Miao's peaceful exchange efforts not get the approval of the dead wood, but it made this guy angry and extremely angry.

"Shameless little thief, I'm really too bullied."

Dead Wood roared and took the initiative to attack.

Pieces of pale mist appeared out of thin air, covering Tai Miao and Meng Zhangdu.

Dead Wood waved his hands, and the black giant trees roared in the mist, rushing towards Tai Miao and Meng Zhang frantically.

Too wonderful a bit inexplicable feeling.

I don’t know why Dead Wood is so hostile every time I meet?

He just wanted to exchange thick yin wood fairly, which caused his anger to the sky, and he was really wronged.

Being puzzled does not affect the wonderful shot.

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