The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1724: Backhand

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The expanded light group suddenly exploded, split into countless light spots, and was about to flee in all directions.

Meng Zhang, who had dodge a life-and-death crisis just now, has experience and lessons, but he won't let the change happen again.

Meng Zhang, who had been prepared for a long time, condensed the divine light of the sun and the moon with one hand and turned it into a cage, and captured all these green light spots in the cage.

Glancing at the meteorite iron from outside the sky, Meng Zhang didn't dare to be careless, and once again released the yin and yang qi, wrapping it up.

After finishing all this, Meng Zhang finally breathed a sigh of relief.

What happened just now was so sudden that even he didn't react and almost fell here.

Sure enough, there are dangers everywhere in the realm of comprehension. Especially everything related to those who return to the Void, it is necessary to pay special attention.

Looking back, Meng Zhang felt terrified.

He guessed that the green light spots on the Black Gold Devil's body should be the means left by the Jiazi Dryad.

The Jiazi Dryad had repelled the existence of the power of Ziyang Saint Sect's return period. Its method of staying on the Black Gold Demon, once it broke out, even Meng Zhang could not stand it.

Fortunately, when Meng Zhang joined the Dengxianhui, as a newcomer, he chose three treasures from the Dengxianhui stronghold.

Among them is a substitute for death, which can help him escape a mortal crisis.

Without this substitute death charm, Meng Zhang might really have lost his life in vain.

I don't know who is the expert who refined this death talisman, the refining talisman can actually make Meng Zhang avoid the attack of the Void Return level.

After Meng Zhang escaped the danger with the help of the death talisman, he immediately took out his hole card without hesitation.

That golden knife was also a one-time treasure that he got in the Dengxianhui stronghold that year, and it could play a blow of the Void Returning Power level.

In addition, Jin Kemu is the supreme principle of heaven and earth, and Mu Xing, as the fundamental Jiazi Dryad, was restrained by this golden sword.

Meng Zhang turned defeat into victory this time, and it was a fluke.

He collected the trophies and waited to check them out later.

Suddenly, Meng Zhang felt a shock in his heart, as if a catastrophe was imminent.

He had just escaped from the dead without any hesitation, and immediately urged him to issue the life-saving trump card Heaven Escape Talisman.

This Heaven Escape Talisman, like the Death Talisman, was obtained at the Dengxianhui stronghold, and was rewarded by Meng Zhang as a newcomer to the Dengxianhui.

As soon as the Heaven Escape Talisman was urged, Meng Zhang's figure immediately disappeared in place.

At this time, a purple sunset in the sky blocked the surrounding space and cut off Meng Zhang's escape route.

Without this Heavenly Escape Talisman, with Meng Zhang's escape technique alone, even if he was proficient in Space Avenue, it would be difficult to escape from the blockade of the purple sun.

Fortunately, at the beginning of the refining of this Heaven Escape Talisman, the purpose was to help the monk escape the chase of the Void Returning Power.

As soon as Meng Zhang's figure disappeared in place, the purple sun fell on the area where he was just now.

In the blink of an eye, a huge pit appeared on the ground, and everything within a hundred miles was turned into dust.

If Meng Zhang continues to stay in place, he will not be able to withstand this blow.

After this blow, there is no follow-up action.

Tens of thousands of miles away, it was almost close to the West Sea, and Meng Zhang's figure appeared again.

Even with Meng Zhang's calmness, he couldn't help but wipe a cold sweat.

In one day, he escaped twice from the dead, and the life-saving cards obtained from Dengxianhui were also exhausted.

Meng Zhang's heart was dangerous, but he was also a little puzzled.

Judging from the signs of the shot, it was mostly Ziyang Saint Sect's Void Returning Power that shot himself just now.

But how can oneself, how can he be able to work such a great power without hesitation and brazenly shot?

If it was shot around the Black Jade Forest, it could be said to have been accidentally injured, but he had fled so far, and the other party had no reason to chase him like this.

Meng Zhang thought for a while, and had a certain guess in his mind.

He simply used the technique of space teleportation and teleported directly to the West Sea, after hundreds of thousands of miles away from the black jade forest, he stopped.

He found a secluded corner on the bottom of the sea, temporarily dug a big hole, placed a restriction outside the big hole, and locked it tightly.

After doing these preparations, he took out the trophy this time.

After the outer meteorite iron was wrapped in the yin and yang two qi, there was no change.

This time, Meng Zhang put a lot of thought into it, carefully repeated inspections, and confirmed that there was nothing strange inside and outside of this meteorite iron from the outer world, let alone any back-ups.

After doing all this, Meng Zhang continued to wrap this piece of meteorite iron outside the sky with the two qi of Yin and Yang, and put it into the mustard space.

Next, he took out the cage that was condensed with the sun and the moon's divine light.

In the cage, there are many green light spots scurrying around, smashing left and right, trying to get out of the trap.

Under Meng Zhang's control, the divine light of the sun and the moon slowly penetrated into these light spots.

After the divine power of the sun and moon divine light is great, it has the magical effect of diminishing spirituality and destroying divine souls.

Under the divine light of the sun and the moon, these green light spots slowly lost their vitality and became sluggish.

Feeling that the heat was almost over, Meng Zhang began to release his spiritual thoughts and slowly probed the details of these green light spots.

