The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1693: True Lord of the Slaughter

As time went on, the battle really started to shift in a direction that was beneficial to him, as Meng Zhang had expected.

   The twelve golden corpse soldiers were really ferocious and powerful, and they showed great advantages in the face of ghosts and ghosts of the same rank.

  Especially the head of the chief Shi Heng, who had already shredded the two enemy ghosts and gods alive shortly after joining the war.

   This golden corpse soldier is simply the nemesis of ghosts and ghosts, almost completely offsetting the enemy's advantage in high-level combat power.

   The corpse warrior and Taoist soldiers seemed inconspicuous, but they played a big role on the battlefield, only slightly inferior to the golden corpse soldiers.

   Corpse Warriors not only killed the enemy's army of ghosts, but also cooperated with each other to cause great damage to the enemy's high-level combat power.

   Of course, although one's own side is slowly gaining the upper hand, the casualties paid are not small.

   The golden corpse soldiers have thick skin, strong flesh, and extremely strong vitality. After fighting for so long, they are only injured at most, and there is no loss for the time being.

   The body of the corpse warrior and Taoist soldier is made of special materials, which is almost comparable to a magic weapon. His soul has been tempered many times and is extremely tough.

   Since the start of the war, except for a few weaker corpse warriors who were crushed by the enemy, most of the corpse warriors have maintained a strong combat effectiveness.

   It was Tai Miao's Xuan Jia Yin army, from the very beginning, there were huge casualties.

  The whole army has suffered heavy losses and its vitality has been severely injured since the battle.

   If it hadn't been for the effective command of the Taiyimen monks in the army, I'm afraid the whole army would have already collapsed.

  Even if the army suffered such heavy casualties and the organizational structure was severely damaged, the Great Sword God General and others still tried to maintain the army and began to organize a counterattack.

   Although Meng Zhang's cultivation base is suppressed by the rules of the underworld, he is still one of the most powerful players on the battlefield.

   As long as he participates in the battle, he will definitely speed up the process of winning.

   But Meng Zhang still didn't move, but kept waiting.

   He believes that the enemy is the same as himself, but he still has not shown his hole cards.

  Meng Zhang didn't wait too long. As the enemy's situation got worse and worse, the enemy who was unwilling to lose finally came up with his final hole card.

   In the northeast of Hanshuang Mountain, a powerful demon energy rose into the sky, and this demon energy was quickly approaching here.

   It took only a moment. Accompanied by the soaring devilish energy, an expressionless old man wearing a pitch-black robe stood in the air, with his hands folded, and approached the battlefield step by step.

   Needless to say, this person is the Yang God level demon cultivator secretly hidden by the Tianshihui party.

   "True Lord Canslaughter, why did you come. You come here earlier, so we won't have to fight so long. We already won."

   A tall ghost and **** saw the arrival of reinforcements and started yelling.

   True Lord Can Slaughter ignored this rude and brainless guy, but looked at Meng Zhang ahead.

   True Sovereign Canslaughter was a true primordial primordial sovereign who was born in Sanxiu when he was in the Yang world.

  The monks of the Heavenly Stone Society have a complicated source, and recruiting talents from all over the world is also one of the aims of the sect.

   True Monarch Canslaughter later joined the Tianshihui and became an elder.

   In a battle with the enemy, True Lord Canslaughter lost his body, leaving only the soul.

   Unwilling to be reincarnated, the True Lord of the Slaughter, with the help of the Heavenly Stone Society, transformed into a ghost and god, entered the underworld, and continued to serve the Heavenly Stone Society.

   Tianshi had a strong ambition for the underworld, and spent a lot of effort to lay out and develop power in the underworld.

   was originally an ordinary ghost and goddess, but with the help of the magical classics obtained by accident, he embarked on the road of magic repair, and finally became a Yang God level of magic repair.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter was not satisfied with this, he had greater ambitions, and began to lay out his own ambitions.

   Taoist monks should have been at odds with demonic cultivation.

   But True Lord Cannibal showed a strong use value, and Tianshi would be unwilling to give up.

   For True Lord Cannibal, he also needs the power of the Heavenly Stone Society to help him achieve his goals.

   So the two sides hit it off and used each other.

   In these years, both the Heavenly Stone Society in the underworld and the Heavenly Stone Society in the Yang world have spent a lot of manpower and material resources in order to help the True Lord Cannibal lay out.

   The Situ family, who are behind the scenes of the Celestial Stone Meeting, knew about this from the beginning.

   The Situ family was also very interested in the plot of True Monarch Cannibalism, and acquiesced to the various deeds of the Tianshihui.

   When Tianshi encounters some obstacles, the Situ family even tacitly agrees that Tianshi will use its influence and name to smooth the obstacles.

   In the Tianshihui, there is still the power of the Jiuxuan Pavilion of the Holy Land Zongmen.

   The Nine Profound Pavilion was originally laid out inside the Tianshihui to monitor the Situ family and restrict the Situ family.

   But when the Jiuxuan Pavilion knew about True Lord Cannibal's plot, they chose a laissez-faire attitude and did not stop at all.

   Obviously, Jiu Xuan Pavilion is also very interested in the plot of True Monarch Cannibalism.

   The senior officials of the Tianshihui learned about the attitude of the Situ family and the Jiuxuan Pavilion on the matter, and they became more confident and started to act almost blatantly.

   Of course, the necessary cover-ups are still to be done. After all, it is quite taboo to collude with demons.

   Because of the cover of the Tianshihui, the existence of True Lord Cannibalism has not been easily exposed.

   Of course, there is no impermeable wall in the world.

In addition to accidentally discovering that Tianshi would collude with the devil like Mingyu Zhenjun, the Dali Dynasty was also vaguely aware of the actions of the However, the Dali Dynasty was forced by the situation and was unable to do so. Direct interference.

   Afterwards, Meng Zhang realized that Tianshi would collude with Yangshen-level demon repairs and reported it to the Temple of Demon Surgery. This matter was completely exposed.

   Qin Fangtian, the Lord of the Hall of Conquering Demon, who had originally made an appointment with Meng Zhang, realized that the matter was not the work of Tianshihui alone, and the shadows of the Situ family and the Jiuxuan Pavilion could be faintly visible behind him, he began to have trouble.

   Among the major sacred sects, the Jiuxuan Pavilion has the deepest penetration and the greatest impact on the heavenly palace.

   Qin Fangtian's mobilization of the power of the Heavenly Palace in the underworld is not smooth, and he easily guessed that it is the internal constraints of the Heavenly Palace, and most of it cannot be separated from the Jiuxuan Pavilion.

   If it were just a Situ family, Qin Fangtian didn't care much.

   After noticing the hands and feet of the Jiuxuan Pavilion, Qin Fangtian finally began to shrink.

   The power of the Heavenly Palace in the underworld was unable to support Meng Zhang in time, and Qin Fangtian couldn't help it.

   He said at the beginning that when that Yang God-level magic repair appeared, the Temple of Demon Falling from the Heavenly Palace would send a number of monks of the Yang God stage to the underworld, holding the magic treasure to besiege the opponent.

   Later, he never said anything about it, and Meng Zhang also completely cut his hopes.

   Now, True Monarch Cannibalism appeared in Frost Mountain as expected by Meng Zhang, trying to turn the tide of the battle on his own.

  If Meng Zhang couldn't stop True Lord Can Slaughter, then neither the two Dao soldiers loaned by Emperor Ba Wu or the Xuan Jia Yin Army under Tai Miao would be even less likely to be Can Slaughter True Lord opponents.

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