The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1658: Hesitate

Although this tiger clam has the strength of the Yang God level, it never thought of betraying Zhenhai Temple.

On the contrary, he is loyal to Zhenhai Temple and absolutely dare not have the slightest dissent.

If it weren't for a life-and-death crisis, Meng Zhang would be driven to desperation, it would never reveal its details.

Hu Clam revealed the relationship between himself and Zhenhai Temple, clearly intending to use the name of Zhenhai Temple to suppress Meng Zhang.

You know, even if the Hailing Sect and Zhenhai Temple are almost torn apart, the Hailing Sect is still very restrained and dare not wantonly slaughter the monks in Zhenhai Temple.

Even in the face of Zhenhai Temple's steadfast pressing, Hailing faction mostly retreated and took the initiative to defend.

Hu Clam didn't know the origin of Meng Zhang, but he could have the strength of Yang Shenqi, and he was probably not the kind of unknown person in the realm of cultivation.

Fighting a dog also depends on the owner, no matter where it comes from or what origin, when facing a holy land sect like Zhenhai Temple, I am afraid that you have to think carefully.

Sure enough, Meng Zhang, who was planning to kill the tiger clam, suddenly became hesitant after hearing the tiger clam's self-disclosure.

Using the means of Zhenhai Temple, even if he killed this tiger clam in such a deserted place, I am afraid it would be difficult to hide it completely.

Once Zhenhai Temple is known, the other party will definitely not let it go.

The Taiyi Sect alone was already overwhelmed by the Taiyi Sect. Coupled with the Zhenhai Temple, the pressure on the Taiyi Sect was doubled and it was difficult to deal with it.

The reason why Taiyimen formed a secret alliance with the Hailing School was to avoid directly facing the strong pressure of Zhenhai Temple.

Seeing Meng Zhang hesitated, Hu Clam knew that his words had worked.

Tiger Clam began to talk endlessly about his status in Zhenhai Temple and how much Zhenhai Temple attaches importance to it.

The chattering tiger clam made Meng Zhang angry.

In any case, this tiger mussel is still his own defeated man, and even his own prisoner, why dare to be so arrogant.

Regardless of the consequences, Meng Zhang immediately increased the size and tidied up the tiger clam.

The huge pain made the tiger clam unbearable, and kept begging Meng Zhang for mercy.

At this time, Meng Zhang began to question the tiger clam and many things inside the Zhenhai Temple.

As the secret thugs of Zhenhai Temple, but also a foreign race, Tiger Clam can't get the trust of Zhenhai Temple's high-level officials at all, it is just being used.

The Zhenhai Temple will not reveal any secrets to it, but will strictly control it.

Of course, after all, this tiger clam has stayed in Zhenhai Temple for so many years, and has learned a lot of information that outsiders don't know.

Since Meng Zhang has formed an alliance with the Hailing faction, one day in the future, he will directly confront Zhenhai Temple.

The sect of the holy land like Zhenhai Temple is high above, very mysterious, and little information has been circulated about it.

Meng Zhang, who has long-term considerations, will use every opportunity to obtain internal intelligence and deepen his understanding.

Meng Zhang tortured the tiger clam for a good meal, and inquired a lot about the internal intelligence of Zhenhai Temple.

In desperation, the tiger clam had no choice but to reveal everything he knew.

The many news provided by Tiger Clam opened up Meng Zhang's vision and had more ideas in his mind.

After repeated inquiries, it was determined that no more news could be squeezed from the mouth of the tiger clam, and Meng Zhang temporarily let it go.

Next, how to deal with this tiger clam, Meng Zhang is a bit difficult.

This tiger clam helped to abuse and helped Zhenhai Temple to kill a lot of cultivators. Of course, it deserved the crime and must be killed.

For the enemy, Meng Zhang will not be soft.

But thinking of the identity of this tiger clam, Meng Zhang couldn't get hold of it.

Meng Zhang was even full of malicious speculations that he possessed many true kings of the Yang gods, and the Hailing faction, who was not lacking in the power of returning to the emptiness. The reason why this tiger clam has been unable to do anything is not only because the tiger clam is slippery enough. , Mostly because they know the details of tiger mussels.

In order to avoid irritating the Zhenhai Temple, the Hailing faction did not take a cruel move, and often expelled this tiger clam.

Now the matter has been placed on Meng Zhang, and it is Meng Zhang's turn to make trouble.

He could kill this tiger clam, and even if the Hailing faction had other thoughts in his mind, he couldn't be blamed.

Meng Zhang is not a monk in the South China Sea Cultivation World, so he could leave afterwards and leave the trouble to the Hailing faction who ruled the South China Sea.

Even if Zhenhaidian found out the identity of Meng Zhang afterwards, it was unlikely that he would send monks all the way to the north of Junchen Realm.

Even if Zhenhai Temple were to suppress the Taiyimen in the heavenly palace, and calculate the Taiyimen monks in the void, it would not be very effective based on the current situation.

But Zhenhai Temple is a holy land sect after all, and no one knows what kind of hole cards it has.

The Taiyi Gate, which is developing rapidly, should try to avoid confrontation with Zhenhai Temple.

What Taiyimen needs most now is time.

The monks in the door, including Meng Zhang, need enough time to grow.

The construction of Fudi has just begun, and it will take a lot of time to continue its construction.

Taiyi Sect needs more time to prepare for the various rear paths of the great changes in Jun Chen Realm.


Suddenly, Meng Zhang was a little hard to decide.

He chased the tiger clam this time, came in a hurry, and threw Lu Tianshu behind, and there was no one to discuss.

Meng Zhang felt that he should seek the opinions of the Sea Spiritist monks if he wanted to kill on the Hailing faction territory.

Thinking of this, Meng Zhangzheng suddenly felt a kind of terrifying pressure in his heart. He felt that the world was spinning and the space around him was constantly changing.

Meng Zhang reacted immediately, and someone secretly shot.

With Meng Zhang's strength, there is almost no resistance to this, the cultivation base of the person who shoots can be imagined.

When Meng Zhang was terribly horrified, a roar came from a distant high in the sky.

"Lao Haikong, how dare you take the initiative to attack others in Junchen Realm?"

After the roar, Meng Zhang's induction began to return to normal.

He was shocked to find that he had actually left his original location, and was moved to an unfamiliar sea area inexplicably.

But the tiger clam that was trapped by him just disappeared without a trace, completely gone.

"You juniors are going to spit people. Who said that the old man attacked others? The old man is just giving instructions to the juniors and demonstrating Taoism for the juniors."

"The old man really wants to attack, it's not like this."

An unconvinced roar sounded from the sky.

"Lao Haikong, you still have to argue. The old man is too lazy to argue with you. He will report the matter to your superiors."

As this voice disappeared, the terrifying pressure Meng Zhang had originally sensed slowly disappeared.

Meng Zhang didn't dare to move rashly, staying in place honestly, not even daring to take a mouthful of the atmosphere.

After waiting for a long time, there was no other news, let alone any change, Meng Zhang was sure that the two rebirth powers who had just argued had already left.

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