The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1654: Tiger Clam News

Chapter 1654 Tiger Clam News

After the Hailing School leader Haiyang Zhenjun left, Lu Tianshu followed the leader's order and led Meng Zhang to visit the mountain gate.

Except for a small part of the forbidden area in the gate, most of the Hailing faction was generously opened to Meng Zhang.

Taiyimen is currently building a blessed land. Meng Zhang is very interested in the blessed land of the Hailing School, and wants to see if there is anything he can learn from.

Meng Zhang was also very curious about what the blessed land would look like after it was built.

Meng Zhang followed Lu Tianshu around inside the Hailing School gate, carefully watching.

Lu Tianshu is a very good tour guide, explaining to Meng Zhang in detail.

He will also focus on the content that Meng Zhang is interested in.

Meng Zhang asked some questions from time to time, as long as it was not about the secrets of the sect, Lu Tianshu would try his best to answer them.

The Hailing School Mountain Gate occupies a very wide area, and the two of them walked around the mountain gate leisurely.

Meng Zhang had a good knowledge of the layout of the Hailing School's mountain gate, and personally experienced the magical effect of the blessed land, and he was full of praise for it.

Among the Hailing faction, let alone the monks of the Yangshen stage, there is more than one person who can return to the void.

But this does not mean that Yang Shenqi monks like Meng Zhang are worthless, which is not surprising.

In fact, the Hailing faction still attached great importance to Meng Zhang.

Lu Tianshu led Meng Zhang all the way through the mountain gate. Both he himself and the other high-ranking monks in the gate he met were very respectful to Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang knew that Tiangong should also be a special blessed place.

Although he has entered and exited the Tiangong many times, the Tiangong is still too high-end for him, and many mysteries are invisible.

As for Hailing School, this blessed place is just right, he can understand many places, and he can understand by analogy after seeing it.

When he returned to Taiyi Gate in the future and participated in the construction of the blessed land inside the gate, he was considered to have a reference object.

In fact, many high-ranking monks in Taiyimen have come to Hailing School.

Like Li Boqian, the fourth-order geomancer in the door, and the fourth-order array mage Wen Qianjuan, he personally visited the Hailing faction a long time ago, and they all spent a long time in the Hailing faction.

They are specialized in learning, and after careful study of Fudi, they will naturally gain a lot.

Meng Zhang's cultivation level is higher than them, and his eyesight is stronger than them. After the visit, he also has some insights and new gains.

Meng Zhang was visiting with enthusiasm, and an early primordial cultivator hurriedly flew to Lu Tianshu's side and talked to him in a low voice.

After hearing a few words, Lu Tianshu frowned, a look of embarrassment on his face.

Meng Zhang shouldn't, and didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversations, but they were talking in such a close place, and Meng Zhang, who had a high level of cultivation, had a clever ear, and it was difficult to hear it or not.

It turned out that a tiger clam that had been defeated by the Hailing faction before suddenly appeared again and made trouble on the edge of the Hailing faction.

This tiger clam has the strength of the Yang God level, and has always been alone, very slippery.

When the Hailing faction was expanding, it invaded the tiger clam's territory and clashed with it.

The Yang Shenqi monk of the Hailing School easily defeated the tiger clam, but failed to keep it.

After this tiger clam escaped, it always remembered the hatred with the Hailing faction, and from time to time it appeared to oppose the Hailing faction.

If it is on weekdays, although this tiger clam is very strong, Hailing faction will not take it to heart.

It's a little troublesome at most, just send out the Zhongyang Shenqi powerhouse to drive him away.

However, during the recent period of time, due to Zhenhai Temple's movements, the Hailing faction has been greatly restrained in its strength, and its manpower is at a stretch.

Now this tiger clam attacked the stronghold on the edge of the territory, and for a while, the Hailing faction could not send enough power to expel it.

The cultivator of the early Yuanshen who came to report the letter wanted to ask Lu Tianshu to see the Void Returning Ancestor in the closed door, to see what the Void Returning Ancestor could do.

Although the cultivator in the Void Return Period cannot directly take action in Junchen Realm due to strict restrictions, his cultivation base and knowledge are there, and there should be a way to expel the tiger clam.

Among other things, even if the cultivator doesn't take action during the rebirth period, just standing there, just with the aura that he releases, it is enough to scare the tiger clam away.

Lu Tianshu listened, but he didn't agree with this colleague's statement.

The ancestors of the rebirth period are the true pillars of the Hailing School, how can they be alarmed by this little incident?

Now the enemy Zhenhai Temple is watching from the sidelines. If the ancestors in the Void Return Period are caught by him, the consequences will be disastrous.

Besides, the tiger clam did not penetrate deep into the Hailing faction territory, but swayed on the edge of the territory and attacked some small strongholds. Even if the Hailing faction suffered a loss, the loss was very limited, and it was completely bearable.

The true monarch of the Yuanshen who reported the news disagreed with Lu Tianshu's opinion. He felt that the Hailing faction had nothing to do if the tiger clam was there to do anything, sabotage and kill, and that the Hailing faction's prestige loss was too great.

Although his cultivation level and status were far inferior to Lu Tianshu, he insisted on his own opinion and argued with Lu Tianshu.

Meng Zhang listened for a while and understood the cause and effect of the matter.

Originally, he shouldn't be troublesome, but he thought that he would be a guest this time and the host would welcome him warmly, and he should share his worries for the host.

The most important thing is Mussels, many of them will breed pearls in their bodies.

If a tiger clam of the Yangshen level bred pearls, the pearls that were bred would be extremely rare treasures of heaven and earth, and would be of great use to monks of the Yangshen stage like Meng Zhang.

If Meng Zhang could kill him and harvest the pearls he might conceive, the Hailing faction would not be embarrassed to stretch out his hand.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhang took the initiative to walk over and told Lu Tianshu righteously.

Taiyimen and Hailing faction are allies, and Hailing faction is now facing difficulties, so she can't just sit idly by.

The Sea Clan is even the enemy of the Human Race. Seeing the Sea Clan raging, I can't bear it.

Meng Zhang suggested that he was willing to take a trip to share the worries for allies and eliminate harm for the human race.

Lu Tianshu was unwilling to work on Meng Zhang's big frame, but Meng Zhang really insisted, and he was also unwilling to let the tiger clam run rampant.

Thinking of having fought side by side with Meng Zhang in the void, Lu Tianshu understood Meng Zhang's temperament, and finally agreed to Meng Zhang's proposal.

Since the labor Meng Zhang took the shot, he would be very fast, and he couldn't let the tiger clam come and go freely.

Lu Tianshu led Meng Zhang and walked towards the long-distance teleportation circle within the mountain gate.

After the Hailing School ruled the South China Sea, they tried their best to deploy a large number of long-distance teleportation arrays in various points of the South China Sea.

Relying on these long-distance teleportation arrays, the Hailing faction can quickly mobilize monks within the South China Sea, concentrate their forces, and deal with various situations.

Meng Zhang had never been to the South China Sea before, and was unfamiliar with the terrain here, so naturally he couldn't directly use the technique of spatial teleportation to teleport it over.

With the help of the long-distance teleportation array of the Hailing School, it became the fastest way.

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