The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1692: onslaught

Emperor Ba Wu praised Meng Zhang's ideas, and Haosheng encouraged them.

Originally, Meng Zhang had to chat with Emperor Ba Wu for a while, and it was almost something like that, but his heart moved and he received a wonderful news.

The forces of the Heavenly Stone Society in the underworld seem to be about to launch a full-scale attack on Frost Mountain.

Meng Zhang could only confess his guilt to Emperor Ba Wu, saying that he was worried about the situation on the Hanshuang Mountain and stayed outside if it was inconvenient.

Emperor Ba Wu expressed his understanding of Meng Zhang's thoughts and said goodbye to him soon.

As soon as Meng Zhang's figure disappeared from the manor, an old man in Taoist costume appeared behind Emperor Ba Wu.

This person is Chunyu Zhongda, the national teacher of the Great Li Dynasty.

In those days, escaping from Ziyang Saint Sect's Void Returning Great Master not only made him famous, but also benefited him a lot.

The current Chunyu Zhongda, the cultivation base is not necessarily much weaker than the Bawu Emperor, and he is also qualified to attack the Void Return Period.

It's just that, like Emperor Ba Wu, he was forcibly suppressing his cultivation base, and he didn't rush to break through to the virtual return period.

It was because of the two great Yang God powerhouses, Emperor Bawu and Chunyu Zhongda, that Dali Dynasty was able to fight against Ziyang Shengzong ever since.

Chunyu Zhongda saw the direction of Meng Zhang's disappearance and asked in a low voice, "Your Majesty, the veteran still feels that there is something wrong with the handling of this matter."

"If that guy retaliates in the future, with his strength as a Yang God-level demon cultivator, it is too wonderful to escape death."

"The loss of this ally, Tai Miao, has caused great losses in all aspects of the Taiyi Sect. If Meng Zhang wants to understand this matter in the future, I am afraid he will resent his Majesty."

Emperor Ba Wu smiled freely.

"Resent to resentment. With Meng Zhang's disposition, he will make rational judgments."

"Could it be that he just turned over with me just to be a little bit too wonderful?"

"A dead ally is important, or is the help of the Great Li Dynasty important?"

"Moreover, getting rid of too wonderful will also help weaken the Taiyi Sect."

"A Taiyi Sect that is too powerful is not a peaceful ally."

Emperor Ba Wu had already made a decision, Chunyu Zhongda was just habitually thinking a little more, and he didn't say much.

After Meng Zhang left the Dali Dynasty, he soon teleported back to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

Before he returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate, the enemy's offensive had already begun.

In such a short period of time, the Heavenly Stone Society in the underworld had mobilized many ghosts and ghosts, broke the external defense of Hanshuang Mountain, and began to penetrate into the interior of Hanshuang Mountain.

Although he had expected the enemy's strength, the rapid development of the battle situation still exceeded Meng Zhanghe's surprise.

If you can't get support anymore, the Frost Mountain will be unable to defend it.

Meng Zhang didn't dare to neglect, and immediately began to descend.

When Meng Zhang came to the sky above Hanshuang Mountain, the lower part had already been killed.

The army of ghosts under Tai Miao was named the Xuanjia Yin Army by him. The army is well-trained and well-equipped.

More importantly, the backbone of the military at all levels is capable, and the generals can command the army freely.

In this way, this army can reluctantly form a military formation, give play to its own quantitative advantages, and achieve strength with weak enemies.

On the Frost Mountain, the fourth-order mountain protection formation was originally arranged.

Under the cover of the large formation, the Xuanjia Yin Army deployed a number of military formations, making full use of the geographical advantages and exerting extremely strong combat effectiveness.

It's just that there are too many high-ranking powerhouses on the enemy's side, and the ghosts and ghosts used are basically at the primordial level.

A high-ranking powerhouse relied on overwhelming combat power to come and go around the big formation, attacking everywhere.

As the defensive side, the Xuanjia Yin Army was exhausted and hard to deal with.

There were many gaps around the big formation, even if the Xuanjia Yin Army was fighting the fire everywhere, they couldn't make up for it.

From time to time, some strong enemy forces rushed into the big formations, rushing and killing them, breaking up the formations, killing and injuring a large number of sergeants.

Tai Miao didn't directly command the army, but wanted to give full play to his combat strength and try to block the enemy.

Two strange monsters, together with two ghosts and gods, not only blocked Tai Miao, but also forced him to a disadvantage.

Not all the high-ranking powerhouses dispatched by Tianshihui.

A ghost and **** held a large flag and waved it for a while outside the mountain protection formation of Hanshuang Mountain.

After a while, a large army of ghosts, including many strange-shaped ghosts and beasts, suddenly appeared, and then joined the fierce attack on the mountain guard.

Meng Zhang, who had just arrived without any delay, immediately shot.

The battle situation in Frost Mountain was passed to him too early, so he didn't need to waste time to observe.

If you make a move early, your losses will be reduced by one point.

Meng Zhang took out a small and exquisite coffin and opened it gently.

Twelve golden corpse soldiers flew out of the coffin, and under the leadership of General Shiheng, they killed the ghosts and ghosts on the side of Tianshihui.

Meng Zhang took out a dark ceramic jar again, opened the lid, and a corpse warrior flew out of it, and began to fight with the golden corpse warrior.

Meng Zhang put aside the two magical weapons with Dao soldiers lent by Emperor Tyrant Wu, did not directly participate in the battle, but continued to watch the battle in the sky.

Twelve Golden Corpse Dao soldiers, under the command of Chief Zoe Heng, specifically challenged the enemy's high-ranking powerhouses.

In this way, the enemy's advantage in high-level powerhouses is greatly offset.

That team of corpse warriors and soldiers directly rushed into the army of ghosts that the enemy later summoned, slaying that army in disarray and embarrassment.

Ba Wudi's judgment was very accurate, and it was even better to lend Meng Zhang to these two Dao soldiers.

With the strong combat power blessings of the two Dao soldiers, the pressure on the Frost Mountain side was greatly reduced, and the crisis began to gradually get rid of it.

Among the Xuanjiayin Army, the main commanding duties are mainly the old guardians of the Taiyimen.

These guardian gods are all experienced warriors and have a keen sense of smell on the battlefield.

They found that with the arrival of reinforcements, the battlefield situation has changed, not only re-stabilizing the line of defense, but also starting to plan a counterattack.

Over the years, many monks from Taiyimen entered the underworld for various reasons and devoted themselves to the subordinates of Taiyimen.

The primordial cultivators of Taiyimen who lost their bodies were basically transformed into ghosts and gods.

There are also some protector gods who were later refined by Taiyimen or lost their bodies for various reasons, leaving only the monks of the gods and souls.

Basically, they all gathered in the Xuanjia Yin Army and served as commanders at all levels.

With this group of backbone forces, the Xuanjia Yin Army has demonstrated strong flexibility and can freely perform offensive and defensive transitions.

One of the few strong people on the side of Tianshihui who accidentally falls into the army will immediately be besieged by many parties and slowly fall to the wind.

Meng Zhang did not participate in the battle, the Tianshihui side began to be below, and no enemy came to interfere with him.

With Meng Zhang's eyes, the strengths and weaknesses, as well as the offensive and defensive trends, are beginning to change.

If there were no accidents, Tianshi would definitely suffer a disastrous defeat for this attack on Frost Mountain.

After the disastrous defeat, the enemy did not say that the casualties were exhausted, at least the vitality was severely injured, and the strength was severely damaged.

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