The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1655: Chase

The Hailing School uses multiple long-distance teleportation arrays to establish a transmission network that covers almost most of the South China Sea.

The South China Sea is very vast, and the islands are nothing compared to the size of the ocean.

The islands are distributed on the vast ocean, just like a few sesame seeds on the biscuits.

If there is no long-distance transmission of the magic circle, no one can control such a large territory.

Of course, building a long-distance teleportation circle requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Even if the Sea Spirit faction controls the power of the entire South China Sea, it can only guarantee that the islands of medium size and above, as well as some important resource producing areas, can build a long-distance teleportation array.

As for those places that are too remote and there are many small islands, there is no way.

This time the tiger clam attacked some small islands on the edge of the Hailing faction's sphere of influence.

If it were on weekdays, the news of the attacks on these small islands might not be able to be transmitted back to the Hailing School gate so quickly.

Recently, the situation has been special. The Hailing faction has strengthened its defense of the territory, especially emphasizing that the upper and lower levels must ensure the smooth flow of information.

Lu Tianshu led Meng Zhang, and after several transits, he finally teleported to a medium-sized island called Huangshi Island.

Huangshi Island is located in the southwest of the South China Sea and is already at the edge of the Hailing School's control range.

Near Huangshi Island, there are more than ten small islands.

These small islands are not only inhabited by human races, but also strongholds established by cultivators.

Lu Tianshu led Meng Zhang out of the long-distance teleportation circle, and a monk from the early stage of the soul hurriedly greeted him.

This person is the only true monarch among the monks stationed on Huangshi Island, and he is the pillar of this island.

The news of the attack first came from some small islands under Huangshi Island.

After finding the tiger clam on the small islands, they immediately used communication tools to ask for help from Huangshi Island.

After receiving the news, Huangshi Island immediately closed the entire island, opened the mountain guard formation, and asked for help from the Hailing Sect Mountain Gate.

This approach seems a bit ruthless, but it is helpless.

Facing the tiger clam of the Yangshen level, the monks of Huangshi Island took the initiative to attack and only sent them to death in vain.

Only by relying on geographical advantages, delaying time as much as possible, and standing by for help, can there be a ray of life.

Lu Tianshu didn't talk much with the garrison monk. After a brief understanding of the situation, he flew to the attacked island with Meng Zhang.

The distance of hundreds of miles soon arrived, and the small island with human villages and towns and strongholds for cultivators had long been turned into ruins.

The creatures on the island are almost without bones.

Lu Tianshu's face was pale, the islands under the sect were robbed, and he was in a bad mood.

Meng Zhang and Lu Tianshu flew a big circle around and carefully observed the scene of the victimization.

A total of seven small islands were attacked this time. The human races on the islands had no survivors, and the buildings on the islands were basically destroyed.

Even, three of the islands have almost sunk by land. There is not much of the land that is still exposed on the sea.

A tiger clam of the Yangshen level can easily rupture this kind of island, and then set off a big wave to completely submerge it.

This tiger clam is really disgusting, and it will be full of deception and fear of hardship.

In the surrounding small islands, the monks on the islands are basically some minor repairs during the refining period, and a small number of monks in the foundation period are mixed.

Even with a simple formation guard, they are vulnerable in front of the tiger clam.

Although the Sea Race and the Human Race have been hostile for many years, they have a deep racial hatred.

But this tiger clam can't do this kind of thing unless it has the dignity of a strong person.

This behavior is no longer just bullying the small with the big and relying on the strong to bully the weak, it is simply shameless.

And this tiger clam is cunning enough.

After it knows that its whereabouts are exposed, it will definitely attract the strong of Hailing faction to pursue it.

It did not stay here much, and fled immediately after the attack was completed.

This practice caused little substantial harm to the Hailing School, but it was disgusting enough.

Lu Tianshu was helpless.

With his strength, he can't catch up with this tiger clam at all, and even if he catches up, he is not an opponent.

Meng Zhang was very disgusted with the behavior of tiger clams, and took the initiative to ask for it, filled with righteous indignation.

He asked Lu Tianshu to wait here for a while, and he would catch up to teach this shameless guy.

The hostess Lu Tianshu felt shameless when the laboring guests acted.

But after seeing the scene after being ravaged by tiger mussels with his own eyes, he hated the tiger mussels in his heart, so he couldn't care about anything else.

Meng Zhang is not afraid of enemies of the same rank. He has a lot of magical powers and mysteries, and he has great certainty to catch up with this tiger clam.

Meng Zhang gently waved with one hand and collected a scent of tiger clam over a small island.

The breath of tiger clam is very obvious, and the cover-up technique is too bad.

Meng Zhang immediately cast a spell, and based on this breath, he sensed the direction of the tiger clam's escape.

Meng Zhang and Lu Tianshu greeted them, and followed the guidance of this breath, and immediately chased them out.

Lu Tianshu couldn't keep up with Meng Zhang's speed, and knew that his cultivation was insufficient, and he couldn't help much.

Lu Tianshu had to stay in place temporarily to help the monks in Huangshi Island with the aftermath.

In his heart, he secretly made up his mind to get through the Thunder Tribulation of the Sun God as soon as possible and advance to the Yang God Stage to avoid this embarrassing scene again.

Meng Zhang's figure turned into a retreat and disappeared into the sky.

After the attack, the tiger clam left the scene immediately, and cast a spell to remove the traces, trying to hide its tracks.

But its method is too single and the technique is too rough.

Meng Zhang, a powerful monk who has a clever heritage and is proficient in a variety of magical powers, still accurately grasped its deeds and chased it up from behind in time.

The speed of this tiger clam was far lower than Meng Zhang, and it had not escaped with all its strength.

However, after a short period of time, the goal appeared in Meng Zhang's eyes.

A tiger clam, as huge as a small hill, was floating leisurely on the surface of the sea, heading forward in a carefree manner.

There is no need to communicate with this kind of alien race. Meng Zhang didn’t even bother to say a word, so he landed directly from the sky and landed on the tiger clam below Meng Zhang aroused the vitality of the world around him, and the clouds and vitality behind him rolled, vitality Quickly gather.

He didn't cast any spells, just condensed a huge amount of heaven and earth vitality, turned into a giant hand, and slapped the tiger clam below fiercely.

Tiger Clam is not weak, and has been entangled with the Sea Spirit cultivator for many years, so he can be considered to have a wealth of experience against cultivators.

Although it is huge, it is not clumsy at all.

As soon as Meng Zhang chased into the high air above it, if he felt it, he immediately became vigilant.

The huge vitality giant patted it heavily, naturally it would not stand still like a fool and let the enemy attack.

The tiger clam uttered a howling sound like a tiger, and the breath of a strong Yang God level rose into the sky without concealing it.

The sea under the tiger clam suddenly turned up with huge waves, and the huge waves flew up into the sky, and took the initiative to meet the giant hand of vitality.

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