The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1627: Set off

In addition to practicing in retreat on weekdays, such as Jin Li Zhenjun, a great monk in the late stage of the Yuanshen, traveling and practicing in the outer clouds is also part of the practice.

Jin Li Zhenjun has been in Taiyimen for a long time, and he has long been regarded as his own.

Many years ago, her soul lamp was enshrined in the Taiyi Gate, which was convenient for grasping her life and death movements when going out.

Later, the Taiyimen's refining ability greatly increased, and many monks in the door refined long-distance communication instruments.

As long as they are not too far away, they can keep in touch through long-distance communication devices.

When Meng Zhang summoned True Monarch Jin Li, she was wandering north of Junchen Realm.

After receiving Meng Zhang's summoning order, she quickly returned to the door.

This mission was required to be kept secret, Meng Zhang was not prepared to bring too many people, and the monks who were dispatched must be absolutely trusted.

An Xiaoran, the second disciple of Meng Zhang, entered the middle stage of the Yuanshen many years ago, and studied the "Fusang Sutra" for many years. A pure Golden Crow Real Fire is not only powerful, it is specially designed to restrain all kinds of evil spirits, but it also has many magical effects when used in alchemy.

As a rare Tier 4 alchemist in the door, An Xiaoran has a restless temperament and is unwilling to stay in the door for many years to make alchemy.

Taking her this time, Meng Zhang also took the opportunity to exercise this disciple.

Wei Wuxiao is one of the best elders in the door. Not only does she have a cultivation base in the middle stage of the soul, but she is also proficient in the art of guarding beasts, and she also has a few soul beasts in the stage of the soul.

With the help of spirit beasts, she can be regarded as a strong one among the cultivators in the middle stage of the soul.

Although Wei Wuxiao was not a monk passed down by Meng Zhang, he was highly regarded by Meng Zhang and was entrusted with important tasks many times.

Taking her to complete the task this time was an eye-opener for her.

Xu Mengying, Wen Qiansuan, Jin Li Zhenjun, An Xiaoran and Wei Wuxian, plus Meng Zhang himself, are a group of six.

When Mother-in-law Qiansi released the mission, she deliberately emphasized secrecy.

As the head of the Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang mobilized the monks in the gate to participate, and it would not cause leaks.

After the crowd gathered, Meng Zhang did not reveal to them the inside information of the mission, but only issued orders and issued the mission.

Meng Zhang has been in charge of Taiyimen for many years and has great prestige. Everyone trusts him enough and will not question his orders.

Meng Zhang introduced the situation of the target Yanyun Cave.

Of course, his information comes from the mother-in-law Qiansi, and the specific details need to be reconfirmed when he arrives at the destination.

Although everyone is a true primordial soul, they have never been to the Middle-earth Continent.

Everyone, including Meng Zhang, has a kind of curiosity and yearning for the Middle-earth Continent where the cultivation civilization is extremely developed and the strong are like clouds in the legend.

After making preparations, Meng Zhang took everyone to the Temple of Heaven.

Tiangong is a special existence, located above the nine heavens, overlooking the entire Junchen Realm.

If a monk wants to enter the heavenly palace, he needs to enter the nine days first, and then he will be sent to the heavenly palace by stimulating a special transmission token or transmission talisman.

These teleportation tokens and teleportation talisman are all from the Tiangong, which is rare to see outside.

Like the previous Jiuqu League, because of the lack of communication with the outside world, there is no such transmission token and transmission talisman, so it is unable to communicate with the Tiangong.

If Meng Zhang hadn't obtained the Taiyimen inheritance in its heyday and possessed the teleport token, he would also not be able to enter the Heavenly Palace.

After Meng Zhang entered the heavenly palace, he purchased the teleportation token and the talisman in the heavenly palace, so that the younger generation souls in the door had the opportunity to enter the heavenly palace.

As the nominally supreme ruler of Junchen Realm, Tiangong is also a place where monks from all parts of Junchen Realm communicate with each other.

There are many teleportation formations in the heavenly palace, which can be directly teleported to all parts of Junchen Realm.

In a sense, Tiangong is the real transportation hub of Junchen Realm.

Even the sects of the major sacred sites, if you want to quickly travel to and from the Junchen Realm, you often need to use the Heavenly Palace.

Tiangong has mastered this ability, and can easily monitor all parts of Junchen Realm.

A major event that endangers the entire world has occurred in any place in Junchen Realm, and Tiangong can dispatch a monk to deal with it in time.

Meng Zhang, who had a mission, took everyone into the Heavenly Palace, and instead of staying here, he went directly to the teleportation hall where the teleportation circle was located.

In the teleportation hall, there are many teleportation arrays, which can be teleported to all corners of Junchen Realm.

Yanyun Cave is located in a remote area to the west of the Middle-earth Continent. Of course, there is no teleportation circle that can be directly teleported there.

Even if there is such a teleportation circle, Meng Zhang will deliberately avoid it in order to cover up his deeds.

Soon after accepting the task, Meng Zhang took a moment to understand the situation in the vicinity of the target.

More than two hundred thousand miles to the east of Yanyun Grotto, it is a big commercial city in the Middle-earth Continent, Lake City.

Many monks from all walks of life come to the big city to conduct various business activities throughout the year.

Meng Zhang took a group of people to the big city, mixed in with the flow of people, and was inconspicuous at all.

In fact, a long time ago, there was a cultivator of Yuanshen in Taiyimen who had traveled to all parts of Junchen Realm through the teleportation circle of the Heavenly Palace.

In addition to the cloud travel experience, they will also bring some special products in the storage artifacts and sell them along the way. By the way, buy some cultivation materials from various places and bring them back to the door.

Yuan Shen Zhenjun is not ashamed to act as a hawker.

Especially Taiyi Gate is located in a barren area, many materials are not sufficient, and it has been suppressed and blocked by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The monks who go out and wander around do some small business along the way, which can not only increase income, but also make some contribution to the sect.

In the teleportation hall, there are often scenes of people coming and going, crowded and crowded.

You know, those who can enter the Heavenly Palace, enter and exit here, are at least the cultivators of the Yuanshen Stage.

If it weren't for coming here, I would never have imagined that there would be so many true primordial primordial monarchs in Jun Chen Realm.

Meng Zhang and his party paid the teleportation fee and directly entered the teleportation circle.

The teleportation circle was activated, a burst of light flashed, and Meng Zhang and the others felt the change in the scenery before them, and they appeared in a cloud of mist.

Each teleportation circle in the palace does not directly teleport the monks to the target location but teleports them to the top of the target within nine days.

In this way, it won't cause various cultivation forces to resist the teleportation circle.

Secondly, it can also prevent the monks from directly launching a sneak attack on the target with the help of the teleportation circle.

Meng Zhang, who had been in and out of nine days many times, flew for a while, and then left for nine days smoothly.

Meng Zhang recognized the direction and flew towards the west below.

Soon after, a huge city appeared in everyone's eyes.

A magnificent river circumvents the city, forming a rare large lake around the city.

The entire city is located in the middle of the lake, hence the name Lake City.

Lake City is jointly managed by several comprehension forces, has always been neutral, and never mixed with the grievances and grievances of the comprehension world.

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