The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1727: Exit

The vision of Meng Zhang breaking through the rebirth period appeared, but no one rushed to visit him.

   Generally speaking, the monks who have just broken through to the Void Rebirth Period need time to consolidate their cultivation base and adapt to the new realm.

   Some monks who stay at home may continue to retreat and practice new Taoist magical powers.

   Visiting Meng Zhang at this time is likely to interrupt his practice.

   The vision of heaven and earth over the closed chamber of Meng Zhang continued for a few days before slowly dissipating.

   There is a monk in the Heavenly Palace who breaks through to the Void Rebirth. It is indeed a big event, but it is not a particularly important event.

   Those who have nothing to do with this will not be affected.

   When Meng Zhang rented the closed room of the Hall of Law Enforcement, he used his real name to register and consumed merit points.

   Anyone with a heart only needs to carefully check the records of the Hall of Law Enforcement, and he can know who the monk who broke through the Void Rebirth Period is.

  Meng Zhang does not have a strong presence in the Hall of Law Enforcement, and he has almost never asked about the affairs of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

   There were still people who were interested in Meng Zhang, but they quickly found out the details of Meng Zhang.

  Meng Zhang serves as the law enforcement envoy of the Law Enforcement Hall, and is highly recommended by the Supreme Lord of Heaven.

   Needless to say, Meng Zhang is a member of the line of Heavenly Thunder Supreme.

  If Meng Zhang was only a monk at the Yang Shen stage, he might not be considered much under the command of the Supreme Thunder.

   But now that he has broken through to the rebirth period, I am afraid that he will soon be reused by the Supreme Thunder.

   Now that Meng Zhang has a camp, those monks who tried to win over Meng Zhang naturally died down.

   Although it's not that monks can't change the door, it will cost a huge price.

  Before Meng Zhang showed irreplaceable value, I am afraid that no one would be willing to pay a huge price to win him over.

   Meng Zhang did not continue to retreat for too long after breaking through the rebirth period.

   When he was in retreat, he was isolated from all information from the outside world, and he didn't know anything about Taiyimen.

   After the Jiazi Dryad incident last time, there must be a follow-up, he was a little worried.

   Meng Zhang slowly consolidated his cultivation base, and after getting acquainted with the new realm, he took the initiative to leave the customs.

   After he left the Hall of Law Enforcement, he went directly to the residence of Taiyimen in Tiangong.

  Taiyimen's residence in Tiangong is stationed daily by Yuanshen Zhenjun, who keeps in touch with the gate at any time, and is responsible for presiding over Taiyimen's corresponding affairs in Tiangong.

   As early as many years ago, Taiyimen began to expand based on the Tiangong resident, and worked hard to open up commercial channels and get to know more contacts.

  To this day, Taiyimen has a small career in Tiangong.

   After seeing the monks stationed here, Meng Zhang didn't talk nonsense, and directly asked Taiyimen and Daheng Cultivation World about the recent situation.

   The Yuanshen Zhenjun who is stationed here is a younger generation of monks, who respects the head Meng Zhang as a god.

   Although he is not familiar with Meng Zhang, he still respectfully reported various detailed information.

   At this time, less than eight years have passed since the killing of the Jiazi Dryad.

   Killing the Jiazi Dryad was capable of returning to the void, and there were more than one. The fighting time was not too short and lasted for several days.

   With such a big action, the entire Jun Chen Realm was shocked, and various news was flying in the sky.

   For so many years, it has almost become an iron law that Great Power is not allowed to shoot directly in Jun Chen Realm during the Void Return Period.

   In the past few years, those who violated this rule twice were all monks from the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Not only many people in Tiangong are dissatisfied with this, but other sacred sects also have a lot of criticism.

   Some people who didn't deal with Ziyang Saint Sect even took the opportunity to attack Ziyang Saint Sect.

   But Ziyang Shengzong's attitude was very firm this time, and he didn't admit his mistakes from beginning to end.

   The roots of the Jiazi Dryad go deep into the ground, which is a major hidden danger.

   The monster's temperament is unpredictable, and it may break out at any time.

   Once the Jiazi Dryad instigated the roots of the tree and overturned the crust, it would be a huge catastrophe for the entire Junchen Realm.

   The cultivator of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect was willing to take extraordinary risks, paying a huge price, and finally killed the Jiazi Dryad, and eliminated a disaster for the Junchen Realm. It's just that other people are not grateful, and it's too unreasonable to criticize them.

   Although Tiangong is the nominal ruler of Junchen Realm, he does not have the power to deal with a holy land sect.

   For the other sects of the Holy Land, it is okay to ask them to encourage others to embarrass the Ziyang Sect. It would be unrealistic to go shirtless.

   So, until now, the Tiangong and all the sacred sects are still wrangling, and they have been unable to come up with a plan to deal with the Ziyang Sect.

   Ziyang Saint Sect’s Void-Returning Power will only care about his fellow monks in the process of slaying the Jiazi Dryad.

  For other people, even if they are not easy to erase, even if they are kindhearted.

   There are a lot of smart people like Meng Zhang, and after discovering that the Ziyang Saint Sect's Void Returning Power has taken action, they scattered and fled.

   Of course the Qiu family brothers were unwilling to do so, and the plan they had worked so hard for many years was completely abandoned.

   They moved a little slower, and almost fell into the siege of the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   For the cultivator of the Ziyang Sacred Sect, it is also a good thing to get rid of the scourge of the Qiu Family Brothers when slaying the Jiazi Dryad.

   The old monster Xihai and the Taoist anode reached an agreement to kill the Jiazi Dryad together, and afterwards he will get the Ten Thousand Year Tree Heart of the Jiazi Dryad.

   For the old monster Xihai who achieved his goal, the Qiu family brothers no longer have much use value.

   And in the agreement he reached with the anode Taoist, he also asked him not to help the Qiu family brothers to fight against Ziyang Shengzong.

   The old monster Xihai finally helped the Qiu and sent them away from the Black Jade Forest.

   From now on, Old Monster Xihai will not be their secret backer.

   This action by the Qiu brothers is considered to be a steal. Not only did he fail to obtain Baijia Guo, solve the hidden dangers in Qiu Wanshui's body, but also lost his biggest backing.

   In addition, there is even greater trouble waiting for them.

   True Monarch Red Dragon exposed the secrets related to the true dragon family, and quickly escaped from the Black Jade Forest.

   True Monarch Chilong is clever, and has been in the Xingluo Islands as a human monk for many years, and has even become the secret support target of the Qiu family brothers.

   This guy not only mastered a lot of important information about the Star Rock Islands, but also made a lot of arrangements there.

   After leaving the Black Jade Forest, True Monarch Chilong rushed back to the Xingluo Islands as quickly as possible.

   He contacted the marine army in the distant sea and asked it to immediately launch a major attack on the Star Rock Islands.

   At the same time, he launched various secret arrangements in the Star Rock Islands to create chaos inside.

   When the inside meets the outside, the Xingluo Islands fell into a huge chaos.

   Facing the large-scale attack of the sea clan army, the interior fell into chaos again, and the situation could not be stabilized by Fuyunzi alone, a monk of the Yang God stage.

   The human monks and the sea tribe on the Star Rock Islands have been fighting for many years, and they have forged an unclear **** feud.

   Numerous cultivators of the human race went into battle one after another, desperately blocking the attack of the sea tribe army.

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