Scenes of strange scenes just appeared in his mind.

A huge tree stands quietly in the black jade forest, slowly growing...

Many powerful monsters are crawling under their feet, kowtowing ceaselessly...

As Meng Zhang expected, these green light spots were related to the Jiazi Dryad, and contained a lot of information.

Of course, this information is very messy and too mixed.

Meng Zhang needs to spend time slowly sorting out this information.

During this process, these messages constantly impacted his spiritual thoughts, making him very sad.

It took Meng Zhang several days to sort out all the information, and he also understood the whole story.

In the realm of comprehension, all those who have some means will prepare some back-hands to prevent themselves from falling into danger.

Among the monks that Meng Zhang has encountered, many have specially prepared various methods to deal with their accidental fall.

This Jiazi Dryad has survived for more than 10,000 years and has enough wisdom and ability to prepare for himself to retreat.

Cunning Rabbit still has three caves, not to mention a big demon like it.

In addition to overturning the earth's crust and triggering natural disasters as a means of burning jade and stone, the Jiazi Dryad also has a back hand that can be used after its own body is killed.

The Jiazi Dryad took the initiative to split the spirits and hide them by various means.

One of its souls lurked in the depths of the Black Gold Demon King's body.

Jiazi Dryad's methods are very clever, and even the Black Gold Demon doesn't know anything about it.

Of course, although the Black Gold Demon Lord is far inferior to the Jiazi Dryad, he is a monster after all.

Many monsters are not only good at dyeing creatures by demon, and seizing homes from cultivators, they also have a strong resistance to the method of seizing homes.

The Jiazi Dryad had never expected to seize the Black Gold Devil.

It hid this ray of soul in the Black Gold Demon, just looking for a safe hiding place.

In order to protect this ray of soul, of course, we must prepare the corresponding secret method.

When the Black Gold Devil left the Black Jade Forest, the Jiazi Dryad did not stop it, let alone urge him to restrain him. He just hoped that the Black Gold Devil would leave with this ray of soul and escape from the Black Jade Forest.

As for the Black Gold Demon King who went to find Meng Zhang for revenge, it was not what Jiazi Dryad wanted to see.

It's just that the wisp of soul of the Jiazi Dryad, who was obsessed with hiding, did not reveal his identity and came out to stop it.

When the Black Gold Demon King died and was beaten back to his original form by Meng Zhang, the ray of the Jiazi Dryad finally couldn't hide it.

This wisp of hidden spirits was so extraordinary that it almost killed Meng Zhang.

If it weren't for Meng Zhang's many cards, he would really have folded there.

After understanding this information, Meng Zhang also had a certain guess about his being attacked by the Void Rebirth Power.

The blow of the Void Returning Power of the Ziyang Saint Sect was not directed at him, but at a ray of soul of the Jiazi Dryad.

Jiazi Dryad is powerful in that huge tree body. As for the spirits, most of them are not as good as human cultivators.

The divine soul of a human cultivator has to go through many stages of tempering, from evolving from divine soul to primordial spirit, and also undergoes the baptism of thunder tribulation to become a pure and innocent Yang God.

As for the methods used by the Jiazi Dryad to split the gods and souls and leave them behind, I am afraid that they can't hide the power of the human race with vast magical powers.

A ray of soul of the Jiazi Dryad appeared from the body of the Black Gold Demon before, and its breath was probably sensed by the Void Returning Power, which caused a thunderous blow from behind.

As for Meng Zhang, it was just being affected.

Anyway, for the Void Returning Power, accidentally hurting a few ants, etc., is not worth mentioning.

Moreover, Meng Zhang has always been the thorn in the eyes of the Ziyang Saint Sect, even less as an innocent passerby.

Of course, Meng Zhang was angry about Ziyang Shengzong's method of returning to the void.

But what about anger, he couldn't help others at all, so he could only bear it for the time being.

Among the information obtained, there are many Jiazi tree monsters' perceptions about the way of heaven From the perspective of a big tree, they can perceive the way of heaven for thousands of years, and find another way, which has great reference value for Meng Zhang.

It's just a pity that there is not much content, and it's very messy.

Meng Zhang processed the information and quickly decided on the next step.

This time he openly confronted Ziyang Shengzong with the Qiu family brothers, and he was torn apart with Ziyang Shengzong.

Next, Saint Zong Ziyang will most likely find a way to attack Meng Zhang and attack Taiyi Sect.

At that time, both Meng Zhang and Taiyimen will face a severe situation.

Whether it is the Great Li Dynasty or the Hailing faction, these allies can play a limited role, and they cannot pin all their hopes on them.

If Meng Zhang wants to break the game, the best way is to break through to the rebirth period as soon as possible.

Only in the rebirth period can Da Neng have the capital and confidence to bargain with Ziyang Saint Sect.

Meng Zhang's accumulation is much worse. Now that Baijia Guo has obtained it, it is enough to solve this problem.

Meng Zhang had planned for a long time, and now he calculates carefully, he has a lot of confidence in breaking through to the rebirth period.

Of course, even with Meng Zhang's conditions, he can't say that he can be 100% successful, and he can definitely break through to the rebirth period.

Now that he is more than half sure, Meng Zhang can try hard.

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