The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1717: spread

The Jiazi Dryad, under the circumstance of a sharp drop in strength, used space supernatural powers to create a lot of independent space, dividing this large pile of cultivators who rushed over.

   The leader of the Ziyang Saint Sect monk Xiang Shou had good luck. In the space where he was trapped, besides him, the other two were his junior, and the other was a casual cultivator of average strength.

   For most of the monks present, Baijiaguo is the only opportunity to assist the advancement rebirth period.

   The monks who came from the sect of the holy land are not that shallow. They have more opportunities and can also get other help through the sect.

   Among the cultivators of the Ziyang Saint Sect, Xiang Keshou as the leader is extremely prestigious, has the strongest cultivation base, and has a treasure given by the sect as a killer.

   Even if his younger brother has some other ideas, at least on the surface he dare not disobey him.

  The heavy-duty item scrupulously responded very quickly, and he acted immediately.

   Facing the two Ziyang Saint Sect cultivators, it was difficult for the one who was a loose repairer to protect himself, and he did not dare to participate in the fight for Baijia fruit.

After    Xiang Shou got the Baijia Guo, he and his junior brother broke through the space that trapped them and were able to escape.

   On their side, they have to get out of trouble before Meng Zhangdu.

After    got out of trouble, Xiang Keshou, they were about to face the body of Jiazi Dryad.

   Before they started, they were suppressed by the Jiazi Dryad.

   Jiazi Dryad spent a lot of effort in other areas, and could only temporarily suppress Xiang Keshou them, and was unable to take them down for a long time.

   At this time, Meng Zhangzhu killed his opponent, broke the space, and also escaped.

   Meng Zhang could see through the situation at a glance.

   For Meng Zhang, Baijia Guo has already arrived, and the purpose of his trip has been achieved. There is really no need to stay here.

   Jiazi Dryad is indeed a trouble, and he can't understand him either.

   But the biggest enemy of the Jiazi Dryad is the Ziyang Saint Sect. Of course, he is more willing to watch the drama on the sidelines instead of directly participating in the battle.

   However, this is the core area of ​​the Black Jade Forest, and it is also the place where Jiazi Dryad takes root.

   This area has long since become the domain of the Jiazi Dryad, and is completely controlled by it.

   It is not easy for Meng Zhang to get out of here safely.

   Xiang Shou Shou, of course, wanted to win Meng Zhang, but facing the pressure of Jiazi Dryad, he and his junior brother were too busy to take care of themselves, and there was still room to deal with Meng Zhang.

   I saw the Jiazi Dryad release countless branches, overwhelmingly lashing towards Xiang Keshou's junior, making him overwhelmed.

   A branch that is several times thicker than Xiang Keshou's body, constantly twisting on top of Xiang Keshou's head.

   The huge pressure enveloped him, and he had to deal with it with all his strength.

   The San Xiu was also unwilling to work with the Jiazi Dryad, just a imaginary answer to the story.

   Jiazi Dryad is smart enough to easily see through other people's intentions.

  Jiazi Dryad didn't put any effort on this casual cultivator, but just released a few branches to act like him.

   It seems that the fight is fierce, but in fact, neither side exerts much effort.

   Jiazi Dryad is certainly not a good man and believer, but there are too many monks coming today. It must pay attention to strategy and make choices.

  , Meng Zhang, who had just gotten out of trouble, just stood in the air quietly for fear of triggering the Jiazi Dryad’s excessive reaction, without doing too much for the time being.

   If it weren't for Xiang Keshou and others to be present, worried about the situation, and being accused of colluding with the tree monster, Meng Zhangdu would like to communicate with this Jiazi tree monster and fight for peace and leave here.

   That Jiazi Dryad is also hesitating now.

   That independent space was broken. As the only survivor, Meng Zhang still had a strong breath of Baijia fruit.

   Needless to say, as the last victor, Meng Zhang took the Baijia fruit.

   Jiazi Dryad took out Baijia fruit as a bait to seduce this group of human monks to fight inwardly.

   Baijiaguo is related to his next plan, and the Jiazi Dryad is certainly not willing to give up.

  Jiazi Dryad constantly weighs the pros and cons. Will one missing one hundred jelly fruit lead to unsuccessful evolution?

   For a hundred berries, do you have to fight life and death with this strong human monk?

   Judging from the current situation in the field, the Jiazi Dryad has the upper hand temporarily.

   Countless thick branches keep slapping the younger brother Xiang scrupulously.

   If it hadn't been for a round of purple sun to protect him firmly, he might have been taken down.

  Xiang Shou, of course, knew the situation he was facing. He held back the killing intent in his heart and shouted at Meng Zhang.

   He ordered Meng Zhang to participate in the siege of the Jiazi Dryad in the name of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect.

   Meng Zhang is farting, but he can’t help but behave.

   The Jiazi Dryad paid special attention to Meng Zhang first, and then heaved a sigh of relief after discovering that this person had no intention of fighting at all.

   Taking advantage of Jiazi Dryad's distraction, Xiang Keshou took out his hidden killer.

   He took out a golden broken spear and gently threw it at the Jiazi Dryad in front of him.

   Jiazi Dryad is as big as a mountain, it is impossible to dodge, only to meet the blow.

   The broken spear fell into the lush branches of the Jiazi Dryad like a flash of lightning.

   All of a sudden, countless branches withered and fell from the sky like being bombarded by lightning.

  The extremely lush branches and leaves were originally like armor, which firmly wrapped the body of the Jiazi Dryad.

The golden broken spear opened a path among countless branches and leaves, and directly pierced the huge body of the Jiazi During this process, the Jiazi Dryad controlled countless branches and kept facing towards it. The golden broken spear swooped over.

   Those branches that are extremely thick and thicker than ordinary trees, when they hit the golden broken spear, they bounce off as if burnt by flames.

   When the golden broken spear flew in front of the Jiazi Dryad's body, the tree body trembled violently, and a huge force spewed out, blasting the golden broken spear away.

When    blocked this blow, the Jiazi Dryad, who was already in a weak state, suddenly became a lot weaker.

   In this area, there are a lot of inconspicuous bubbles, appearing and disappearing between the spaces.

   These existences that look like bubbles are independent spaces created by the Jiazi Dryad.

   It's a coincidence that the golden broken spear that was knocked out hit a bubble inadvertently.

   This golden broken spear seems inconspicuous, but it can temporarily exert a power equivalent to a blow from a monk during the Void Rebirth Period.

   was almost hit by the monk during the rebirth period, and the bubble immediately shattered.

   Affected by the breaking of this bubble, a chain reaction occurred, and the two bubbles next to it shattered one after another.

   This means that three separate spaces are broken.

   The space was shattered and completely collapsed, resulting in a huge spatial vortex that sucked in the golden broken spear all at once.

   Xiang Keshou, who couldn't react enough, just watched the treasure given by the sect disappear without a trace.

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