The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1642: Gu Chen Shangzun

Chapter 1642 Gu Chen Supreme

Many high-level officials in Taiyimen have been to the Hailing School. After Meng Zhang was about to meet with Granny Qiansi, he would also go to the Hailing School.

In a blink of an eye, one year passed.

Meng Zhang came to Tiangong again and came to the residence of Granny Qiansi.

Mother-in-law Qiansi has been waiting for a long time. In addition to the mother-in-law Qiansi, there was also an unfamiliar monk present.

Mother-in-law Qiansi introduced to Meng Zhang very solemnly that this seemingly elegant and easy-going middle-aged man is the famous Guchen Supreme in the Junchen Realm Return to Void Great Power circle.

Meng Zhang listened to the introduction of Qiansi's mother-in-law, and hurriedly respectfully bowed to Gu Chen.

Only the few outstanding ones among the monks in the rebirth period are qualified to be called the supreme.

It is said that these beings, called the Supreme Beings, are very close to immortals in strength, and have a great possibility of achieving immortal Dao.

Shangzun Gu Chen didn't have any arrogance to return to the emptiness, he was easy-going, and his attitude towards Meng Zhang was very kind. He looked upon Meng Zhang as a junior.

Shangzun Gu Chen was a very talkative person. After a few words, Meng Zhang almost lost his guard and regarded him as his own elder.

He and Meng Zhang started a family routine, and also commented on Meng Zhang's cultivation.

Meng Zhang seemed to be very excited, but in fact he kept clear in his heart.

With his experience and aspirations, he was not the kind of hairy boy long ago. He was so excited that he couldn't find Bei when he saw a legendary rebirth power.

Most of the attitude shown by Meng Zhang was in disguise.

Supreme Master Gu Chen didn't know if he had seen through Meng Zhang's true attitude, and he had been very patient in talking to Meng Zhang.

First, he apologized to Meng Zhang.

It is a common practice for the newly approved monks to join the group to complete their tasks, and it is not that he deliberately embarrassed Meng Zhang.

All members of the group have experienced such an experience.

If Meng Zhang feels uncomfortable, he apologizes to Meng Zhang here.

Meng Zhang looked very frightened, and kept saying he didn't dare.

Shangzun Gu Chen also explained to Meng Zhang the relevance of this mission.

Many years ago, due to his negligence, a demon of the Yang God level sneaked into Junchen Realm.

Senior Gu Chen knew that the devil could not leave it alone when it sneaked into the Junchen Realm.

If it takes a long time to let the demon become a climate and cause a catastrophe in the Junchen Realm, then Gu Chen can't get rid of the relationship.

Therefore, Gu Chen spent a lot of time searching for the whereabouts of this demon.

Not long before Meng Zhang joined the group, he discovered the whereabouts of this demon.

Before being possessed, this demon was suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth in Junchen Realm, and had no strength.

Even if the demon had possessed True Monarch Yanyun, it was not at the level of the Yang God.

With Gu Chen's cultivation base, this demon and his subordinates can be easily destroyed without any effort.

But Gu Chen is not far from becoming a god.

In order to avoid being targeted by the demon from outside the domain when he became a god, he hesitated before taking the initiative to exterminate the demon.

Although the demon clan is only a lower-level race among the extraterritorial celestial demons, the sun god-level demon itself has a considerable status in the clan, and the demon clan has a wide range of friends and knows many powerful celestial demons.

There are countless obstacles to becoming a god, and there are countless difficulties to go through.

If the extraterritorial celestial demon that came to block the way was too powerful, it would be even more difficult to break through to the realm of true immortality.

After thinking about it, Senior Gu Chen gave up and directly killed the demon, but looked for another way.

Soon after, I happened to meet Meng Zhang to join this small group, and he needed to accept a test task.

Gu Chen pretended to be selfish and gave Meng Zhang the task of exterminating the devil.

In order to help Meng Zhang complete the task, Gu Chen even went deep into the Yanyun Grotto personally, probed all the intelligence, and determined the enemy's strength.

After talking about the causes and consequences of this matter, Gu Chen solemnly thanked Meng Zhang for the matter.

He was rather embarrassed to say to Meng Zhang that the trouble and distress caused to Meng Zhang made him very uneasy.

He owes Meng Zhang a favor this time. If Meng Zhang needs his help in the future, he has something to do. Within the scope of his power, he can make one shot for Meng Zhang.

Logically speaking, with Gu Chen's cultivation base and identity, he has put his posture so low and promised to make a shot for Meng Zhang. No matter what Meng Zhang thought before, he should be relieved now.

In fact, at the beginning, Gu Chen's frank attitude really moved Meng Zhang a bit.

But after Gu Chen had finished speaking, Meng Zhang looked very touched and flattered on the surface, but deep in his heart, there was a bit of disdain.

Shang Zun Gu Chen said beautifully, but he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and he forgot the most important point.

The Supreme Lord Gu Chen is unwilling to offend the extraterritorial demon and incur revenge from the extraterritorial demon, then is Meng Zhang very willing to avenge the extraterritorial demon?

Meng Zhang has offended the Great Demon and the Demon God, and now with the extraterritorial demon, he seems to be in debt.

But Meng Zhang will also have the day when he breaks through the realm of real immortality. Even if that day is still far away, it seems to be far away.

What should he do if a powerful demon comes to hinder him when he becomes immortal and attains Taoism?

Although he was upset, on the surface, Meng Zhang still treats Gu Chen very respectfully, constantly saying that he doesn't care about this matter.

For the great love of Gu Chen, he would like to sincerely thank him.

Still the same sentence, Gu Chen's cultivation base is there, and Meng Zhang can't fight him hard.

In fact, in Gu Chen Shangzun's heart, his attitude towards Meng Zhang is the best and he can't ask for more.

It depends on Meng Zhang's cultivation level, background, etc., that he has such a good attitude.

Mother-in-law Qiansi saw that the atmosphere was good, and echoed a few words, admiring Gu Chen.

Mother-in-law Qiansi said that Gu Chen is a very kind senior man, who has always cared for his younger generations, and especially likes to support those talented younger generations.

Mother-in-law Qiansi hopes that Meng Zhang will get close to Gu Chen in the future and accept Gu Chen's guidance.

From the beginning to the end, Meng Zhang did not express his true attitude and maintained sufficient respect for Gu Chen.

In Gu Chen's opinion, Meng Zhang is still far away from becoming immortal.

In the pursuit of immortality, countless amazing cultivators have fallen.

Meng Zhang hadn't even made a breakthrough in the return period, and now considering the issue of becoming a god, it would be too high.

Now Meng Zhang has offended an extraterritorial celestial demon by killing the devil. Even if there is any harm, he will not be able to see it in a short time.

Maybe Meng Zhang never has to worry about this problem.

As for Meng Zhang's trip to solve the problem for him, he also gave enough compensation.

In the realm of cultivation, a lot of monks begged to work for him.

It should be an honor for Meng Zhang to have the opportunity to play for him.

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