The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1723: misfortune

The sun and moon orbs rose from the top of Meng Zhang's head, and the endless divine light of the sun and the moon shone down and enveloped the Black Gold Demon King.

   The sun and moon divine light is so powerful that it can not only continuously consume the devilish energy of the Black Gold Demon King, but also restrict his actions and prevent him from escaping.

   Now that he encountered the fish that slipped through the net, of course Meng Zhang would not let him escape, and had to kill him.

   The body of the Black Gold Demon King is a piece of meteorite iron from the sky.

   The Black Gold Demon is different from most other magic cultivation and monsters, and the main direction of cultivation is kendo.

   Swordsmanship alone is not necessarily much worse than Meng Zhang at this time.

   After being defeated by Meng Zhang and rejoined by the Jiazi Dryad, the Black Gold Demon possessed the power of the Yangshen Stage through the support of the Jiazi Dryad.

   Its standards in all aspects are also rising.

   In addition to his best kendo, he also mastered a lot of weird abilities.

   I saw that the entire body of the Black Gold Demon revealed an unstoppable sharp aura, and an invisible sword aura came out, directly smashing the surrounding sun and moon divine light, and slashed towards Meng Zhang.

   The yin and yang qi behind Meng Zhang converged into the magical power of the Liangyi Tongtian Sword, and the black and white sword qi took the initiative to greet him.

After    there was a soft sound, there was a tremor in the world, and numerous small spatial cracks appeared around it.

   The Black Gold Demon and Meng Zhang were both injured before, but the Black Gold Demon’s injuries were a bit more serious.

   In this state, the Black Gold Demon still has such a combat power, which really surprised Meng Zhang.

After    issued a sword, there was pitch black in the cracks in the surrounding space, and then countless shadows burst out of the air, killing Meng Zhang from all directions.

   The yin and yang two qi stirred for a while, shattering these black shadows.

   Although it is thousands of miles away from the Black Jade Forest, in the eyes of Void Returning Power, it is not a long distance.

   What Meng Zhang was worried about was that after the rebirth power of the Ziyang Saint Sect killed the Jiazi Dryad, he didn't give up, and he still chased after him.

   Although this possibility is very small, Meng Zhang cannot be ignored.

   Must be a quick fight, and it will change after a long time.

   With this kind of thought, Meng Zhang no longer tried slowly with the Black Gold Demon, slowly entangled, and directly took out a big killer move.

   Meng Zhang mobilized the power of Yin-Yang Avenue, and the surrounding space trembled violently.

   This time was originally a bright day with the scorching sun, but with Meng Zhang's spellcasting, the sky immediately became dim.

   Two air currents, one black and one white, hovered quickly in the sky, releasing irresistible power.

   Meng Zhang's figure disappeared in place, appearing in the black and white air currents.

   The Black Gold Demon felt that the rules of the world around him were changing, and the magical Secret Art he had displayed was easily eliminated invisible.

   More endless invisible forces are constantly impacting his body, constantly breaking his defenses.

  The Yin and Yang change of heaven and earth, this Taoism has the same name as the practice of Meng Zhang, and it is the magical power of Taoism at the bottom of the box.

   After Meng Zhang entered the Yang Shen stage, he first got a glimpse of the doorway and barely grasped a few points.

   In order to fully exert the power of this Taoism, I am afraid that he will have to enter the Void Return Period.

   Even if he only mastered it a little, when Meng Zhang used this Dao technique, he immediately crushed the Black Gold Demon King.

   All the magical powers that the Black Gold Demon masters, whether it is the weird magical secrets or the magical powers of the monster race, are easily resolved.

   The devilish energy of the Black Gold Demon continued to dissipate, and the whole body began to tremble, and there was not much resistance to it.

   The Black Gold Demon is a very strong character, absolutely unwilling to sit still, and even less willing to just be defeated in the hands of Meng Zhang.

   The Black Gold Demon urged his last strength and stimulated the potential of his whole body. The whole body turned into a black giant sword, so it soared into the sky and slashed towards Meng Zhang in the air.

   Meng Zhang floated in the air accompanied by black and white air currents, expressionless and serious.

   With a single finger, he speeds up the rotation of the black and white airflow, and then takes the initiative to meet the black giant sword.

   The black giant sword hit the black-and-white air current, and its power was completely eliminated.

   The yin and yang two qi is cultivated to the extreme, which can wash and dissolve all things, turning the world into chaos.

  Meng Zhang's yin and yang two qi is only a small achievement, but it is enough to deal with monsters like the Black Gold Demon.

   Under the constant scouring of the yin and yang, the devil qi on the black giant sword was quickly washed away and disappeared without a trace.

   The Black Gold Demon just felt his head become more drowsy, and then he completely lost his consciousness and fell into eternal sleep.

   The black giant sword disappeared, leaving only a black iron block in place.

   This piece of iron is about half the size of a human body, and it exudes a faint cold light.

   This is probably the body of the Black Gold Demon, the legendary piece of meteorite iron outside the sky.

   With Meng Zhang's eyesight and insight, he couldn't recognize the origin of this meteorite iron from the outside world.

   just can feel that its material is extraordinary, it is a rare treasure with great usefulness.

   I don’t even say that such a rare treasure becomes a fine. Later, he fell into the magic way.

   After the yin and yang two qi washes, the devil qi is basically washed away and restored to its original appearance.

   It seems that this time he killed this monster and he didn't get nothing.

  Meng Zhang was in a great mood and was about to put away the meteorite iron from the outside world. Sudden change happened.

   I saw a green spot of light shoot out from the meteorite outside the directly towards Meng Zhang. The speed was so fast that it surpassed Meng Zhang's reaction.

   Meng Zhang originally thought that after the yin and yang two qi washes, this outer meteorite iron has returned to its original form, and there will be no more tricks.

   The sudden attack caught him off guard, and he had no time to react.

   And this green light spot looks inconspicuous at all, as if it has no power.

   But as soon as this light spot hits Meng Zhang, it exploded with terrifying lethality, easily tore up all Meng Zhang's defenses, and shattered Meng Zhang's body.

   Meng Zhang's body was like a porcelain hit by a sledgehammer, it shattered gently.

   After the green light hit this blow, it was obviously not easy, and he paused at the original location of Meng Zhang.

   At this moment, the mutation regenerates.

   Meng Zhang's figure flashed again not far away.

   Except for Meng Zhang's lingering look on his face, there is not much difference from the original.

   I don't know when, there was a golden knife in Meng Zhang's hand.

   Without any hesitation, he stabbed the knife at the green light spot.

   This time, I replaced it with that green light spot.

   Among the tiny spots of light, a scream was suddenly screamed.

The scream of    was simply earth-shattering, and it spread far away.

   The light spot suddenly swelled into a palm-sized light ball, and then it exploded completely.

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