The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1691: thought

The second Dao Soldier lent by Emperor Ba Wu is also a very high-end existence in the way of the ghoul.

   That is the corpse warrior.

   The corpse warriors and Taoist soldiers are extremely insidious and cruel, and they are almost close to the magic road.

  Using the special yin soil of the underworld as the main material, adding various precious materials, and going through a series of complicated procedures, can the shell of the corpse figurines be made.

   Then inject the living soul into the shell, and use the secret method to refine it to get the corpse figurines.

   The zombies at the level of the golden corpse, although cruel and vicious, can still retain a large part of their sanity.

   The mind of the corpse figurines has long been distorted, and often only the instinct of crazy killing remains.

  The corpse warrior and Taoist soldiers lent by Emperor Ba Wu are not many, less than a hundred.

   The weakest of them all have the strength of the real Jindan, and the strongest can completely match the true monarch of the soul.

   There are two Dao soldiers to help each other, which can completely make up the gap in the high-end combat power of the wonderful side, and confront the Tianshihui side head-on.

   Meng Zhang couldn't help thinking about it.

   As everyone knows, Dali Dynasty has a Yang Shen-level ghost and **** sitting in the underworld.

   But now it seems that the real trump card of Da Li Dynasty should be its strength in the way of the ghoul.

  The Emperor Wudi lent two Dao soldiers casually, and they were closely related to the way of the ghoul, which gave Meng Zhang a strange feeling in his heart.

   Many people in the realm of cultivation know that the Dali Dynasty secretly sheltered a lot of demons, and the true footsteps of the Dali Dynasty should fall on the ghosts?

   By relying on these Taoist soldiers alone, the Great Li Dynasty would be enough to travel in the underworld.

   The way of the ghoul often looks weird and cruel, but strictly speaking, it is not the way of the devil.

  Meng Zhang has no particular meaning of repelling ghosts.

   In order to fight against a strong enemy, he uses ghost methods, which is completely acceptable to him.

  Ba Wudi was very considerate.

   These two Taoist soldiers can help against the ordinary members of the Tianshihui, but they are still slightly insufficient to deal with the Yang God level magic repair.

   Although Emperor Wudi has always been holding a Zhizhu, he is full of confidence. But after all, he was just a cultivator, not an omnipotent fairy.

   In the case that Da Li Dynasty couldn't make a direct shot, he also had no good way to destroy the demon cultivator.

  As a stopgap measure, Emperor Ba Wu gave Meng Zhang a one-time treasure.

   The shape of this treasure is a golden statue, which looks like a mighty general. With a top helmet and a dagger, holding a big sword, faintly revealing a terrifying murderous intent.

   According to Emperor Ba Wu, this treasure can only be driven by a monk at the Yang Shen stage.

   After Meng Zhang descended into the underworld, even if his cultivation was suppressed, there was no problem driving this treasure.

   After being driven by the treasure, he will transform into a strong general of the Yang God level.

   Although this fierce general couldn't beat the Yang God level magic repair, he was able to temporarily block him.

   When Tai Miao used the power of Taoist soldiers to defeat the power of the Heavenly Stone Society in the underworld, that Yang God-level magic repair would naturally retreat.

   Although it can't completely wipe out the enemy, it has frustrated the enemy's plot, and it can be regarded as achieving the goal.

   Hearing the arrangement of Emperor Ba Wu, Meng Zhang was slightly surprised.

   It seems that Emperor Ba Wu is too wonderful, but also uneasy and kind.

   It should be said that the Dali Dynasty will keep an eye on any powerful forces or strong people that appear in the underworld, and be deeply vigilant.

   Tai Miao has been fighting in the underworld in these years, and has eliminated many powerful opponents, and he has long been famous.

   Tai Miao had the Taiyi Sect as an ally in the Yang world, which was equivalent to relying on it.

   Although this kind of possibility is unlikely, Tai Miao also has the potential to impact the status of Yindu City.

   Especially in this fight against the Tianshihui, it was so brilliant that it performed well and made the limelight.

  The Emperor Wudi seemed generous and provided a lot of help, but after thinking about it carefully, even with these help, the main force who really went on the battlefield was still too wonderful and his army of ghosts.

   After a big battle, even if Tai Miao wins in the end, it will definitely suffer heavy losses.

  Ba Wudi should have a deep understanding of the strength of Tai Miao and Meng Zhang.

Although    is too wonderful, it is still far away from the Yang Shen stage.

   Meng Zhang descended into the underworld, and was suppressed by the rules of the underworld, and he would definitely not be able to exert the fighting power of the Yang God stage.

   In this way, even if they work together, they are no match for the Yang God level magic repair, and it is even difficult to protect themselves.

   With the one-time treasure bestowed by Emperor Ba Wu, they have a chance to win, but they can't help the Yang God level magic repair.

   When that magic repair comes back in the future, that wonderful situation is not good.

   Meng Zhang even suspected that Emperor Ba Wu might have reservations. If he really helps with all his strength, Tai Miao might really be able to achieve a complete victory this time, leaving the demon repair behind.

  The current practice of Emperor Wudi is clearly using Tai Miao and even Taiyi Sect, which can basically be said to be killing people with a knife.

  Although he could see through the conspiracy of Emperor Ba Wu in his heart, Meng Zhang's face remained calm.

   In any case, Emperor Ba Wu really provided assistance.

  Without the help provided by Emperor Ba Wu, Tai Miao would only lose even more miserably and lose more.

  Ba Wudi calculated well, but made a mistake.

   He didn't know that Tai Miao was the external incarnation of Meng Zhang, he didn't know the true relationship between the two parties, he didn't know that Meng Zhang would never give up Tai Miao, let alone the magical methods of both parties.

  Ba Wudi gave the help he could provide, and also specifically confessed to Meng Zhang, reminding him of many things that need attention.

  Meng Zhang is of course grateful for this, and he keeps admiring the extraordinary action of Emperor Ba the grandeur.

   Meng Zhang even patted his chest and said that he would be able to get his hands free when the help was too wonderful to get through this disaster.

   He will contact all friends at a little bit and make trouble for the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Meng Zhang smugly told Emperor Ba Wu that he had made friends with the Qiu family brothers in the Xingluo Islands and kept in touch secretly.

   The Qiu family brothers and Ziyang Shengzong have accumulated deep conflicts over the years, and Ziyang Shengzong has become more aggressive recently, making it intolerable for the Qiu family brothers.

  Meng Zhang is preparing to speak with all his strength to the Qiu brothers and make the Qiu brothers rebel against the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Emperor Ba Wu didn't care about what Meng Zhang said.

   He didn't know the situation of the Star Rock Islands.

   The Qiu family brothers are indeed in conflict with the Ziyang Saint Sect, and they look like they are about to break.

   But Emperor Ba Wu knew that neither the Xingluo Palace nor the Qiu family brothers could do without the support of the Ziyang Sacred Sect.

   In the end, most of the Qiu family brothers still have to bow their heads to the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Only relying on the Qiu family brothers is absolutely incapable of contending with the Ziyang Saint Sect.

  Meng Zhang's big talk was just showing goodwill to Emperor Ba Wu.

   Of course, if Meng Zhang could have such thoughts, that would be great, and Emperor Ba Wu wouldn't chill his heart.

   In any case, Taiyimen is a useful helper when fighting against the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   What's more, Meng Zhang has a deep background, and he might be able to play a role when he is.

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