The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1699: Scramble

In the sky of the underworld, True Lord Cannibal tried many times to withdraw from the battle and evacuated from this place, but was stopped by the **** will regardless of his life or death.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter has a pale face, and he is in the same way that the injury is replaced by the injury.

  Even if he knew the problem, he couldn't get a lose-lose with a treasure.

   In desperation, True Lord Cannibal could only continue to fight.

   He secretly hoped that the power of this treasure would be exhausted soon, so that he could get away.

   The two great Yang Shen level powerhouses just fell into a long and bitter battle like this.

   Above the earth, as time passed, the violent earthquake began to calm down slowly.

  Because of this big earthquake, the surrounding terrain has long been completely changed.

   The Frost Mountain completely disappeared without a trace, even if it was too wonderful to retake it afterwards, it would be difficult to continue to use it as a base.

   It's so wonderful that almost all of my mind is placed on authority, and I can't take care of these things at all.

  In the eyes of a wonderful thing, even if you lose the army of ghosts and destroy all your foundations, as long as you can gain authority, everything is worth it.

   If it weren't for the deity Meng Zhang's efforts to stop it, it would be too wonderful to have been unable to control himself due to instinctive impulse, and would join the fight for authority.

   With Tai Miao's current strength, there is still a lot of distance from the Yang Shen level, and it is not enough to join the battle of this level to engage in a frontal struggle.

   The battle between True Lord Canslaughter and that **** general lasted for nearly a month.

The **** general looks majestic and fierce, and has been pressing down on the true king of the slaughter to chase fiercely, but in the eyes of a discerning person like Meng Zhang, that **** general's back power is not enough, it is obvious that his power is about to be exhausted. .

   True Monarch Cannibale was previously instigated and arranged, and when he forced the wind to hit the earth, he was already injured.

   It is necessary to suppress the injuries on his body and suppress the resistance of authority. The True Lord Canslaughter has been very hard during this month.

   The fierce fighting that almost never stops, so that his injuries are almost uncontrollable.

   Perceiving that the **** general's backpower is insufficient, True Monarch Can Slaughter seems to have seen the hope of success.

   He couldn't help but lift up his energy, wanting to survive the last period of time.

   At this moment, the General Corpse Heng, who had been hiding underneath watching the battle, suddenly jumped high and tried to rush into the battlefield.

   When True Lord Canslaughter first came here, he carefully observed all the enemies.

   The strongest Meng Zhang was suppressed by the rules of the underworld, and he has not dared to take the initiative to fight him.

   The remaining Tai Miao and Zie Heng generals and other guys with the strength of the Yuan Shen late stage, in this kind of Yang Shen level battle, they can't play a big role.

   Tai Miao has already hid with interest, this golden corpse of unknown origin does not know whether to live or die, and actually dared to make a move on himself.

   True Monarch Cannibalism was suppressed by the **** general, but he still had extra power to deal with General Zombie Heng.

   A strange magical shadow suddenly appeared behind General Shi Heng and rushed at him.

   The general corpse Heng seemed to be unaware of anything, and still rushed towards True Lord Cannibal.

   The demon shadow instantly attached himself to General Shi Heng, and General Shi Heng's body that had been pounding at high speed instantly froze.

   It seemed that after General Zombie Heng was possessed by the demon shadow, he was immediately controlled.

   took control of the general corpse horizontal, the real lord of the slaughter was equivalent to an extra cannon fodder out of thin air.

   Before the gloomy smile on his face disappeared, he noticed something was wrong.

   General Zombie Heng roared to the sky, and the magical shadow that was attached to him was shaken to pieces.

   The General Zombie Heng, who had stopped, had already rushed towards True Lord Cannibal at a faster speed.

   The originally controlled scene is simply an illusion.

   Zombie Heng general's momentum is rising steadily, and when he rushes to True Lord Canslaughter, he is no weaker than the average Yang Shen stage powerhouse.

   General Zombie Heng had a pair of arms dancing strangely in the air, and he actually broke through the protection spell of True Lord Cannibalism, and directly touched that authority.

   The arm of True Lord Canslaughter holding the authority was scratched, and the authority was also taken away.

   Admiral Zoe Heng got the power, and he flew away without any stay.

   True Lord Remnant Slaughter also understood at this time that the golden corpse itself only had the strength of the late primordial spirit, but it was equipped with a means by an expert to temporarily explode the fighting power of the sun god.

   The sudden eruption of General Zombie Heng really caught True Lord Cannibal off guard.

   After taking away the power, General Zoe Heng did not intend to join forces with the **** general to besiege True Lord Cannibalism, but turned around to flee.

   Obviously, General Zoe Heng valued this authority very seriously and should not be lost.

   Meng Zhang, who was hiding in the dark, understood it at this time.

   A Yang God level magic repair appeared in the underworld. Although it could make the Dali Dynasty jealous, what the Dali Dynasty really wanted was this authority.

   The Great Leaving Dynasty spent a lot of time, borrowing Dao soldiers, and helping Meng Zhang, just for this moment.

   True Lord Canslaughter and Tianshihui are very problematic in keeping secrets.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter is definitely unwilling to make his plots of authority known to everyone.

   But in order to obtain the help of the Tianshihui, I had to disclose something to the Tianshihui.

   I don't know if it is the Heavenly Stone Society of the Sun World or the Heavenly Stone Society of the Underworld, but it has not been able to keep the secret, and the Dali Dynasty heard the wind.

   True Lord Canslaughter is about to be mad at death.

  After planning for many years, he finally got this authority, but was taken away like this.

   He wanted to chase General Zombie Heng, but when the power was about to run out, the **** would still be crazy and entangle him firmly.

   Seeing that the figure of General Zoe Heng was about to Three figures suddenly descended from the sky, each holding a sword, blocking the way of General Zoe Heng.

   "Leave authority, don't let the Dali Dynasty suffer disaster."

   These three figures are clearly three monks of the Yang Shen stage.

   Not long after they arrived here from the Yangshi, they accurately intercepted General Zombie Heng.

   Because the three of them were suppressed by the rules of the underworld, their strength was suppressed to the late stage of the soul.

   But the sword in their hands is not a normal magic weapon, but a special treasure.

   They each urged their swords, and they actually displayed the fighting power of the Yangshen Stage.

   As soon as the threatening words were uttered, they immediately shot it, and it seemed that General Zombie did not have time to react.

   The sword shadow shone in the sky, and the General Corpse Heng was firmly entangled.

   General Zombie Heng was surrounded by enemies, and he was very anxious.

   He is not the King of the Golden Corpse yet. This time, he can barely display the fighting power of the Yang God level by relying on the power injected into his body by an expert in advance.

   This kind of power can't last at all, it's just a one-time outbreak.

   The three monks holding swords immediately suppressed the corpse general.

   That authority is too important, even if General Zoe Heng fights for his life, he can't easily give up.

   The other Golden Corpse Warriors and Corpse Warriors in the distance saw General Zombie Heng in danger. Regardless of the strength of the enemy, they flew over here one after another, trying to help General Corpse Heng.

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