The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1700: Take the initiative to vote

Seeing a group of unconscious guys rushing to find death, one of the monks holding a sword snorted disdainfully.

   The sword danced towards the group of rushing guys, and thousands of sharp swords flew out, killing the two Dao soldiers to pieces.

   One of the cultivators who was working with General Corpse Heng said coldly.

   "You bastard, you should know the origin of this seat."

   "In these years, if it were not for the support of the Situ family, your Dali Dynasty would have been exterminated by the Ziyang Sect."

   "It's fine for those who don't know how to be grateful, and they dare to do it with us. You are not afraid of the anger of the Situ family, do you absolutely have the support of the dynasty?"

   This monk exposed his identity and threatened General Zombie Heng.

   General Zoe Heng was specially confessed by Emperor Ba Wu before he set off.

   If you have the opportunity to gain authority, you must never give up.

   In the eyes of Emperor Tyrant Wu, the importance of this authority is still more important than the support of the Situ family.

  Secondly, it was the Dao Soldier, General Zieheng, who did it, not a high-level person in the Great Li Dynasty, such as Emperor Bawu.

   When the time comes, the Dali Dynasty can find out that the Dao soldiers are out of control. The Dao soldiers have been lent to Meng Zhang, which is an excuse for Meng Zhang to control the Dao soldiers to deal with the Situ family.

   General Zoe Heng did not hear the threat from his opponent, and he still resisted desperately, trying to break through and escape.

   In the previous battle of such a large scale, the two Taoist soldiers who had no casualties were killed by a monk brandishing a sword, and suffered heavy losses.

   It can be seen from this that in the battle of the realm of comprehension, the terrible place of the top combat power.

   Although Meng Zhang and Tai Miao have been hiding in the distance, they have never relaxed their attention here.

   The Situ family really deserves to be the Holy Land family, doing things is magnificent.

   all of a sudden descended to the underworld of the three monks of the Yang Shen stage, and each holding a treasure, still able to maintain the original combat power.

  Which is like Meng Zhang, in order to have the fighting power of the Yang Shen stage in the underworld, he racked his brains and came up with a magical power.

   On the battlefield farther away, there was a loud noise that was earth-shaking.

   The **** will blew himself up before the power was completely exhausted.

   Although True Lord Cannibal evaded most of the power of self-destruction, he still inevitably suffered more or less damage.

   resolved the opponent who had been entangled with him, True Lord Cannibal was about to rush over to grab power.

   But seeing the Yang Shenqi monk who came from the Situ family entangled General Corpse Heng, he couldn't help but hesitate.

   The originally suppressed injuries made him miserable. The old injuries were not gone, and new injuries were added. His combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. He was really not sure that he would be able to grab food from his mouth and take power from the monks of the Situ family.

   True Lord Can Slaughter just hesitated for a while, got a new idea, and started to drink

   "Friends of the Nine Profound Pavilion, are you just hiding from the sidelines and watching the tigers fight?"

   "Mantis catches cicadas, and the oriole is behind, isn't it possible to succeed every time?"

Before the three monks of the Situ family descended to the underworld, they were especially told to be careful of the opponents of the Jiuxuan Pavilion.

   Now that True Lord Can Slaughter has been drinking so much, they thought that True Lord Can Slaughter had discovered something.

   While suppressing the corpse general, they watched their surroundings vigilantly.

   Four figures appeared out of thin air.

   "You shameless cultivator, who is a fellow daoist with you, are you qualified to speak in front of this seat?"

   first yelled at True Monarch Can Slaughter, and then threatened the monks of the Situ family.

   "Everyone in the Situ family, what Jiu Xuan Pavilion is fond of, has never been able to escape."

   "You leave here obediently, let me save a bit of energy, so that we can meet each other in the future."

   "If you really don't know how to promote, it's no wonder you don't think of fellowship."

   Among the sects of the great sacred land in Junchen Realm, the Jiuxuan Pavilion is not the strongest, but the most arrogant and domineering.

   Even in the face of other sacred sects, Jiu Xuan Pavilion is often a domineering attitude.

   Although the Situ family never asked about Junchen Realm's affairs, they also kept paying attention to Junchen Realm through secretly infiltrating and controlling organizations like Tianshihui.

   Jiu Xuan Pavilion discovered the actions of the Situ family and began to infiltrate the Heavenly Stone Society.

   Jiuxuan Pavilion has always maintained a deep warning against the Situ family.

   But the opponent is a descendant of immortals, even if the Jiuxuan Pavilion is arrogant, it can't make a big fuss for no reason and directly attack the Situ family.

   Of course, it is inevitable to engage in some small actions secretly and carry out some targeted actions.

   Knowing that True Monarch Can Slaughter was trying to gain a certain authority in the underworld with the help of the Heavenly Stone Society, Jiuxuan Pavilion was greedy like the Situ family.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter's every move has always been under the supervision of the Jiuxuan Pavilion and the Situ Family.

   In order to ensure that it is not disturbed by the Heavenly Palace, the Jiuxuan Pavilion even used the power of the Heavenly Palace to prevent the action of the Demon Temple.

   Now that the authority has been born, the Nine Profound Pavilion will of course not let it go easily.

