The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1617: group

Many primordial true monarchs still retain their previous names after they have been transformed into ghosts and gods.

That's the same with the ghost and **** that Tai Miao wants to meet now.

He claims to be the true monarch of Mingyu, is a ghost who has always been alone and likes to wander around in the underworld.

In order to help Meng Zhang collect these exotic flowers and fruits, Tai Miao offered high rewards and spread news everywhere.

Zhenjun Mingyu took the initiative to come to the door after receiving the news.

He provided information to Taimiao, and said that the dead wood contained thick yin wood.

To this end, Tai Miao also offered a promised reward and generously rewarded him.

At that time, Tai Miao was busy obtaining the thick yin wood, and did not explore the details of True Monarch Mingyu too much.

There was no problem with the information provided by Zhenjun Mingyu, and Tai Miao did not continue to pay attention to him.

I was reminded by Meng Zhang, and found that the situation on the side of Deadwood was a bit complicated, and after the Tianshihui was involved, it was too wonderful to ask Mingyu Zhenjun.

Unexpectedly, Tai Miao went to a few places that Zhenjun Mingyu often haunted, and was all empty.

Zhenjun Mingyu doesn't know where he went.

In desperation, Tai Miao had to let this matter go temporarily and continue to collect the exotic flowers and fruits that Meng Zhang needed.

In a blink of an eye, six years have passed.

Most of the three exotic flowers and fruits that Meng Zhang needed had been collected after great efforts.

It seems that the task will be completed within ten years, and the collection is complete, there is no problem.

At this time, Meng Zhang also received a message from Qiansi's mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law Qiansi finished her work and returned to Tiangong. She asked Meng Zhang to come and see him.

After receiving the message, Meng Zhang immediately left Taiyimen and came to the residence of Tiangong Qiansi's mother-in-law.

After the two met, Qiansi's mother-in-law apologized again and again with embarrassment.

Originally, she promised to help Meng Zhang collect the Secret Art of Crossing Tribulation, but something happened temporarily and she had to leave in a hurry. Before leaving, there was no time to explain to Meng Zhang too much.

After the two were polite, the mother-in-law Qiansi entered the subject.

After finishing her business this time, she helped Meng Zhang collect the secret method of crossing the catastrophe by the way.

Now, she has gained something.

She can provide Meng Zhang with a superb secret method of crossing the robbery.

After practicing this secret method of crossing the tribulation, the success rate of crossing the thunder tribulation of the sun **** is not low, and it will help the monk to break through to the virtual return period in the future.

From the description of the mother-in-law Qiansi, the secret method she promised to provide was much better than the one traded by the silver pot old man.

Of course, this secret method was not given to Meng Zhang for nothing.

Granny Qiansi didn't hide this time, she told Meng Zhang directly that there was a small group behind her.

The members of the group watch and help each other on weekdays.

Mother-in-law Qiansi also joined this group back then, so that she can become a rebirth power.

Mother-in-law Qiansi and Meng Zhang have known each other for so many years, and it can be said that they have been watching Meng Zhang grow up.

Mother-in-law Qiansi had also inspected Meng Zhang before and was very satisfied with Meng Zhang.

Therefore, she strongly recommended Meng Zhang to the group.

After some discussions, everyone else in the group agreed to accept Meng Zhang as a new companion.

Now, it depends on whether Meng Zhang agrees to join this group.

If Meng Zhang agrees to join, then this secret method of crossing the robbery is considered as a meeting gift for him.

In addition, he and his mother-in-law Qiansi have truly become companions, and they can also get a lot of help.

Seeing that Meng Zhang was a little hesitant, Mother-in-law Qiansi gave a general introduction to this small group.

The identities of the monks in the group are different, there are casual practitioners, and there are sect monks...

The group itself is relatively loosely organized and does not have too strong binding force on its members.

In the Junchen Realm, the sects of the sacred land are in a dominant position, not only dividing most of the resources, but also vigorously suppressing other monks.

The monks outside the sect of the Holy Land, let alone the advancement to the Void Rebirth stage, it is extremely difficult to become a monk in the Yang Shen stage.

If a cultivator refuses to be a dog for the sect of the Holy Land, he will have to pay a lot of price and experience countless risks before he has the opportunity to break through the Yang Shen stage.

Granny Qiansi and the others were formed to break the monopoly of various resources by the sacred sect.

In order to maintain their dominance, the various sacred sects are unwilling to see other monks in the rebirth period appear in the cultivation world.

In the realm of comprehension, any monk who hopes to break through the rebirth period will be suppressed and even persecuted by the sect of the holy land.

Of course, certain people with deep luck, the more they are suppressed, the faster they grow.

Even after encountering countless difficulties, there are still amazing talents in the realm of comprehension who have become powerful in the rebirth period.

In addition, in order to resist the suppression from the sect of the Holy Land, some cultivators in the realm of comprehension formed alliances to help each other.

The purpose of this small group where the Qiansi mother-in-law belongs is to help everyone resist the pressure from the sacred sect of the Holy Land, to help everyone obtain various resources, so that everyone can have the opportunity to break through the rebirth period.

Since the establishment of this small group for many years, it has achieved remarkable results and has cultivated many monks in the rebirth period.

Mother-in-law Qiansi is one of them.

Because it is against the Holy Land Zongmen, this small group has been strictly confidential to the outside world, and recruiting members only recruits that is absolutely reliable.

Meng Zhang and Taiyi Sect have been facing the suppression of the Ziyang Saint Sect. Meng Zhang himself is very good, who is exactly what this small group needs.

After listening to Mother Qiansi's introduction to the small group, Meng Zhang was moved.

The old man Yinhu introduced him to join the command of the Supreme Thunder, which brought him many benefits.

Meng Zhang deeply realized how important it is to have a strong backing in the realm of cultivation, especially when facing the pressure of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Judging from the introduction by Qiansi's mother-in-law, the purpose of this small group, the style of conduct, or the internal rules, are very much in line with Meng Zhang's appetite.

There should be no harm in joining this small group.

Most importantly, since the UU Reading mother-in-law Qiansi has already sent an invitation to him, revealing the existence of this small group, if Meng Zhang refuses somehow or other, then mother-in-law Qiansi doesn’t know how she reacted. .

Even if it is not enough to kill people, then the relationship between Meng Zhang and Qiansi's mother-in-law will definitely plummet, maybe from an ally to a passerby.

Meng Zhang asked mother-in-law Qiansi repeatedly to learn about the details of this small group.

Meng Zhang is still an outsider at present, too secret matter, mother-in-law Qiansi will not tell him.

Mother-in-law Qiansi just introduced this small group as much as possible, and introduced the benefits of joining it.

In order to let Meng Zhang join in at ease, Qiansi's mother-in-law even took a great oath to prove that she had no malice towards Meng Zhang and that the small group would not harm Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang and Granny Qiansi have known each other for so many years, and the two have established a very good relationship of trust.

Whether it is the help of Qiansi's mother-in-law or the big secret revealed to him, he has benefited a lot.

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