The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1615: suppress

Tai Miao, since he summoned Meng Zhang to come to the underworld, he had hardened his mind.

The other party is so ignorant of good and bad and knows whether to live or die, he will naturally not be merciful.

Deadwood had just started, and Tai Miao and Meng Zhang began to fight back.

Three cloudy birds descended from the sky, and their huge body was suppressed with terrifying force.

Yin wind gusts, icy cold, and strong lifelessness blasted everywhere.

Like the dead wood, the three yin birds are all ghosts native to the underworld.

The three-headed female bird is in the form of a beast, and in many cases it does show a lot of characteristics of a beast.

Among the many ghosts and beasts in the underworld, the three yin birds are all located at the top and very powerful.

This three-headed yin bird worked under Deadwood many years ago, and has always been loyal to Deadwood, and is more trusted by Deadwood than the cold stone king who later took refuge in.

After Dead Wood and the Three Yin Birds shot one after another, True Monarch Cold Stone naturally followed suit.

Tai Miao was already extremely tough, and the three of them had teamed up to repel him.

Although he didn't know Meng Zhang, it was definitely not easy for him to be called as a helper too wonderfully.

In this way, the two sides began a fierce battle.

The wonderful body of ghosts and gods can exert their strongest abilities in places like the underworld.

By receiving Meng Zhang's insights, he has a deep knowledge of mobilizing the power of the Great Dao.

After all the battles in the underworld, it was so wonderful, and began to mobilize the power of the avenue of life and death, and constantly toss off the yin and death energy on the three enemies.

In a place like the underworld, the sun, moon and divine light can hardly exert all its power. Meng Zhang simply mobilized the power of Yin-Yang Dao directly and displayed the two qi of Yin and Yang.

The strong yin qi in the underworld is absorbed by the yin and yang two qi, which not only cannot cause harm to Meng Zhang, but greatly enhances the power of the yin and yang two qi.

As a monk of the Yang Shen stage, Meng Zhang's cultivation realm is the highest in the audience.

Even if the cultivation level is suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth in the underworld, his personality is still there, and the huge gap between the Yang Shen stage and the Yuan Shen stage is also very obvious.

The magical powers of Taoism from the monks of the Yang Shen stage surpassed the others at the level, and easily formed a suppression of the enemy.

Catch the thief first, and the dead wood, headed by the three guys, was selected as the target by Tai Miao.

In the forest not far away, a strong army of ghosts was stationed.

Although dead wood is often confused, it is rarely confused when it comes to business matters.

His army of ghosts is not as well-trained and well-trained as Tai Miao's.

Dead Wood and Three Yin Birds are not good at running the army.

The army of ghosts under Dead Wood relied on him and the three Yinbirds to conquer it with brute force.

Even though True Monarch Cold Stone later took refuge and took a lot of effort to rectify, this army was still messy and scattered.

In high-level battles such as Deadwood and Taimiao, the ghost army that is not well-trained and has not received targeted training can easily be suppressed by the strong and fall into chaos.

If he dispatches a large army to besie his opponent at this time, in addition to the loss in vain, it will not play a major role in dragging.

Deadwood decided to rely on the strength of the three of them alone to knock the enemy back.

Facing the enemy's attack, knowing that he had encountered the dead wood of a powerful enemy, he no longer kept it, and went all out.

Sure enough, the dead wood turned into a huge tree just like his name, and the tentacles on his body danced wildly, slapped towards the enemy.

The three yin birds flap their wings, spurring countless deaths, like tumbling waves, one wave after another rushed towards Meng Zhang and the others.

True Monarch Cold Stone was born in a powerful Yuanshen sect such as Tianshi Society, and possesses a good inheritance. Even after being transformed into a ghost, he can still use a lot of Taoist magical powers.

Speaking of which, in the Deadwood camp, True Monarch Cold Stone may not be the strongest, but he is definitely the slippery and most survivable.

Meng Zhang didn't want to stay in the underworld for a long time, and wanted to make a quick battle.

He also didn't keep much of it, stimulating most of his power, fully demonstrating the power of the monk at the Yang Shen stage.

Tai Miao, as the external incarnation of Meng Zhang, is connected with Meng Zhang's mind.

The two of them know each other best and can easily understand each other's intentions, so as to make the most appropriate response and make the best cooperation.

After fighting for a while, found a good opportunity, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao almost simultaneously mobilized the power of Space Dao.

The flying speed is very fast, and the three Yin Birds that come and go like wind are the most flexible, but they are directly exiled to a space gap, seeing that they can't get out in a short time.

Although True Monarch Cold Stone is a subordinate of Dead Wood, his loyalty to Dead Wood is effective, and he is unwilling to sacrifice his life for Dead Wood.

If you have the upper hand, there is no problem in fighting a tailwind.

Seeing that the three Yin Birds were banished, and the life or death was unknown, True Monarch Cold Stone was directly empty.

And after fighting for a while, with his eyesight, he had discovered that Meng Zhang was a strong man in Yang Shenqi.

Even if Meng Zhang's strength is suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth in the underworld, the fear of monks who are higher than himself has long become the instinct of cultivators like True Monarch Cold Stone.

True Monarch Cold Stone was subconsciously unwilling to fight Meng Zhang recklessly.

Meng Zhang released the Taiyi splitting lightsaber, demonstrating the superb swordsmanship.

True Monarch Cold Stone and Taiyi split the lightsaber together and took the initiative to stay away from this battlefield.

In this way, there is only one guy left in the field.

The dead wood turned into a giant tree, and its movements became much slower.

The yin and yang two qi descended from the sky, pressing him firmly and making him immobile.

The yin qi in the dead wood is being quickly consumed by the yin and yang two qi.

The power of the avenue of life and death is superbly operated, and the death energy in the dead wood is quickly transformed.

Yin qi and death qi are important existences that constitute ghosts in the underworld.

Killing the dead and yin qi is tantamount to killing the foundation of ghosts.

The huge body of Deadwood began to disappear, and his origin was rapidly consuming.

Dead Wood let out an angry roar, knowing that the situation was not good, he began to call for reinforcements.

True Monarch Cold Stone, this cunning fellow, heard Dead Wood's request for help, not only did not fly over immediately, but intentionally or unconsciously left the battlefield.

It was the army of ghosts in the After hearing the roar of dead wood, it rushed out frantically.

At the juncture of life and death, Deadwood didn't care whether this army of ghosts was useful. He must firmly grasp the slightest assistance.

Meng Zhang continued to use yin and yang to refine dead wood.

Tai Miao flew in front of the army of ghosts, unscrupulously releasing the aura that belonged to the natural ghosts and gods.

There is no strong opponent of the same level and too wonderful to contend. The many ghosts in this army of ghosts felt the suppression derived from the natural rank, instinctively felt fear, and involuntarily slowed down the pace of the charge.

Meng Zhang stepped up the speed of refining dead wood.

The yin and yang two qi revolved around his body quickly, just like a grinding disc, quickly consuming his life source.

The strength is far above the dead wood. Once Meng Zhang makes an all-out effort, it will become a matter of time before the dead wood is completely refined.

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