The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1643: Dengxianhui

Chapter 1643

Now that Meng Zhang has completed the test task, he has been a full member of this small group from then on.

As the senior of this small group, Gu Chen came here in person this time to meet Meng Zhang.

First, on behalf of the small group, he expressed his welcome to the newcomer Meng Zhang and expressed the group's importance to him.

Secondly, Supreme Gu Chen also had some things that needed to be explained to Meng Zhang.

After talking about the task-related matters, Gu Chen first represented the small group and welcomed Meng Zhang to join.

Since Meng Zhang is already a member of the group, many secrets of the group will take the initiative to open to him.

First of all, that is the name of this group.

This group is called Dengxianhui.

The purpose of the group, and the purpose of its establishment, as the name implies, is that group members help each other and climb the path together.

The purpose of cultivation is to become immortal and attain Taoism, and to live forever.

The name of the Dengxianhui group is simple and easy to understand.

The Dengxianhui organization was founded thousands of years ago, and its history is not necessarily much shorter than those of the sacred sects.

Speaking of the history of Dengxianhui, it is inevitable to mention the history of Junchen Realm's opening of the immortal way.

Thousands of years ago, the true celestials from the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm conquered Junchen Realm, opened up the path of immortality here, and established inheritance. A long time ago, Granny Qiansi introduced to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang has read countless classics before and after, many of which are about the history of Junchen Realm, and they have already known a little about this.

What Gu Chen is talking about now is to make some supplements to what Qiansi's mother-in-law said before, and secondly, to reveal some of the deepest secrets of Junchen Realm for Meng Zhang.

The mother-in-law Qiansi only talked about the fairy preaching in the Junchen realm last time, and their direct descendants established various sacred sects to assist the heavenly palace to rule the Junchen realm.

Regarding the whereabouts of these immortals, the mother-in-law Qiansi did not tell Meng Zhang.

Among the many classics that Meng Zhang has read, there is no introduction of relevant content.

Meng Zhang didn't think much before. He took it for granted that these immortals should have returned to the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm after completing the task of opening up the Immortal Dao in Junchen Realm.

When Gu Chen talked about this, he deliberately bought a pass and asked Meng Zhang's opinion.

Meng Zhang didn't think too much, and directly said what was in his heart.

There was a mysterious smile on Gu Chen's face.

He told Meng Zhang that not only did the immortals not return to the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, but they had always stayed in the Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang was taken aback by Gu Chen's words and couldn't believe it.

If these immortals had stayed in Junchen Realm, the situation in Junchen Realm would not be what it is today.

The immortals are still there, who dares to challenge the sect of the Holy Land?

Hailing faction and Dali Dynasty were able to fight against the sacred land sect, could they also fight against the immortals?

Moreover, for thousands of years, no one has ever discovered the whereabouts of immortals in Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang has been in the Tiangong for so long, and he still has a formal position in the Tiangong, and the news is relatively well-informed.

But he almost never heard anyone talk about the existence of these immortals.

Seeing Meng Zhang's inexplicable surprise, Gu Chen's certain evil taste seemed to be satisfied.

He did not continue to sell Guanzi, and directly told Meng Zhang that those immortals who preached in Junchen Realm had fallen into a deep sleep for some reason thousands of years ago.

In the near future, when these immortals wake up, it will be the time when Jun Chen Realm changes greatly.

At that time, on the one hand, Junchen Realm is facing a crisis of destruction, on the other hand, Junchen Realm will have great opportunities.

The Void Returning Powers can rely on these opportunities to become immortals and gain Dao, and the true immortals will also get the opportunity to advance to the heavenly immortals.

Meng Zhang knew that Gu Chen had no need to deceive him on this issue.

He believed Gu Chen's statement that the immortals had been sleeping in Junchen Realm for some reason.

Meng Zhang couldn't restrain his curiosity and wanted to know more.

But when he further inquired of Gu Chen Supreme, Gu Chen said that the time had not come, and refused to disclose more.

Meng Zhang felt like a cat's paw was scratching in his heart, but he couldn't help Gu Chen.

The prestigious Gu Chen Supreme was very satisfied with the effect of these words.

Sure enough, throwing out a secret casually, it suppressed a soil bun like Meng Zhang.

Then, Gu Chen began to enter the topic, talking about the origin and history of the Dengxianhui.

Those immortals conquered Junchen Realm and preached here.

According to the usual practice, the Spirit Kong Immortal Realm regards Junchen Realm as the territory of these immortals.

Although Tiangong rules the Junchen Realm as the supreme ruling institution, it must respect the opinions of the immortals on many issues and cannot act arbitrarily.

After the immortals fell into a deep sleep, the sacred land sect, as the descendant of the immortals, began to assist the heavenly palace to control the Junchen realm.

Other immortals in the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, according to the rules of the Spiritual Immortal Realm, naturally cannot run to Junchen Realm to compete with the pioneering immortals.

Those immortals who opened up Junchen realm, in order to speed up the opening of Junchen realm, in order to establish a ruling order here as soon as possible, many human races have migrated from the world under the spiritual sky fairy realm.

The Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm is an extremely powerful world among the heavens and myriad realms ~ There are countless large and small worlds as its subordinates and vassals.

In these worlds, there are naturally countless cultivating forces and countless cultivators.

Generally speaking, with a brand new world being conquered and incorporated into the ruling order of the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, in addition to the ordinary human races that have migrated, there are also many cultivators who come here to look for opportunities.

There are even some comprehension forces that will actively migrate here.

The immortals who pioneered Junchen Realm took the initiative to accept a lot of cultivation forces.

They also welcome those who have an innocent background.

After all, to build a cultivation civilization from scratch in the originally barren Junchen Realm, and to establish the rule of the cultivation people, relying solely on their direct descendants is far from enough.

The immortals have a very high vision, and the standards for accepting disciples are extremely strict. The number of disciples they directly accepted was not large.

Of course, after thousands of years of development, the continuous inheritance of descendants, and the continuous multiplication of the population, the major sacred sects have their power today.

In the era when the immortals opened up the Junchen Realm, in addition to their own disciples, they had to use the power of other cultivators vigorously.

These cultivators who dared to venture into an unfamiliar world for various reasons played a great role in the development of Jun Chen Realm.

The immortals will also take the initiative to preach among the human races, passing down many ordinary cultivation methods and the like.

These ordinary cultivation methods will gradually develop and improve after generations of cultivation and research.

If a monk with extraordinary talent comes out of a certain generation, it can be deduced to a very high level.

This is also the source of many local cultivation forces in Junchen Realm.

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