The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1629: start to act

This Fang City is only a few hundred miles away from the Yanyun Cave Mountain Gate, and it can be considered as sheltered by the Yanyun Cave.

After all, although Yanyun Grotto was not closed, but the Yuan Shenzong's Yu Wei was still there, and secondly, some handymen went out to do errands from time to time.

The number of these handymen is small, but they are basically all monks in the foundation period, and the leader is the Jindan real person.

Besides, outsiders can't tell the difference between Yanyun Cave's official disciple and handyman.

Out of scruples about Yanyun Cave, other cultivation forces around will generally not take the initiative to encroach on this side.

The handyman sent by Yanyun Cave often purchases various items from this city.

Over time, the development of this square city has been very prosperous, attracting many monks in the surrounding area.

The monks of Yanyun Cave stay behind closed doors, and only the handyman disciples go out shopping. If Meng Zhang and the others wanted to obtain information about Yanyun Cave, they could only start with these handymen.

Mother-in-law Qiansi did not strictly limit the time for Meng Zhang to complete the task, leaving him plenty of time.

Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying flew out of Fang City and became two monks in the foundation construction period, their faces and appearances were very different from before.

The two flew into the sky again, slowly flying towards the square city ahead.

On weekdays in this city, there are several Jindan-period casual cultivators who are in charge, and the management is not very strict.

The monk can enter it by simply reporting the origin of his name.

In Fangshi, apart from not allowing direct fighting, there are no strict rules.

Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying randomly fabricated the origins of their names, and after a simple registration, they entered the market.

The main force of trading in the market is the monks in the foundation period. There is nothing surprising about the two of them, and they have not attracted the attention of others.

Both Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying were proficient in mind-reading, and after walking around the city, they quietly obtained a lot of information.

Then they found an inn to stay.

Opposite this inn is the largest grain shop in the city.

The handyman in Yanyun Grotto is as short as ten days and a half months, and as long as one month, they will go to the Fang City to purchase once.

For every purchase, a large amount of spiritual rice is indispensable.

This grain shop is almost a place they must visit.

The inn also runs the business of restaurants.

After completing the purchase of spiritual rice in the grain store, these handymen will drink a few glasses in the restaurant by the way, and then return to the Yanyun Grotto.

Their cultivation is not weak, and they have the background of Yanyun Cave, but no one dares to play tricks like killing people and hunting treasures.

Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying rented a small courtyard in the inn and waited quietly.

There are many monks in this square city, and they do everything, but no one pays attention to Meng Zhang and the others.

Meng Zhang and the others were lucky. After waiting for more than half a month, a team of handyman disciples from Yanyun Cave arrived in the city early in the morning on a flying boat.

Yanyun Cave can be regarded as the real landlord here, and the monks sent by Yanyun Cave naturally waited for the warm welcome of the principal of Fang City.

The two Jindanqi monks headed by them and a few confidants accepted the warm invitation of the principal of Fangshi to go to a drinking party.

Those low-ranking handymen began to purchase on a large scale.

This group of people is generous in their purchases, and they are the most welcome large customers in various stores.

It's hard to tell once, these handyman disciples will inevitably have fun.

From time to time, there are some monks who have completed the purchase, looking for a place in the market to have fun.

At noon, there were three handymen during the foundation-building period. After purchasing Lingmi and Linggu, they went to the restaurant to have a drink.

The small courtyard where Meng Zhang and the others lived was only thirty feet away from the restaurant in a straight line.

In his and Xu Mengying's spiritual perception, every move of everyone in the restaurant is under control.

Xu Mengying, who majored in the Avenue of Souls, is proficient in various spiritual mysteries. Without knowing it, her spirit sneaked into the restaurant and began to explore the three handymen who were in the base-building period.

Logically speaking, the cultivation bases of the two sides are far apart. With Xu Mengying's ability, it is easy to figure out the deepest secrets in their hearts without their knowledge.

In the beginning, everything went smoothly, everything went according to Xu Mengying's plan.

The spirit wine in this restaurant is famous far and near, and the three handymen are all good wine men.

When the wine is hot, their minds are already a little confused.

Before they knew it, Xu Mengying's spiritual thoughts had entered their minds, and they were investigating all kinds of intelligence.

Xu Mengying is not interested in these handymen themselves, what they want to know is information about Yanyun Grotto.

Even if they are not official disciples of Yanyun Grotto, they have stayed in Yanyun Grotto for so long, and they should know a little bit about the situation inside.

A lot of information was passed back to Xu Mengying one after another through spiritual thoughts.

This group of handyman disciples have different backgrounds, and many of them are not born in Yanyun Cave.

The true primordial spirit of Yanyun Cave will go out secretly from time to time, soliciting a group of monks outside.

Being able to work for the true monarch of the soul is something that many monks in the foundation stage and even the golden core stage cannot ask for.

Although they are just handymen, the treatment given by Yanyun Cave is very good.

The spirit stones and medicinal pills are distributed in full, and you can also enter the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion in Yanyun Grottoes and read some ordinary classics.

The true primordial spirit of Yanyun Cave even gave a promise that if they behave well and never make mistakes, they will become official disciples of Yanyun Cave and have a greater future.

There are still three-point nails in the rotten boat, and the down-and-out Yuanshen sect, they all have their roots.

For these casual cultivators, becoming an official disciple of the Yuanshen sect and being cultivated by the Yuanshen True Monarch is a good thing that they would never dream of.

Of course, in order to prevent them from betraying, Yanyun Cave's True Monarch Yuanshen placed restraints in their bodies.

Xu Mengying's spiritual thoughts continued to penetrate into their hearts, skipping the worthless content, and preparing to start investigating the situation in the Yanyun Cave.

Suddenly, Xu Mengying's spiritual thoughts stagnated a little.

Xu Mengying discovered that the bodies of these three handymen during the foundation construction period were all restrained.

This is not an ordinary The ordinary primordial primordial true monarch cannot set such an exquisite and compact prohibition.

At first glance, the prohibition only affects their physical bodies, but when you look closely, you can see that the prohibition has penetrated deep into their hearts and twisted their hearts unknowingly.

Because of the influence of the prohibition, this group of handyman monks would instinctively believe in Yanyun Cave and want to be loyal to Yanyun Cave.

In their hearts, they couldn't afford the idea of ​​betraying Yanyun Cave and resisting Yanyun Cave.

Even their memory has been greatly affected.

All the information they knew about Yanyun Cave was forbidden and sealed in the depths of their hearts.

As soon as they left Yanyun Cave, they almost forgot the information.

Even if outsiders catch them, perform mind-reading or soul-searching on them, they will not be able to obtain valuable information.

If the restriction is accidentally touched, it will alarm the monk who placed the restriction.

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