The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1626: recall

Suddenly, the image of the mother-in-law Qiansi in Meng Zhang's mind also began to become unfamiliar.

For so many years, Meng Zhang has trusted her mother-in-law very much.

He believes that Granny Qiansi has no malice towards him, and Granny Qiansi is a trustworthy senior.

The mother-in-law Qiansi is also worthy of this trust, not only has given Meng Zhang a lot of help, but also has always supported Meng Zhang, even the secret news that Jun Chen world is about to change drastically, she also revealed to Meng Zhang.

If he didn't believe in Qiansi's mother-in-law, Meng Zhang might not agree to join that mysterious small group, let alone this inexplicable test task.

Mother-in-law Qiansi sighed secretly when she saw Meng Zhang's hesitation.

She didn't intend to do so, even if she was a powerful person, she still had many times when she couldn't help herself.

Fortunately, she has never been malicious to Meng Zhang, even if there is any trouble, she will try to help Meng Zhang solve it.

The mother-in-law Qiansi told Meng Zhang that the time was not ripe. Meng Zhang had not yet completed the test and was not a formal member of the small group.

Some secrets about small groups should not be disclosed to Meng Zhang.

Some secrets, I am afraid that only the top of a small group are qualified to know.

This task is of great importance. If the senior leaders of the small group did not have enough confidence in Meng Zhang, they would not give him this task.

The senior leaders of the small group did not have any bad intentions towards him, but admired him very much.

When Meng Zhang successfully completed the task, joined this small group and became his true self, there are many benefits waiting for him.

In order to dispel Meng Zhang's doubts, Mother-in-law Qiansi still patiently explained a few words.

Of course, after knowing the specific situation of the mission, Meng Zhang decided to give up, and the whole small group might regard him as an enemy.

Even if the mother-in-law Qiansi was unwilling, she would have to draw a clear line with Meng Zhang from now on.

The mother-in-law Qiansi has talked to this point, so what can Meng Zhang do?

Could he still refuse the task, turn his face with Granny Qiansi, and offend the small group behind her?

Just thinking about how terrifying the strength of a small group capable of nurturing such a powerful rebirth as Qiansi's mother-in-law, made Meng Zhang dare not act rashly.

There are many secrets hidden in this mission, but so what?

At least, these secrets can't hurt Meng Zhang for the time being.

But if the small group behind Qiansi's mother-in-law made a move, it would make Meng Zhang irresistible.

Of course, after this experience, Meng Zhang not only would not trust the mother-in-law Qiansi as he did before, but he also had a deep sense of warning towards the small group behind her.

The thoughts in Meng Zhang's heart turned quickly, and he made a decision in a short while.

There was a warm smile on his face.

He accepted the task with a relaxed tone, as if the unpleasantness and doubts he had had before did not exist at all.

The group behind the mother-in-law Qiansi handed over this task to him, because he was worthy of him, and he would do his best to complete the task, which would surely satisfy everyone.

Regardless of whether Meng Zhang was lied or pretended, since he agreed to complete the task and had such an attitude, the mother-in-law Qiansi could also have a business relationship.

Mother-in-law Qiansi sighed in her heart.

She knows that her attitude today will definitely cause rifts and even dissatisfaction in Meng Zhang's heart.

Coming to Japan for a long time, I hope Meng Zhang can understand his painstaking efforts in the future.

The mother-in-law Qiansi finally emphasized the importance of this task. Meng Zhang must complete it personally, and must not use other people's hands.

Even if Qiansi's mother-in-law didn't say that, Meng Zhang would personally complete this task.

In addition, he couldn't find anyone else to act on his behalf.

After talking with Granny Qiansi, Meng Zhang left.

During the whole process, he did not show the slightest dissatisfaction.

Returning to the residence of Taiyimen in Tiangong, Meng Zhang entered the quiet room alone, thinking for a full day and night.

Meng Zhang did not rush to complete this task, but went back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

This time, I was going to exterminate a sect with a strong Yang Shen stage. In order to avoid fish slipping through the net, Meng Zhang needed some help.

A group of Taoist soldiers hidden in the Yin-Yang Spirit Gourd, his natal magic weapon alone, could not provide enough assistance.

Meng Zhang had planned to take the Void Cauldron with him.

He then thought about it, Taiyimen seems to be in a stable situation and has not encountered any challenges.

However, the Ziyang Saint Sect has always looked at Taiyi Sect, and Taiyi Sect has such a big stall, it must have a strong enough to sit in the town.

Xu Kongzi continued to sit at the Taiyi Gate, to guard against a powerful enemy who would enter when Meng Zhang was not in the gate.

Meng Zhang decided to bring a few useful helpers.

Following Meng Zhang's order, Wen Qiansuan, who was busy selecting a site for the blessed land, rushed back to Taiyimen Mountain Gate in a hurry.

Anyway, there is an excellent geographer like Zhenjun Li Bo, and Wen Qiansuan doesn't have to do everything personally on this matter.

Among the many vassal sects of Taiyi Sect, Huanglian Sect is the most powerful force second to none.

Since joining the Hanhai Dao League, Huanglian Sect has received many benefits in all aspects.

At that time, due to the situation, Taiyimen vigorously supported the Huanglian Sect in order to increase the battle power of the soul as soon as possible.

In addition, the saint Xu Mengying of Huanglian Sect is actively running in the temple in exchange for various high-end resources.

In the current Huanglian Sect, in addition to Xu Mengying, the great monk of the late Yuanshen, there are several Yuanshen true monarchs, and their strength is almost in their heyday.

Xu Mengying and Meng Zhang have fought side by side many times, and they have won his trust.

After receiving Meng Zhang's order, Xu Mengying quickly rushed to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate to listen to.

In the inheritance of Huanglian Sect, there is no secret method to survive the thunder of the sun god.

Xu Mengying has great ambitions for her own path of cultivation, and she is absolutely unwilling to stop at the later stage of the Yuanshen.

She has been in the palace for many years, and of course she knows the rare secrets of crossing the catastrophe.

Since Meng Zhang brought back the secret method of crossing the tribulation to the door, in addition to letting the monks in the door know it, he also announced it to the high-level cultivators of the Hanhai Dao League, and many high-level cultivators were extremely excited.

With the Secret Method of Crossing Tribulation, one can see the way forward and hope to advance to the Yang God Stage.

Meng Zhang's generous is very rare in the entire cultivation world.

Xu Mengying knew that even though she and Meng Zhang had a deep friendship, they were almost a life-and-death acquaintance.

However, as the head of Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang must abide by the rules he set, and it is impossible to pass the Tribulation Secrets to Xu Mengying for no reason.

If Xu Mengying wants to exchange for the secret method of crossing the robbery, she must abide by the rules and make enough contributions.

Meng Zhang recruited her to serve, and he would certainly not let her busy.

All her contributions will be recorded.

Strictly speaking, Zhenjun Jin Li is not a direct monk of Taiyi Sect.

However, she has served for the Taiyi Sect for many years, and has been completely **** with the Taiyi Sect.

When Meng Zhang was about to recall her, she was wandering outside.

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