The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1726: Break through

After the completion of the step of Sun God's Trust of Heaven and Earth, the next more important step, and also the most critical step for the achievement of returning to the Void, is to leave its own mark on the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

In this step, in addition to testing the tenacity of the monk Yang Shen, the sufficient vitality, and the perception of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, there are actually some shortcuts.

If the monk who breaks through the Void Rebirth Period, has the elders of the teachers who are powerful in Void Rebirth Period, the elders of the family, etc., this step will have great convenience.

Because these fellow elders have left their mark on the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, after sensing the actions of the younger brothers, they will make some coping.

The power of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth is so vast, even the Yang God of the most powerful monk of the Yang God stage, in it, is just a drop in the ocean.

No matter how many divine thoughts the Yang Shen transforms, if you are not careful, you will be completely lost in the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and then slowly annihilated.

But if there is a response from the previous brand, it is like seeing a lighthouse above the vast sea, with a certain direction and goal.

The divine mind transformed by the sun **** has a guide, and many difficulties and obstacles can be avoided.

In this respect, the younger monks of the Holy Land Zongmen have great convenience.

This is also an important reason why the Holy Land Zongmen can ensure that their homes return to the virtual world without a constant source of energy, and there is almost never a fault. .

Meng Zhang was not sure whether the Taiyi Sect in its heyday had the power of returning to the void.

Even if there is really the power of returning to the void, there is no news for so many years, and even the demise of the sect cannot be taken care of, then there must be a lot of hope at this moment.

At this time, if Meng Zhang wanted to leave his mark on the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, he could only rely on his own efforts.

He didn't have any tricks to let the divine consciousness transformed by his Yang God go upstream, forcibly leaving his mark on the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Meng Zhang has the external incarnation of too wonderful.

On the Avenue of Enlightenment Heaven and Earth, although Tai Miao's cultivation level is far inferior to Meng Zhang, Tai Miao, which has some of the characteristics of natural ghosts and gods, also has unique advantages.

The deity and the externalized body are connected in mind and body, and they can share their understanding of the Great Way of Heaven and Earth.

So Meng Zhang didn't have a long time to advance to the Yang Shen stage, but when it comes to comprehension of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, he surpassed many veteran Yang Shen stage monks.

With a deep understanding of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, Meng Zhang accurately grasped the context of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and began to try to imprint it.

At this moment, Meng Zhang's divine consciousness suddenly felt strong disturbances.

Meng Zhang has always remained calm and tried not to be affected by these disturbances.

At the same time, he explored the origin of these disturbances according to the records of Taiyimen classics.

Without spending too much time, Meng Zhang discovered what these interferences were all about.

Some of the powers of the Void Rebirth Period who don't know the origin, their marks left in the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, felt that some monks were breaking through the Void Rebirth Period. This group of guys immediately interfered, trying to prevent the success of the latecomers.

To prevent others from enlightenment, but not to share the enemy of heaven.

But there is such a bunch of guys in the realm of cultivation, who just want to do something that hurts others and disadvantages oneself.

They are either out of jealousy of the younger generation, or want to reduce future competitors, or even simply boring.

At this time, you can see the importance of identity background.

If Meng Zhang was a monk from the sect of the Holy Land, not only would he have elders taking care of him, but other monks would not dare to easily obstruct him.

And in his current state, in the eyes of those powerful people, he was either a lonely cultivator, or a monk who was born in a small sect who had been lucky.

There is no identity background, no one on it, and those guys have no scruples when they start their hands.

Before Meng Zhang broke through the rebirth period, he could actually notify the old man Yinhu and mother-in-law Qiansi to get their care.

As a member of the Dengxianhui, when breaking through the Void Rebirth period, the Void Rebirth gang of Dengxianhui can help, and it is just a matter of effort.

But after thinking about it, Meng Zhang gave up asking for help and decided to rely on himself.

For one thing, Meng Zhang was not very relieved of this group of people, worried that he was accidentally controlled by others.

Secondly, relying on one's own strength to break through, rather than relying on the strength of others, is more beneficial to future practice.

Although Meng Zhang faced some difficulties for the time being, his spirit was unmoved, and he was still firmly and slowly leaving his mark on the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Meng Zhang majored in Yin-Yang Dao, and he wanted to leave his spirit imprint on Yin-Yang Dao in the Three Thousand Dao of Junchen Realm.

There are not many monks in Junchen Realm who specialize in Yin-Yang Dao, and the most mainstream is the Dao of Five Elements.

The powers that major in the advanced stage of Yin-Yang Dao and return to the virtual stage are even rarer.

In this regard, Meng Zhang faces little competition.

Those who tried to block him were unable to directly exert their strength because of their different majors.

There is a layer in the middle, and their obstructive power is greatly affected, and their interference with Meng Zhang is limited.

However, Jun Chen Realm's main cultivating Yin Yang Dao's Void Returning Power, its imprint did not stop Meng Zhang at this time.

In this way, under tremendous pressure, Meng Zhang spent less than three years, leaving his divine spirit firmly on the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

The most critical step is completed, and the rest is some finishing work.

From the beginning of retreat, Meng Zhang has finally managed to break through to the rebirth period in less than six years.

Once the achievement returns the momentum of Meng Zhang can no longer be concealed.

Meng Zhang couldn't cover up his aura well after he became a Void.

He also didn't need to cover up.

The formations and restrictions outside the retreat were unable to conceal the aura of the Void Returning Power.

A sudden breath of terror came to the Hall of Law Enforcement in this way, covering almost half of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

I saw above Meng Zhang's closed chamber, patches of auspicious clouds emerged, golden flowers were scattered, and there were bursts of fairy music sounded...

This was the vision of the world when Meng Zhang achieved the Void Return Period. He didn't need to cover it up, and he didn't bother to cover it up.

Meng Zhang's phantom of thousands of feet appeared in the auspicious clouds, and the airflow of black and white above his head kept rotating around.

Meng Zhang’s vision of the Yang God and the vision of focusing on Yin-Yang Avenue were received as soon as they were released, and they did not appear for long.

It was the auspicious clouds and other visions in the sky that lasted a long time.

There are basically no ignorant monks who can serve in the Hall of Law Enforcement.

At the very least, they are true primordial sages, possessing extraordinary insights.

Everyone reacted as soon as the vision of heaven and earth above Meng Zhang's closed chamber appeared.

Most of the monks in the retreat here are the monks inside the Hall of Law Enforcement. This is because some monks in the Hall of Law Enforcement have broken through to the rebirth period.

There are a lot of Void-Returning Powers in the Heavenly Palace, but this does not mean that Void-Returning Powers are worthless.

In fact, the power of returning to the void often has a good position in Tiangong.

In addition to the Void-Returning Ability cultivated by its own family, Tiangong also does not hesitate to offer high prices and favorable conditions to attract the Void-Returning Ability from all parts of the realm of comprehension.

Thanks to my old friend EricWSC and book friend 20200313200534280 for the reward and support.

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