The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1716: Get out of trouble

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A remorse flashed across Gu Aofeng's heart. If it weren't for greed, and plotting the Baijia fruit in Meng Zhang's hands, he would not be in desperation.

Of course, he also knew that if he could do it again, for the sake of his own avenue, he would probably not give up fighting for Baijia fruit.

Gu Aofeng, who was full of thoughts, didn't think much about it, but urged his spiritual thoughts and blew himself up.

Meng Zhang has been paying close attention to his opponent, and he has long been aware of his self-destruction.

Meng Zhang didn't stop it, but backed up quickly, trying to escape the area of ​​self-detonation as soon as possible.

Gu Aofeng's Yang God burned rapidly, detonating his body.

A monk of the Yang God stage blew himself up in despair, and his power was too terrifying.

The sound of the violent explosion spread to every corner of this space.

A hundred miles away are within the scope of the power of self-detonation.

The huge power of the explosion directly blasted through the space, tearing the ground apart.

The terrifying air wave swept across the square and destroyed everything encountered.

Xiang Qiyun, who was originally far away, dodged in time when the self-detonation occurred.

Meng Zhang's figure flashed in the distance, seeing the huge damage caused by the explosion.

Gu Aofeng was so violent, and he exploded so brazenly.

This is not expected by Meng Zhang, but it does not prevent Meng Zhang from guiding and using it.

Taking advantage of the great opportunity of Gu Aofeng's self-explosion, causing space turbulence, Meng Zhang urged the yin and yang qi, turning it into a huge fist.

This small mountain-like fist was under the control of Meng Zhang, and bombarded several important nodes in this independent space.

Meng Zhang had already seen through the reality of this space and understood its weaknesses.

The fists formed by the yin and yang two qi are extremely powerful, and these nodes can be completely destroyed easily.

The important nodes supporting the space are destroyed, as if the foundation of the house has been demolished.

The turbulent space that was originally amidst Gu Aofeng's self-destruction collapsed completely.

I saw the surrounding sky and earth began to collapse, and a piece of space was turned into nothingness, and the space cracks that appeared out of thin air were quickly devouring everything...

The collapse of the space in which it is located is a severe challenge to the monks inside.

Xiang Qiyun didn't care about anything else. Taking advantage of the time when the space had just collapsed and the space storm had not been completely triggered, he had to pass through this space and return to the normal space of the Yang world.

Since Meng Zhang dared to take the opportunity of Gu Aofeng's self-destruction to destroy this space outrageously, he naturally had the assurance of a safe escape.

Not only will he escape safely from here, he will also take the opportunity to deal with Xiang Qiyun.

Meng Zhangke has never forgotten that the Ziyang Saint Sect is the enemy of Taiyimen.

The Yang Shenqi monk is the absolute backbone of the Ziyang Saint Sect, and can be regarded as a very important high-level.

Every time a monk of the Yang Shen stage is lost, one point of Ziyang Saint Sect's vitality will be lost.

For Meng Zhang at this time, eliminating Xiang Qiyun was just a matter of effort, and he certainly would not miss an opportunity.

Xiang Qiyun's figure disappeared long ago.

Born in the Ziyang Saint Sect, he has enough insight to know what kind of situation he will face next.

Even if the monks of the Yangshen Stage are not very proficient in the space avenue, they can more or less master some space magical powers and spells, which are convenient to walk through the gaps in the space.

Xiang Qiyun was about to withstand the fluctuations of the collapse of space, and with all his strength to escape from this rapidly collapsing space.

Meng Zhang flickered and followed Xiang Qiyun silently.

Meng Zhang, who is proficient in space avenues, cleverly borrowed the strong spatial fluctuations and perfectly concealed his deeds.

Although it is not the first time that space has collapsed, Xiang Qiyun is still a little busy.

He can no longer pay attention to Meng Zhang at this time.

Moreover, in his opinion, Meng Zhang is probably the same as him, escaping from the collapsed space in embarrassment.

The collapsed space triggered a violent space storm.

A huge spatial vortex is rapidly forming, swallowing everything around.

Xiang Qiyun at the edge of the space vortex is struggling to escape the attraction of the space vortex.

If no one stops him, he will leave here soon and return to Yang Shi.

Meng Zhang quietly appeared not far behind Xiang Qiyun.

A huge vitality giant hand quickly condensed into shape, and also absorbed power from this huge spatial vortex.

The sudden coming of vitality slapped Xiang Qiyun's back heavily.

Xiang Qiyun discovered this sneak attack, but it was too late to evade.

The powerful attraction generated by that huge spatial vortex greatly restricted his actions and made him very clumsy.

The vigorous and accurate shot of Xiang Qiyun's younger generation easily defeated all his defenses.

Xiang Qiyun spurted blood in his mouth, and his body fell heavily towards the center of the spatial vortex.

Although Xiang Qiyun worked hard to muster his energies to struggle, he still failed to escape, and was quickly swallowed by the huge spatial vortex.

Meng Zhang watched all this not far away, trying to strengthen the power of that space vortex.

Meng Zhang asked himself, even though he was in the same situation as Xiang Qiyun, it was difficult to get out of the space vortex.

Soon, Meng Zhang sensed that Xiang Qiyun's vitality had completely disappeared.

Meng Zhang didn't hesitate anymore, and made a leap, completely escaped from this spatial vortex and returned to the Yang world.

The place where Meng Zhang returned to Yang Shi was still the core area of ​​the Black Jade Forest.

As soon as he appeared here, he found Xiang Keshou standing in the air in the distance, staring at him with a fierce look.

Xiang Keshou couldn't easily sense everything that happened in that space vortex. Meng Zhang was a little puzzled.

Xiang Keshou and Xiang Qiyun are not only brothers in the same school, but also family members with blood relationship The two have a special connection.

Just now, Xiang Keshou sensed the collapse of an independent space, and then Xiang Qiyun's breath completely disappeared.

At this moment, Meng Zhang looked like he had just escaped from a certain space, so why didn't he arouse his suspicions and suspicions.

Brother Ziyang Shengzong is acting, why no evidence is needed.

In Xiang Keshou's heart, it has been determined that Meng Zhang killed his junior Xiang Qiyun, and also completely destroyed the corpse with the help of the space collapse.

If it were changed to something else, Xiang Keshou had already attacked Meng Zhang, taking him down and interrogating him carefully.

But now, almost all of his power is restrained, and there is no time for him to care.

Apart from staring at Meng Zhang fiercely, he couldn't do much else.

Of course, he has kept this account firmly in his heart.

When the Jiazi Dryad's matter is resolved, he will inevitably attack Meng Zhang afterwards.

Meng Zhang escaped from the collapsed space, returned here, and immediately began to look at the surrounding situation.

There was still that huge, towering Jiazi tree in front of it.

Among the monks present, apart from Meng Zhang himself, Xiang Keshou and one of his juniors were not far away.

Farther away was a Yang Shenqi monk whom Meng Zhang didn't know.

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