   Jiuxuan Pavilion monk is famous, and his domineering style is even more famous.

   Even if the three monks of the Situ family are unwilling to conflict with the Nine Profound Pavilion monks, their authority is right in front of them, and they will never let it go.

   Seeing that the three monks of the Situ family were still there attacking the General Corpse Heng, trying to seize power and disregarding their warnings, the Jiuxuan Pavilion monk was angry.

   The four cultivators of the Jiuxuan Pavilion are also Yang Shen stage cultivators, and their cultivation level will also be suppressed after they reach the underworld. But they had already prepared treasures on them, enough to allow them to temporarily get rid of the suppression and give full play to their original strength.

   This is the background of the Holy Land Zongmen, you can easily take out this kind of treasure.

  If Meng Zhang could have such a treasure, he would have been directly involved in the struggle for authority long ago.

   The four cultivators of the Jiuxuan Pavilion glanced at each other, and they slammed directly on the battlefield here, joining the fight for authority.

   Of course, in order to prevent True Monarch Cannibalism from gaining the last fisherman of the magic repair, a Jiuxuan Pavilion cultivator directly shot at him, so that he was also forced to be involved in the melee.

   In this way, the four forces, nine strong men, started a chaotic battle in the air.

   As for the two Dao soldiers in the distance, they are relatively the most in number, but they are not qualified to connect to the near battlefield.

   There was a loud noise in the sky, and deep gullies were ploughed by the aftermath of the battle on the earth.

   The sky is shaking and the earth is turned upside down. This kind of battle of the Yang God level is very rare in the Yang world, and it is even rarer to see in the underworld.

   In order to fight for power, everyone has shown their true ability.

  In the fierce battle, the first person to suffer was General Zoe Heng.

   Zombie Heng is the weakest general, and he was originally not qualified to participate in this level of war.

   He relied on the power injected by an expert in his body to barely support him.

   But he holds authority and has long been the target of a joint attack.

   As the power in his body fades, his combat effectiveness is weakening, but the attacks from all sides are getting more and more fierce.

   General Zoe Heng finally couldn't resist after supporting him for a while.

   His right arm was cut off alive, the authority broke out, and was taken away by a Nine Profound Pavilion monk.

   The body of General Zoe Heng fell from the air, hitting the ground heavily, and ended in an unknown end.

   After the Jiuxuan Pavilion monk seized power, he immediately became the first target of the Situ family monk.

   Even True Monarch Can Slaughter has intentionally or unintentionally joined forces with the Situ Family to deal with the monks in the Jiuxuan Pavilion.

   The number of cultivators in the Situ family is one less, and in terms of strength, they are slightly weaker than the Jiuxuan Pavilion.

   After receiving the help of True Lord Cannibal, he was able to fight with the Jiuxuan Pavilion side inextricably.

   True Lord Cannibal is very smart and knows the importance of keeping the situation in balance.

  Only in this way, a lonely person like him has a chance to seize power.

   Jiuxuan Pavilion monk is also not a fool, he has seen through the situation here a long time ago.

   True Sovereign Canslaughter was already injured, and his physical condition could not hide from the Jiuxuan Pavilion monk.

   The four Nine Profound Pavilion cultivators cooperated with each other, while blocking the Situ family cultivators, they pumped Lengzi to give True Lord Cannibal a vicious blow.

   True Monarch Can Slaughter couldn't resist, and fell from the air to the ground screaming.

   He struggled to stand up, but he no longer had the strength and courage to participate in the battle.

   The blow just now was extremely fierce and caused injuries in his body.

   His whole body collapsed, his soul seemed to be torn apart, and even the strength of the Yuanshen late stage could not be maintained.

   True Lord Cannibal continued to observe the battlefield while trying to stabilize his injuries.

   For him, the most sensible way is to leave, but he is not reconciled ~ True Monarch Candid is out, the Jiuxuan Pavilion monk only needs to deal with the monks of the Situ family.

   It seems that the cultivator of the Jiuxuan Pavilion won the final victory, and it was only a matter of time before he took his authority and left here.

   Meng Zhang, who had been watching the battle in secret, found a huge opportunity.

Now or never. He made up his mind without much hesitation.

   Meng Zhang started to operate his magical powers, pouring his power into the wonderful body.

   Tai Miao's body strength skyrocketed, and soon he had a Yangshen level of combat effectiveness.

   Tai Miao's body was twisted for a while, and his shape changed drastically, transforming into a strange ghost.

   Under the guidance of Meng Zhang, Tai Miao rushed into the battlefield like lightning.

   The cultivator of the Situ family also guessed that the result of continuing the fight was that the Jiuxuan Pavilion gained power.

   They were unwilling to accept such a result, and took great risks to fight back.

   The counterattack went smoothly. The Jiuxuan Pavilion monk who was holding the authority was caught off guard, was hit hard, and the authority flew out.

   Seven monks desperately seized power, but they couldn't help each other for a while.

   At this moment, the wonderful figure flew into the battlefield, and that authority seemed to sense the aura that resembled a natural ghost in his body.

   The authority that was originally floating in the air and was held by forces from different directions suddenly burst out with a powerful force, and suddenly broke free from everyone's pull, and took the initiative to plunge into the wonderful bosom.

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