The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1651: South China Sea League

Chapter 1651 South China Sea League

Meng Zhang and Lu Tianshu passed through the teleportation circle in the Tiangong and reached the nearest exit from the South China Sea.

The two left the Tiangong from the exit and appeared in nine days.

It didn't take long for the two to arrive in the sky above the South China Sea.

Meng Zhang had been to the Far Sea of ​​the West China Sea, which was basically the territory of the Sea Clan.

As an isolated island, the Xingluo Islands are isolated overseas and stand alone against the attacks of the sea clan.

The situation in the South China Sea is completely different.

Since the rise of the Hailing faction, it has led many cultivation forces in the South China Sea to fight against the Sea Clan and compete with the Sea Clan for living space.

After thousands of years of hard work, there have been countless **** battles, internal and external struggles, and great sacrifices.

The Hailing faction completely defeated the Sea Clan, drove it away, and became the overlord of the South China Sea.

The Hailing faction dominates the South China Sea and established an organization called the South China Sea League.

The vast majority of the cultivation forces in the South China Sea are members of the South China Sea League.

In the South China Sea League, the Hailing faction dominates, and is a veritable leader of the alliance.

The rise of the Hailing School in the South China Sea has attracted the fear of the Holy Land Zongmen Zhenhai Temple.

As the only holy land sect located overseas, Zhenhai Temple has always regarded the sea as its sphere of influence.

Of course, the ocean area of ​​Junchen Realm is too large, even though Zhenhai Palace is strong, it can't be fully occupied.

The only thing that Zhenhai Temple can completely control is the East China Sea.

The sea area of ​​the East China Sea is also the vastest and most fertile sea area in which the humans of Junchen Realm have set foot in it.

The East China Sea is the forbidden area of ​​Zhenhai Temple, and no foreign power is allowed to intervene.

There, apart from Zhenhai Temple, only a small number of vassal forces of Zhenhai Temple can exist.

Although the South China Sea is far less expansive and rich than the East China Sea, no one has ever complained that there are too many sites.

South China Sea is the next expansion direction and control target of Zhenhai Temple.

Many years ago, although Zhenhai Temple was temporarily unable to directly control the South China Sea, it had many layouts in the South China Sea. Including fostering some local comprehension forces as puppets.

In the process of contending for supremacy in the South China Sea, the Sea Spirit faction not only faces the powerful Sea Clan, but also guards against the cultivation forces within the Human Race.

Among them, the puppets fostered by Zhenhai Temple are the enemies of the Hailing School.

Although Zhenhai Temple did not directly drop an army of cultivators into the South China Sea, it had launched a series of open and secret battles with the Hailing faction through the means of supporting puppets.

The Hailing faction became the final victor, and these puppet forces also died out.

With the expansion of Zhenhai Temple on the edge of the East China Sea, the barrier between it and the South China Sea is becoming less and less.

After the Hailing faction dominated the South China Sea, it pursued the remaining sea clan forces and involuntarily expanded towards the East China Sea.

By now, the sea clan forces that acted as a buffer between Zhenhaidian and Hailing faction have almost disappeared.

The boundary between the two major gates is not far away.

Many people in the cultivation world speculate that when the two sects directly border each other, it will be the day when the two sects start a full-scale battle.

In fact, the confrontation between Hailing School and Zhenhai Temple is all-round.

Both sides sent a small group of elite teams to wage a cruel and **** battle between the East China Sea and the South China Sea.

In the void, Zhenhai Palace used its own strength advantages to pursue and kill the sea spirit cultivators who had come to experience it in an all-round way.

When Meng Zhang first met Lu Tianshu, he was involved once.

Just to say it, Meng Zhang's hands were also stained with the blood of Zhenhai Temple disciples.

Fortunately, the news has not been leaked, and Lu Tianshu has never used this to threaten Meng Zhang to stand in public.

Over the years, extraterritorial invaders from other big worlds have been pressing harder and harder towards Jun Chen Realm, putting increasing pressure on them.

Under the strict orders of the Heavenly Palace, Zhenhai Temple had to reduce the direct action against Hailing faction.

The struggle between the two factions in the void slowed down, and the struggle within Jun Chen Realm became more intense.

The place where Meng Zhang and Lu Tianshu appeared was the hinterland of the South China Sea, which was temporarily impenetrable to the monks of Zhenhai Temple.

The two of them flew freely in the high altitude and flew towards the Hailing School gate.

Along the way, some fleets will appear below from time to time.

There are merchant ships from the mainland, fishing boats dispatched from nearby islands, and so on.

Since the marine forces were driven away from the South China Sea, the nearby sea area has completely become the territory of the human race.

The Terran merchant fleet can sail freely, and Terran fishing boats can fish anywhere...

In many cases, even if there is no guardian of the cultivator, a fleet composed of mortals will dare to sail far away.

Meng Zhang and the others pass by islands from time to time.

With a casual glance, Meng Zhang can basically be sure that the residents on the island can barely live and work in peace and contentment.

It seems that the Hailing faction's rule in the South China Sea is still very good and very stable.

Lu Tianshu was half of the body behind Meng Zhang, and whispered to Meng Zhang to introduce various aspects of the South China Sea.

With the introduction of Lu Tianshu, Meng Zhang was indeed an eye-opener and gained a lot of insights.

The two of them flew for most of the day, and finally came to the sky above their destination.

It was a huge island full of various buildings.

The mountain gate of the Hailing School is located on the largest island in the South China Sea.

Around this island, there are many large and small islands like the guards of the main island.

Except for some of the many islands on the Hailing faction’s territory, many of them were formed by reclaiming the sea to make land.

Before getting close to the huge island, a patrol team appeared on the way forward.

With Lu Tianshu walking with him, there is almost no need to stop on the road. The patrolling monks not only did not come to interrogate, but also saluted Lu Tianshu one after another.

Before returning to the mountain gate, Lu Tianshu notified the mountain gate through a long-distance communication device.

Because the Taiyi Sect and the Hailing Sect were in a secret alliance, the Taiyi Sect monks, including Meng Zhang, were not willing to have too close contacts with the Hailing Sect in public.

In the past, when monks from the Taiyi Sect came to the Hailing Sect, they had a special person to receive them and directly entered the Hailing Sect Mountain Gate.

This time the ally of Meng Zhang came, and the Hailing faction originally prepared a grand welcome ceremony, but later gave up.

Lu Tianshu led Meng Zhang to land on the island, bypassing the main gate, passing through the mountain guard array from the side gate, and entering the outside of the mountain gate.

As soon as he entered the mountain gate of the Hailing School, Meng Zhang had a unique feeling.

The aura here is extremely rich, just like the essence.

Even if it concentrates multiple third-order spiritual veins, it is impossible to have this level of aura.

He glanced at the depths of the mountain gate, where the spiritual energy could barely meet the daily cultivation needs of True Monarch Yuanshen.

It seems that, like the previous report of the monks in the door, the Hailing Sect has a blessed land that has already been built, and the mountain gate is in the blessed land.

In Junchen Realm, in addition to the great sacred sects, few other powers of cultivation have blessed land.

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