The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1690: Inside story

Of course, although the Dali Dynasty rarely interferes with other areas of the underworld, it still pays great attention to it.

   All the forces in the underworld, most of them are willing to befriend the Great Li Dynasty. In many things, he is also willing to provide help to the Dali Dynasty.

  In the vast underworld, there are countless precious resources.

  Especially those treasures that are unique to the underworld, they can play a special role in many cases.

In order to obtain the special resources of the underworld, many comprehension forces in the Yang world asked for help from the Dali Dynasty.

   This allowed Dali Dynasty to make many contacts and at the same time gained countless benefits.

   Seeing that the Dali Dynasty obtained so many benefits through the underworld, it naturally has many comprehension forces jealous.

   The main support for the Dali Dynasty to run rampant in the underworld is the ghosts and gods with the level of the sun god.

   The acquired ghosts and gods transformed from the true monarch of the human primordial spirit, because of their own confinement, it is difficult to break through to the level of the sun god.

  Yang God level powerhouse may not be so great in the Yang world, but in the underworld, it is enough to run rampant for a while.

   In order to be able to break through to the level of the Yang God, many ghosts and ghosts in the underworld have made countless efforts and attempts.

   A few years ago, a ghost and **** who had a close relationship with the Heavenly Stone Society successfully broke through to the level of the sun **** through the practice of the magic way secret technique and the power of the devil god.

   This ghost and **** fell into the devil's way and became a demon cultivator. Even with the strength of the Yang God level, he was still shameless.

   This ghost and **** is also an ambitious person, of course he is not willing to hide in the dark for a lifetime.

   The sect of the Tianshihui family itself is deeply involved with forces such as the Situ family, and the same is true for its power in the underworld.

   This demon repairer took the line of the Situ family, obtained the help of some big forces in Junchen Realm, and prepared to do something in the underworld.

   On the surface, he is trying to pollute the veins of the underworld, and then demonize a large area, but in fact he has another picture.

   Regarding what this demon cultivator had planned otherwise, Emperor Ba Wu didn't say clearly.

   just said that once he succeeds, he can dominate one side and dominate the underworld like the city of Yindu.

   Although Emperor Ba Wu was talking about these things, his tone was flat, and he seemed to have no bias. But when he said this, Meng Zhang finally realized something.

  Dali Dynasty can have the status it is today, to a large extent, it depends on the underworld city of the underworld.

   The last thing that Dali Dynasty wanted to see was that another Yindu city appeared in the underworld, or a force that could be compared with Yindu city.

   The Dali Dynasty absolutely strongly opposes Tianshihui’s plot.

   If possible, Da Li Dynasty will even stop it directly.

   It's a pity that due to the current situation of the dynasty, he couldn't make a direct shot.

   Dali Dynasty faced a sacred sect like Ziyang Shengzong, it was very hard to support it, and it really couldn't continue to add strong enemies.

  The relationship between the various forces in the cultivation world is intricate, and it has greatly restricted the hands and feet of the Dali Dynasty.

   For example, the Qi family on the northern edge of the Middle-earth Continent is next to the Ziyang Saint Sect. There are many conflicts between the two sides in many aspects.

   Qi family's strength is far inferior to Ziyang Shengzong, but it is also a powerful family with the power of returning to the void.

   The Qi family and the Situ family are even more in-laws for generations.

  In the realm of comprehension, many people regard the Qi family as followers or subordinates of the Situ family.

   The former Ziyang Saint Sect only suppressed the Qi family at most, and would not easily break into a war with it.

   Now the Dali Dynasty and Ziyang Shengzong are fighting, among the forces behind the Dali Dynasty that actively provide all kinds of help, there is the Qi family.

  Dali Dynasty is not alone fighting with Ziyang Shengzong, there are many supporters behind it. You can even faintly see the shadows of certain holy land sects.

   Of course, the Dali Dynasty is limited by this, and naturally it cannot easily offend the supporters behind it.

   Even if the Dali Dynasty is still uncomfortable with the Tianshihui, and is dissatisfied with the devil's deeds, he can only endure it forcibly.

   The entanglement between the Taiyi Gate and the Dali Dynasty, Meng Zhang is very familiar with many situations in the Dali Dynasty.

   Even though the supporters behind the Dali Dynasty hide their heads and show their tails, Meng Zhang has already guessed.

  I came to visit Emperor Ba Wu this time. It was obvious that he wanted to ask others. However, Emperor Ba Wu was so proactive. The thoughts of Emperor Ba Wu have already been revealed.

  Ba Wudi seems to be able to see through people's hearts. Seeing Meng Zhang's thoughtful look, he praised the ruozi to teach.

   To be honest, if Meng Zhang didn't take the initiative to ask for help this time, Emperor Ba Wu would find an excuse to summon Meng Zhang.

  Dali Dynasty has always been ears and eyes, and it has long been very clear about the actions of the sky stone in the underworld.

   It is inconvenient for the Great Li Dynasty to make a direct shot. It is only natural for the Taiyi Sect, who is one of the parties, to take action against the demon cultivator.

   Seeing Meng Zhang understood his hint, Emperor Ba Wu stopped talking and became silent.

  Meng Zhang knows that as long as he speaks actively, he becomes a passive party.

   The matter is over, except for the Great Li Dynasty, he can't find any other helper.

   Since Dali Dynasty is willing to help, he can't ask for anything else.

   So, Meng Zhang lowered his posture, lowered his face and pleaded with Emperor Ba Wu, hoping that Emperor Ba Wu could give some guidance.

   On the side of Dali Dynasty, many high-level officials are actually more anxious than Meng Zhang, for fear that the success of that demon cultivation will affect the unique status of Yindu City in the underworld.

   Meng Zhang spoke, but Emperor Ba Wu didn't know anything about it, but directly offered help.

  Dali Dynasty is very powerful in the underworld, but cannot directly At least on the surface, the Dali Dynasty is completely out of the matter, not involved in the wonderful struggle with Tianshihui.

  Dali Dynasty cannot dispatch the ghosts and ghosts under its command, but it can still provide a strong combat power.

  Ba Wudi directly loaned two Dao soldiers to Meng Zhang to use.

   These two Dao soldiers are scarce in number, but their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, which can greatly compensate for the inferiority of the superior side in terms of high-end combat power.

   A Dao soldier is a Golden Corpse Dao soldier.

  Golden corpse soldiers are high-end products on the way of ghouls.

  The golden corpse evolved from zombies and is a very special ghost. Not only can fight in the sun world, but also run rampant in the underworld.

   The weakest golden corpses all have the strength not less than that of the cultivators in the early days of the soul.

   The corpse king among the golden corpses can even rival the monks of the Yang **** stage.

   Among the golden corpse soldiers lent by Emperor Wudi, there is no corpse king.

   Otherwise, Meng Zhang would probably feel a little scared.

   There are a total of twelve golden corpses, and the headed corpse Heng is a powerful person at the level of the late Yuanshen.

   In the Junchen realm, the way of ghouls is not prosperous, and there are very few sects who practice the way of ghouls.

   The few ghost cultivators in the realm of comprehension are completely street rats, almost everyone shouts and beats.

  Meng Zhang had never imagined that Da Li Dynasty had such an accomplishment in the way of the ghoul.

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