The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1616: Seize

Even if Meng Zhang's cultivation base was suppressed in the underworld, he still surpassed the dead wood.

When the three Yin Birds escaped from the space gap and returned to the vicinity of the battlefield, the dead wood had been completely refined by Meng Zhang's use of Yin and Yang.

I saw that a cloud of pale mist was constantly twisting in the two air currents, one black and one white.

This is the source of the remaining dead wood, which is of no use to Meng Zhang, but it is of great use to ghosts and gods like Tai Miao.

Before the dead wood was completely refined, the cunning Cold Stone True Monarch saw that something was wrong, and had already slipped away in the chaos.

The wonderful target is not him, and he has no desire to kill him for the time being.

Meng Zhang's main strength is on refining dead wood, and relying on a Taiyi splitting lightsaber alone can't keep this strong fellow.

The Three Yin Birds are not as stupid and confused as most ghost beasts.

Knowing that he couldn't do anything, he forcibly suppressed the resentment and killing intent in his heart, and before Meng Zhang could change his target, he flew out of the battlefield like lightning.

The army of ghosts relied on a large number, and there were a few powerful ghosts in the army as the leader, barely able to get entangled with Tai Miao.

After seeing the dead wood being refined, this army of ghosts quickly collapsed completely.

The army of ghosts dispersed in a rush, and many ghosts scattered and fled.

Too too lazy to hunt down these ghosts.

He took the source of the dead wood thrown by Meng Zhang, and then entered the forest with Meng Zhang and began a search.

The spirits of the two of them are keen, covering a wide range.

It didn't take much time to search through this vast forest.

In the old nest of dead wood, in addition to finding three thick overcast woods, they also found many precious treasures of heaven and material.

Destroying the dead wood and winning the thick yin wood he wanted, Tai Miao completed the goal without expending too much effort.

If it wasn't for this place to be too far from the Frost Mountain, too wonderful would want to occupy this place as a new base.

Even if the ghosts that escaped were conquered, it was not easy to take them back. Tai Miao also gave up.

As for the fleeing True Monarch Cold Stone and the three Yin Birds.

If they are interested, they should know that they will soon hide away if they see it in the future.

If they want revenge, they will fall into the wonderful hands one day.

Meng Zhang's experience is too wonderful and rich, and he always feels that there is something wrong with this matter.

Before leaving the underworld, Meng Zhang specifically confessed a few wonderful words and asked him to investigate this matter carefully to see what the inside story was.

Before this, in order to get the thick yin wood in a hurry, he rushed here too cleverly, without inquiring too much information.

When he wanted to come, there were not many powerhouses at the level of Yang God in the underworld, and he would generally not run into them. When encountering difficulties, as long as Meng Zhang is called to come, most of the problems can be solved.

Moreover, he didn't delay too much time because he was worried that the dead wood would secretly transfer the thick dark wood.

Now that Hou Yinmu is in hand, the task is completed, it is too wonderful to have enough time to investigate this matter slowly.

Meng Zhang teleported back to the underworld, Tai Miao didn't rush back to Frost Mountain, but went around in a big circle.

He tried to contact the ghosts and powerful ghosts around him.

At this level of the underworld, Tai Miao is already a rare powerhouse.

It is too good to be malicious, and it is very effective to have a good relationship with other ghosts and talk to the ghosts in a low profile.

After spending a lot of time, Tai Miao basically figured out the origins of Dead Wood.

Dead wood is a ghost born and grown in the underworld, and there is nothing to say about its origin.

It is said that he seems to be undergoing some kind of evolution during this period.

If the evolution can be completed smoothly, the forest will become a similar domain, completely controlled by the dead wood.

In the process of evolution, he needs to refine a lot of precious resources.

Among them, thick yin wood is the most important one.

At this moment, it was too wonderful to know why Deadwood was not only unwilling to exchange with him, but when he heard of his intention, he became angry.

He said he wanted to thicken Yinmu, but Deadwood must have thought that he was deliberately embarrassing him and wanted to destroy his evolution.

For the ghosts of the underworld, evolution is the most important way to raise the level of life and strengthen their own strength.

Destroying the evolution of ghosts is equivalent to destroying the cultivation path of the cultivator. That is the hatred of hindering the Tao, and it will never end.

Tai Miao didn't know the whole story, so it was unavoidable to come to the door with such a big thorn, leading to conflicts and fierce battles.

However, now that Tai Miao has achieved victory by summoning Meng Zhang and refined the dead wood, there is no need to care about who is right and who is wrong.

Every husband is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crime. The law of survival in the underworld is more cruel and fruitless than in the Yang world.

Ghosts swallow each other, ghosts and gods eat ghosts alive for no reason, it is basically the normal state of the underworld.

Deadwood has something so wonderful that it needs, and it refuses to hand it over, so don't blame it for being so wonderful to kill and win treasure.

Anyway, the other party is a ghost, a different kind, and it’s wonderful to have done similar activities countless times, and there will be no psychological pressure at all.

What he cares about is whether doing so will cause bad consequences, what future troubles it will cause, and so on.

Although the strength of the Three Yin Birds is very strong, there is no power to speak of after leaving the dead wood.

It is the true monarch of Cold Stone under the dead wood, it is said that he came from the primordial sect of Tianshihui.

Even if the Heavenly Stone Society is strong in the Yang world, it will hardly affect the beauty in the underworld.

Tai Miao had responded to the call of Meng Zhang and the Taiyi monks before, and went to fight in Yangshi.

Tai Miao has never concealed the relationship between her family and Taiyimen.

If Tianshihui really wants to stand up for True Monarch Coldstone, it can't help being too wonderful in the underworld, but it is possible to anger the Taiyimen in the Yang world.

After Meng Zhang got the news from Tai Miao, he didn't care much at all.

He still has some impression of the name of the sect of Tianshihui.

Meng Zhang remembered that when he first arrived at the Temple of Heaven, he had some conflicts with the monks of the Heavenly Stone Society.

Later, when Taiyimen made friends in Tiangong and opened up commercial channels, they also avoided the Tianshihui consciously or unconsciously.

There have been some conflicts between the two parties, but they are not serious and have little impact on each other.

Tianshi will be far away in the Middle-earth Now he will go to the north of Junchen Realm to crusade Taiyimen on an expedition for the sake of a true cold stone monarch?

In Meng Zhang's thoughts, as long as Tianshi's senior leaders had a little brain, they would not do such a stupid thing.

However, after True Monarch Coldstone fled this time, he might continue to be an enemy of Tai Miao in the future.

Even if he can't fight Too Miao, he still has the ability to add some trouble to Tai Miao.

It was a wonderful decision. As long as True Monarch Cold Stone dared to continue to be an enemy of himself, he would never let him go easily.

At the critical moment, he will once again summon Meng Zhang to descend into the underworld and join the hunt for True Monarch Cold Stone.

Things on the deadwood side passed like this.

After being teleported several times, Tai Miao returned to the Frost Mountain base.

After he collected the thick yin wood and other trophies, he went to see a ghost and **** for the first time.

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