The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1631: Infer

Chapter 1631

Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying tried to obtain the internal intelligence of Yanyun Cave, because the mental restraint in the handyman failed.

Although there was no progress in the action, it also allowed Meng Zhang and Xu Mengying to see a bit of the enemy's extraordinary strength.

Especially Meng Zhang, who was already full of wariness about this action, now has a vague premonition in his heart.

Jin Lizheng, An Xiaoran, and Wei Wuxian have been hiding in temporary footholds to prepare for battle, and have not participated in the operation.

Meng Zhang thought for a while, and directly sent the order to make Jin Li Zhenjun and the three move.

The three of them went to meet Wen Qiansuan, and then hid in the distance to monitor Yanyun Cave to see if there was any change.

The handyman disciples from Yanyun Grottoes will come to Fang City to make purchases every once in a while.

Meng Zhang and the others failed this time, and they can wait for the next opportunity.

But Meng Zhang felt an unpleasant feeling in his heart.

As a celestial clerk, Meng Zhang would never easily ignore his various feelings.

Although in order to avoid the backlash of the heavens, Meng Zhang seldom used the heavenly secret technique to derive.

But this time the situation is different, Meng Zhang always feels restless, always feel that Yanyun Cave is not that simple.

Although the use of the heavenly secret technique may cause the backlash of the heavens, compared with the unpredictable and mysterious danger, this backlash is acceptable.

Moreover, Meng Zhang had accumulated a lot of Heavenly Dao merits before, which could greatly reduce or even offset the power of Heavenly Dao's backlash.

With a decision in his mind, Meng Zhang stopped hesitating and started immediately.

He dismissed Xu Mengying, concentrating on himself in the quiet room, and began to perform Dayan magical calculations, and inferred related to Yanyun Grotto.

Zhenjun Yanyun and Meng Zhang, the masters of Yanyun Cave, are both true kings of Yangshen.

It is a bit difficult to derive a monk of the same rank, but it can still be achieved.

What Meng Zhang really worries about is that there is still hidden power in Yanyun Cave, and the level of power exceeds his own cultivation level.

If that were the case, Meng Zhang's deduction would be difficult to get results. Unless he is willing to pay a huge price to strengthen the power of Dayan.

The worst result did not happen, and Meng Zhang's deduction went on smoothly.

Of course, the deduction process also encountered great resistance.

Meng Zhang is almost certain that the power to obstruct him, in terms of attributes, does not belong to the Junchen Realm, but comes from the void outside the realm.

This time the mission released by the mother-in-law Qiansi, the water inside is really deep.

The strong man hidden in the Yanyun Cave, although not proficient in the calculation of the heavenly secret, has an instinctive resistance to the calculation of the heavenly secret, which greatly hinders Meng Zhang's deduction.

Fortunately, the level of power hidden in Yanyun Cave is not high. As far as Meng Zhang knows, there is no power that exceeds the level of Yang Shen.

The worst result did not happen, Meng Zhang breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the enemy's power level does not exceed the Yang Shen stage, then this operation can continue.

Ten thousand steps back and said, even if the action fails, Meng Zhang will be able to retreat with his subordinates all over.

Meng Zhang continued to deduce, the power hidden in the smoke cloud cave is very strange, and it is not the same power system as the cultivator.

It seemed that there was a layer of Ruoyouruowu mist shrouded in the sky above the Yanyun Cave, which made it difficult for oneself to see clearly, only to see some vague scenes.

Meng Zhang hesitated.

This time he used the Heavenly Secret Technique to derive the situation of the Yanyun Cave, and he has already gained a little bit.

If you want to get more information, you must continue to cast spells, or even pay a greater price.

Meng Zhang didn't want to pay too much for this, and was preparing to stop at enough.

Suddenly, an inexplicable force appeared out of thin air, and Meng Zhang felt that the power of deduction had become stronger inexplicably, as if he was assisted by a god.

At this moment, Meng Zhang could see more clearly and obtained more useful information.

After a while, Meng Zhang slowly ended his spellcasting and stopped the deduction.

He thought carefully about the situation just now.

When he used the Heaven's Secret Technique to derive, not only did he not get backlash by the Heavenly Dao, but was pushed by the Heavenly Dao, and got help out of thin air to derive more information.

Why does this happen?

The greatest possibility is that everything hidden in the Yanyun Grotto is disgusted by the Heavenly Dao and cannot be tolerated by the Heavenly Dao.

Originally, there was still power in Yanyun Cave to hide all this.

But because Meng Zhang used the Dayan Divine Calculations to deduct, all this was exposed to the eyes of Heavenly Dao.

Heaven is high above, with a unique trajectory.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for Heaven to punish God directly.

Now, Tiandao will use Meng Zhang's hand to clean up everything in the Yanyun Grotto.

Meng Zhang's action this time is tantamount to walking for the heavens.

Although there are still many hidden parts in Yanyun Grotto that Meng Zhang hasn't seen clearly, he is full of confidence in completing this task.

Meng Zhang called Xu Mengying and left the city together.

Almost at the same time, Yanyun Cave was also alarmed.

In the gate of Yanyun Grotto, there is an unfathomable crypt, which leads directly to the depths of the earth.

Without knowing when it started, Yanyun Cave regarded this cave as the most important place among the mountain gates.

This is a mountain gate forbidden place, and those handymen are absolutely not allowed to come close.

The formal disciples of Yanyun Grottoes usually surround the cave with this cave as the center.

The strongest Yanyun Zhenjun has been sitting in the sky above the cave and has almost never left.

When Meng Zhang was performing the secret deduction, Zhenjun Yanyun, who had closed his eyes and meditated, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked up into the distance as if he had felt it.

A pair of blood-red eyes rolled quickly, revealing a faint scarlet light inside, giving a strong inhuman feeling.

Zhenjun Yanyun did not speak, but a formal disciple who was meditating outside suddenly felt touched in his heart and immediately appeared in front of Zhenjun Yanyun.

This disciple is called the true monarch of fireworks, and he handles all kinds of affairs in Yanyun Grottoes on weekdays.

Among the formal disciples of Yanyun Cave, he is the only one who will show up outside.

In fact, the surrounding cultivating forces did not know the composition of the members of Yanyun Cave at all, let alone the existence of those so-called formal disciples.

The information that Qiansi's mother-in-law provided to Meng Zhang revealed the disguise of Yanyun Cave and pointed to the truth.

In the eyes of the surrounding cultivation forces, True Monarch Fireworks is one of Yanyun Cave's cards.

It is the existence of True Monarch Fireworks that Yanyun Cave can maintain the status of the Yuanshen sect.

Although Yanyun Grotto was declared closed hundreds of years ago, it is impossible to have no contact with the outside at all.

The true monarch of fireworks has left Yanyun Cave many times, soliciting casual repairs, as a handyman in the door, helping with all kinds of chores.

The true monarch of fireworks shows up from time to time, which can shock the ambitious cultivation forces around him and prevent them from completely ignoring Yanyun Cave.

No matter how frustrated Yanyun Cave is, True Monarch Yuanshen hasn't cut off yet.

They don't act too much on weekdays, they must have a minimum bottom line, and they must not force the Yanyun Cave to a corner.

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