The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1630: Mental restraint

Xu Mengying's spiritual mind did not dare to directly touch the restriction, only dared to wander around the restriction, secretly observing the operation of the restriction from a distance.

Such clever spiritual restraint aroused great interest in Xu Mengying.

As a major in the spiritual avenue, she is proficient in a variety of spiritual secrets and magical powers. She has never seen a similar prohibition before.

Seeing Lie Xinxi, she almost forgot about business matters, and carefully studied these restrictions.

The more she studied, the more she felt the magic of the prohibition and the extraordinary of the person who deployed it.

These prohibitions are very different from similar methods in the cultivation world, and they are almost completely out of the same system.

Xu Mengying, as a great monk in the late primordial stage, believed that she could not lay down such an exquisite prohibition.

Xu Mengying was born in a great primordial sect like the Huanglian Sect, and has spent so many years in the palace.

She is not a tubao who has never seen the world, but a well-informed and experienced expert.

But she had never thought that the power of the soul avenue could be used in this way. Regarding the ban on the mind, it can be arranged like this.

Even, she had a bit of speculation in her heart that this was not a method of Taoist cultivators at all.

It is said that on the Avenue of Souls, the monks of Demon's Demon Dao, as well as the legendary Buddhist monks, have extremely high attainments and mastered many unique methods.

When Xu Mengying was in the Daheng Cultivation Realm to quell the evil disaster, she would go through the Demon Cultivation of the Demon Dao of the Heart.

Although these restrictions seem a little strange, they don't have the slightest magical aura, but inexplicably seem very vast.

As for the Buddhist monks, Xu Mengying heard Meng Zhang mentioned it.

When studying these restrictions, she did not forget to communicate with Meng Zhang.

According to Meng Zhang, these spiritual restraints are not like the methods of Buddhist monks.

Of course, Meng Zhang had limited knowledge of Buddhist monks, and he dared not be 100% sure.

Meng Zhang's divine mind and Xu Mengying's divine mind have been in contact, and they have learned all the results of her investigations.

From time to time, Meng Zhang will put forward some reference opinions.

After studying for a long time, Xu Mengying still had no choice but to read the information she needed from the three handymen without touching the restriction.

A little impatient, she was ready to come forward, but was stopped by Meng Zhang in time.

There are still more opportunities for investigation, and there is no need to rush for a while.

Although the three handymen were drunk, they did not forget what was going on.

They finished the drink in the afternoon and flew towards the direction where the flying boat was anchored.

A bit unwilling, Xu Mengying left the small courtyard where she lived, and went around the city. On the way, she met several handyman disciples in Yanyun Grotto.

She, who has had an experience, penetrated her spirit into them when she passed by.

She had been prepared for a long time, and did not touch the restriction in their bodies, so she got the answer.

All the handyman disciples sent by Yanyun Cave have similar restrictions.

Xu Mengying did not disturb them, but returned to the small courtyard and joined Meng Zhang.

The team of handymen sent by Yanyun Cave completed the purchase. After the fun and fun, they boarded the flying boat and returned to Yanyun Cave.

Knowing that this mission is full of doubts, Meng Zhang has always been very careful and never acted rashly.

Before setting off, Meng Zhang told everyone about everything related to this mission, except for the unhappiness between himself and her mother-in-law Qiansi.

Xu Mengying knew the true strength of Yanyun Cave.

In front of Meng Zhang, Xu Mengying wondered a little bit, could it be that Zhenjun Yanyun, the head of Yanyun Cave, had placed restrictions in the body of these handyman disciples.

Xu Mengying saves others by herself, and her current cultivation is far from enough if she wants to impose such a clever prohibition. Unless you have survived the thunder tribulation of the sun **** and become a strong man in the sun **** stage, you can try it.

The mother-in-law Qiansi didn't elaborate on the exercises, the great ways of comprehension, and the proficient magical techniques and so on.

She had only told Meng Zhang that at the level of Yangshen Stage, the strength of True Monarch Yanyun was very average, just like the strength of ordinary True Monarch Yangshen.

Meng Zhang was able to defeat the Yang Shenqi powerhouse of the True Dragon clan in a frontal battle. Among the Yang Shenqi powerhouses, Meng Zhang's cultivation base was all located upstream.

With Meng Zhang's strength, as long as it is not too careless, there is no problem in defeating True Monarch Yanyun.

The only thing that is a bit difficult is how to entangle Zhenjun Yunyun firmly and prevent him from having a chance to escape.

When Mother Qiansi wants to come, Meng Zhang will definitely bring Xukongzi.

With the help of Wukongzi, there is no big problem trapping Zhenyun Yunyun.

Meng Zhang was worried about the emptiness of the sect, and left Xukongzi inside the door. It was not so easy to kill Zhenjun Yanyun with one person.

Therefore, before taking action, Meng Zhang must master the enemy's intelligence as much as possible.

For Xu Mengying's guess, Meng Zhang didn't quite agree with it.

Although he did not see through the details of these restrictions, he did not sense the power of the Yang God level from them.

The most important thing is that there are many primordial cultivators in Yanyun Grotto, including the great monks of the later stage of primordial spirit.

It is not necessary for the master Yanyun Zhenjun to act on such trivial matters as accepting handymen and banning them in the body of the handymen.

The sect of Yanyun Grotto is really strange. There are not many formal disciples, but they are all primordial cultivators.

The martial art site has almost been lost, and I don't know where to obtain resources to support such a multitude of gods in the door.

In fact, even in its heyday, Yanyun Cave is far from being able to support such a multi-faceted god.

There are too many doubts about the sect of Yanyun Cave.

The mother-in-law Qiansi is also talking about her, I don't know how much she knows.

Meng Zhang and his group, even though they act separately, have always used long-distance communication devices to keep in touch.

When Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying were operating in the city, Wen Qiansuan secretly hid near the gate of Yanyun Grotto, carefully studying the fourth-order mountain guard formation.

Zhenjun Jin Li, Wei Wuxian and An Xiaoran were silently waiting for their footing.

After exchanging news, everyone learned about their latest developments.

Wen Qiansuan has made the most progress there, and has almost figured out the details of this fourth-order mountain protection array ~ This fourth-order mountain protection array is a common commodity in the cultivation world.

When the large formation was deployed, there was a lack of sufficiently good array wizards to take action, and the deployment was not perfect.

The third-order spiritual veins in the Yanyun Cave are of average quality, and cannot fully support this fourth-order mountain protection formation.

On weekdays, this fourth-order mountain guarding formation only unlocked a small part of its power.

Of course, if Yanyun Cave encounters a surprise attack, as long as the high-level spiritual objects such as Yuqing Lingji are put in in time, the full power of the big formation can be urged.

Taiyi Sect has a fourth-order array mage like Wen Qiansuan, and a fourth-order talisman like Yang Xueyi.

The two of them worked together to refine a lot of Tier 4 Breaking Talisman, which were mainly used by the monks in the door, and they were rarely sold.

The fourth-order array breaking amulet is a sharp weapon to break the fourth-order mountain protection formation, and Wen Qiansuan will definitely carry it with him.

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