The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1659: as a result of

At this time, Meng Zhang began to look carefully at the terrain around him.

He tried to fly out for a certain distance, letting out his spiritual thoughts and observing everywhere. Finally, he was sure that he had been moved to the sea hundreds of miles away after such a short period of time.

During this whole process, Meng Zhang almost watched the whole thing happen, but he didn't have much resistance.

The gap between one's own home and the power of returning to the void was finally clearly revealed this time.

Of course, this time it was the Void Rebirth Great Neng who secretly shot without much killing intent. Otherwise, when Meng Zhang is facing a life-and-death crisis, he really has to work hard, even if he doesn't cause any harm to the enemy, he can still make a little noise.

Meng Zhang is a bit familiar with the name Haikong.

He thought carefully, he and Lu Tianshu went to the Void Outside the Territory at first, and accidentally killed several Zhenhai Temple disciples, and was later angered by the Zhenhai Temple side. The Void Returning Power that he shot seemed to be called Hai Kong.

I just don't know if the other party has recognized Meng Zhang's identity and origin.

Although Meng Zhang is famous in the north of Junchen Realm, his reputation is not very strong among the entire Junchen Realm cultivators.

The real core area of ​​Junchen Realm is the Middle-Earth Continent, where cultivators from all walks of life become famous and make great achievements.

In rural areas like the northern part of Junchen Realm, there will only be a bunch of buns.

The sect monk of the holy land is aloof, so he can't pay attention to himself. Meng Zhang comforted himself silently.

In any case, Meng Zhang must inform the Hailing faction about such a thing.

He didn't care about the tiger clam who took the opportunity to escape, but went straight back.

Soon after, Meng Zhang met with Lu Tianshu Zhenjun near Huangshi Island.

After the two met, Meng Zhang told each other one by one what had happened to him, basically there was nothing to hide.

After listening to Meng Zhang's words, Lu Tianshu was furious at first, then frightened.

Zhenhai Temple really has no bottom line at all. Secretly ordering the sea tribe like Humu to kill the human settlements is too much.

The most important thing is that the Zhenhai Temple is also secretly ambushing the Void Rebirth Power, which is clearly aimed at the Void Rebirth ancestors of the Zhenhai Hall.

If the ancestor of Zhenhai Temple really played a regular side ball, secretly shot against that tiger clam, and was caught by Zhenhai Temple Haikong on the spot, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Lu Tianshu had similar worries at first, all of which were just worries, just for the sake of caution.

In his mind, he did not think that Zhenhai Temple would do this.

This time, if it weren't for Meng Zhang's coincidence and the presence of the ancestor of the Shanghai Spirit Sect's Void Rebirth Period, I'm afraid it would really have allowed the other party to succeed.

The anger turned to anger, and the matter was big, and Lu Tianshu had no impulse. He expressed his heartfelt thanks to Meng Zhang, and then led Meng Zhang together, teleported the magic circle from Huangshi Island and returned to the Hailing School Mountain Gate.

When they came back, True Monarch Haiyang, the head of the Hailing faction, had not yet returned.

Lu Tianshu didn't rush to see the ancestor of the Xuxu in the door, but led Meng Zhang, as if nothing had happened, and continued to tour around the Hailing School Mountain Gate.

The Hailing faction is respectful enough to Meng Zhang and entertained him very warmly.

Probably it was Zhenjun Haiyang who had confessed before he left that many places in the gate were open to Meng Zhang, and even many areas of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion could be entered by Meng Zhang.

As a great faction that has been passed down for thousands of years, the Hailing faction has the strength to fight against the sect of the Holy Land.

Whether it is the operation of sects, the training system of disciples, etc., there are many merits.

After the Taiyi Sect and the Hailing Sect secretly formed an alliance, many high-level monks from the Taiyi Sect came to the Hailing Sect to learn from it.

From the perspective of the head of the school, Meng Zhang carefully observed everything about the Hailing School, and obtained benefits from it.

In this way, he stayed happily at the Hailing School Mountain Gate and benefited a lot from all aspects.

Six days later, True Monarch Hailing, the head of the Hailing faction, handled the frontline affairs and returned to the Hailing faction mountain gate.

Lu Tianshu immediately went to see True Monarch Haiyang and explained Meng Zhang's experience.

After hearing this, True Monarch Haiyang was immediately angry, almost making no secret of it.

The power of the rebirth period is the true pillar of the Hailing School, and the greatest confidence of the school.

Zhenhai Temple calculated the Hailing Sect's rebirth period power, it was an attempt to shake the foundation of the Hailing Sect, and it was really serious.

The Hailing faction, who had always been on the defensive in the struggle with Zhenhai Temple, was almost retreating step by step. This time, it had to react.

If there is no reaction in the face of this situation, it will only make Zhenhai Temple a good one.

Even if Zhenhai Temple doubted the strength of the Hailing faction's return to the virtual power, it might immediately launch a full-scale invasion.

True Monarch Haiyang took Lu Tianshu to visit the ancestor of Xuxu at the door, and discussed together for a long time.

After discussing it properly, True Monarch Haiyang once again called Meng Zhang into the martial hall.

When the two met, True Monarch Haiyang first thanked Meng Zhang for expelling the evil tiger clam and restoring the peace of the South China Sea.

Then, he also expressed his apologies to Meng Zhang.

As the host, he didn't greet the good guests, but let the guests take risks.

Moreover, Meng Zhang appeared on the side of Lao Haikong, and his identity has probably been exposed.

If Zhenhai Temple were to follow such clues to track down, with its powerful intelligence capabilities, it would be difficult to conceal the secret alliance between Taiyimen and Hailing faction.

Once this matter is exposed, then Taiyimen will have to face the pressure of Zhenhai Temple.

Meng Zhang had thought about everything Haiyang Zhenjun said before.

Based on Meng Zhang's experience, it is absolutely impossible to have a fluke in such a major event.

Even if the Void-Returning Stage Great Neng named Haikong didn't recognize Meng Zhanglai at the time, he had already seen Meng Zhang's appearance, sensed his breath, and understood his techniques and the like.

With these clues, he could figure out the identity of Meng Zhang as long as he ventilated a little with Zhenhai Temple.

With this direction in mind, Zhenhai Temple discovered that it was only a matter of time before the activities between Taiyi Sect and Hailing Sect were involved.

Meng Zhang had also felt panic and uneasy about, but he quickly calmed down.

It is a blessing, not a curse, but a curse that cannot be avoided.

If the secret alliance between Taiyimen and Hailing faction was really exposed in front of Zhenhai Temple, it would be impossible.

Meng Zhang himself was greedy, and he took the initiative to ask Ying to make the next thing happen, and he couldn't blame others.

With his character, he will not anger the Sea Spirit faction.

Meng Zhang never thought that the secret alliance between Taiyimen and Hailing faction could be kept secret forever.

The two sects secretly form an alliance, secretly communicate and help each other, and there will be one day of exposure.

But the day of exposure came so quickly, it was beyond Meng Zhang's expectations.

Now that the matter is over, it is useless to think about other things, so Meng Zhang can only accept the reality.

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