The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1650: Go to Hailing

Chapter 1650 of the text

After Meng Zhang left the old man of Yinhu, he returned to the residence of Taiyimen in Tiangong.

He asked the Taiyimen's rotating monk here to go to the Hailing faction's resident to inform him that he would go to the Hailing faction as a guest soon.

Meng Zhang didn't tell the others in the door about the news that the world of Jun Chen was about to change drastically.

The group of disciples in the door are far from lacking in cultivation, and they are fundamentally helpful in this kind of thing.

If they were to know the news of the imminent destruction of Jun Chen Realm, it would only make them uneasy and affect their practice.

Once a mind demon is born, the consequences are even more disastrous.

As the head of the school, Meng Zhang was the person with the highest level of Taiyi Cultivation. Many things were silently hidden in his heart, and he alone took on countless pressures.

Of course, for him, a sect like Taiyi Sect is not a burden, but an important help.

When he gave an order, countless monks ran for him, and many true primordial spirits wanted to work for him.

After Meng Zhang survived the thunder tribulation of the sun god, the primordial spirit transformed into a sun god.

The yang **** is pure and innocent, and needs to continue to grow.

When the Yangshen reaches Consummation and grows to be able to pin the void, Meng Zhang will be able to break through the Void Return Period.

In addition to Meng Zhang's own penance, the strengthening of Yang Shen can also use the power of foreign objects.

Extremely pure yang spirit objects are naturally beneficial to the yang god.

Relying on the strength of Meng Zhang alone, even if he spends a lot of time and energy, the pure Yang spirits he can collect are limited.

However, the entire Taiyi Sect, plus its vassal forces, possessed thousands of monks, and they experienced and searched on the vast Taiyi Sect territory, which would bring some surprises to Meng Zhang from time to time.

The Taiyimen monks served in the Heavenly Palace, and many low-level monks spent their lives fighting hard, accumulating a lot of contributions.

With Meng Zhang's authority in the Tiangong, he can consume contributions from time to time, and exchange some medicines or spiritual objects from the Tiangong to help cultivation.

In addition, the so-called extremes of matter must be reversed, and Meng Zhang can also refine some extreme Xuanyin spiritual objects to stimulate the growth of Yangshen.

And the most common place for this kind of spiritual beings is the underworld.

At this time, it can be seen that Meng Zhang actively laid out the underworld in his early years and developed the foresight of the underworld.

He is the biggest asylum of the Taiyi Sect, and the whole sect has worked hard to support him, which is justified.

In fact, even after entering the Yang Shen stage, Meng Zhang has a very sufficient supply of foreign objects to assist his practice.

Even the Yangshen stage monks of the sacred sect of the Holy Land, they may not have his cultivation conditions.

In addition to the extraordinary talent of Meng Zhang himself, the speed of his practice is far beyond the imagination of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The Ziyang Saint Sect may know from his past record that his combat effectiveness is strong.

For many cultivators, combat effectiveness and cultivation are not necessarily equal.

Meng Zhang's combat effectiveness and cultivation base complemented each other, and would not slow down.

Meng Zhang's current cultivation base is far closer to the completion of the Yang God Stage than the Ziyang Saint Sect estimated.

The monk sent by Meng Zhang to the Hailing Sect's resident soon replied, and the Hailing Sect always welcomes the visit of Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect.

Meng Zhang had long been interested in going to the Hailing School.

Especially after knowing the news that the world of Jun Chen is about to change drastically, he needs to discuss with the alliance friendly.

Meng Zhang left the Taiyimen station and came to the Hailing faction's station in Tiangong.

During these years, the monk who was in charge of this resident by the Hailing faction was Zhenjun Lu Tianshu, an old friend of Meng Zhang.

Zhenjun Lu Tianshu became a great monk in the late Yuanshen period before Meng Zhang.

When entering the Yang Shen stage, Meng Zhang took a step ahead.

Of course, Lu Tianshu's cultivation did not stand still.

According to Meng Zhang's observation, his cultivation in the late Yuanshen stage is almost complete, and he is not far from breaking through the Yangshen stage.

For a great cultivating sect like the Hailing Sect, there is more than one Yang God-stage monk in the door, and there is also the power of returning to the void to sit in the town. Naturally, there is no lack of the secret method of transcending the calamity.

As long as Lu Tianshu accumulates enough and his luck is not too bad, he has a great chance to survive the thunder of the sun god.

Having not seen each other for many years, both Meng Zhang and Lu Tianshu felt very cordial.

Hailing faction and Taiyimen have formed secret allies for some years.

The two sides secretly exchanged frequently, not only the scale of commerce and trade continued to expand, but the exchanges between monks were also increasing.

Although the two sides did not stand together in public, nor did they openly help each other to fight. But they secretly form an alliance, which benefits both parties a lot, and benefits each other a lot.

The Hailing faction, which is far more powerful than the Taiyi Sect, is willing to form an alliance with the Taiyi Sect on a relatively equal position.

For one thing, it was the Hailing faction that faced the tremendous pressure of the Holy Land Zongmen Zhenhaidian, and indeed needed allies urgently.

Although Taiyi Gate is far away from the South China Sea, it is located in the far north of the other end of Junchen Realm. However, the strength of the school is not weak, and it has a lot of resources, which can make up for the shortcomings of the Shanghai Lingpai in many aspects.

Secondly, it is the high-level Hailing faction, including Lu Tianshu, who are very optimistic about Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang was able to defeat the true dragon of the Yang God Stage not long after he advanced to the Yang God Stage. After the news spread, he also caused a lot of fluctuations in the circle of the Yang God cultivators in the Junchen Realm.

In the case of the rebirth period, Meng Zhang relied on his strength, not to mention the vertical and horizontal Junchen world at least to be alone and dominate the party.

Many high-level battles in Junchen Realm, and the highest combat power at the end, are all limited to the Yang Shen stage.

In many cases, a strong enough power in the Yangshen Stage can even play a greater role than the Void Return Stage.

Back then, Lu Tianshu was first optimistic about Meng Zhang and actively promoted the alliance between Hailing School and Taiyimen, and took the initiative to make concessions in many aspects.

Although Lu Tianshu's approach was based on long-term considerations, it was ultimately for the benefit of his own sect. But Meng Zhang still wants to recognize this favor.

Lu Tianshu is not only an old friend of Meng Zhang, but also the founder of the good relationship between the two.

Lu Tianshu warmly received Meng Zhang at the station of Hailing.

The two talked freely for a long time and exchanged a lot of news.

Lu Tianshu keenly noticed that Meng Zhang's visit to the Hailing School this time was not a courtesy visit, but really had a future related to the Junchen Realm, and the two factions had to discuss with the high-level Hailing faction about future major issues.

Lu Tianshu can also be regarded as one of the high-level Hailing faction, and he has won the trust and respect of the ancestors in the family.

However, he was limited in his lack of cultivation, and his status in the door was limited.

Regarding the major events related to the future destiny of the martial art, it is the powerhouse of the Yangshen stage that is really in charge, and even the power of the rebirth stage.

What Meng Zhang said was a big deal, and it was not for Lu Tianshu alone to decide.

In order to show respect for Meng Zhang and to be very interested in what Meng Zhang said, Lu Tianshu confided the matter of the station to his colleagues, so he decided to accompany Meng Zhang on a trip and return to the Hailing School.

Lu Tianshu's approach is in line with Meng Zhang's wishes.

With a high-level guide like him, there will be a lot less trouble and cumbersome process.

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