The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1731: Advanced

The senior officials of Junchen Realm use extraterritorial invaders as food and feed them to Junchen Realm. Do the seniors of these extraterritorial invaders know?

  According to the observation of the senior level of Junchen Realm, the other party not only knows this, but also promotes it intentionally or unintentionally.

   As for the other party's purpose for doing this, he didn't conceal the truth from the high level of Jun Chen Realm.

   Many of the extraterritorial invaders who were thrown into Junchen Realm have a deep special aura on their bodies.

   After they died in the Junchen realm, the spirits entered the depths of the Junchen realm, and they would corrode and pollute the origin of Junchen realm.

   If their erosion and pollution are strong enough, they will have an irreversible impact on the origin of Junchen Realm.

   Knowing this, the Junchen Realm high-level management did not prevent the launch of intruders outside the territory, but only controlled its scale and frequency.

   Actually, this is a contest between Jun Chen world's digestive ability and the enemy's ability to throw.

   If Jun Chen Realm's digestion ability is stronger than the enemy's ability to throw, then the enemy will give Jun Chen realm tonics in vain.

   Actually, Jun Chen Realm has the upper hand in this struggle until now.

   The origin of Junchen Realm has not been defaced, but has grown stronger.

  According to the plan of the senior level of Junchen Realm, when the immortals are about to wake up, they will induce the invaders from outside the territorial to launch higher frequency, so that the origin of Junchen Realm will be a big supplement.

   And those extraterritorial invaders, who didn't know whether they were stubborn or too self-confident in their own homes, actually ignored them and never interrupted this kind of delivery.

   Meng Zhang never thought that extraterritorial invaders would continue to invade behind Jun Chen Realm, and there would be so many twists and turns.

   Although Meng Zhang has become the power of Void Rebirth, but he has not completely joined the circle of Void Rebirth monks, and the news is naturally not so well informed.

   The so-called high-level members of the Junchen Realm are naturally the principals of the various sacred sects, including Tiangong.

   They can dominate the affairs of Junchen Realm and determine the future destiny of Junchen Realm.

   A monk like Meng Zhang, no matter how high his cultivation base is, it is impossible to enter such a decision-making circle.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law is also backed by the Dengxianhui, in order to obtain these precious information.

  Meng Zhang has just advanced to the rebirth period, and he is still very unfamiliar with everything in the rebirth period.

   In terms of cultivation, there are records of predecessors' experiences and exercises in the Taiyimen's inheritance book.

   But he doesn't know much about all kinds of information that needs to be known, such as the precautions of the rebirth period in Junchen world, some taboos, etc., he doesn't know much.

   Qiansi's mother-in-law has been making good friends with Meng Zhang, and she helped Meng Zhang a lot back then.

   Even after the invitation to join the Dengxianhui, Meng Zhang was prepared for the mother-in-law Qiansi, but the apparent relationship between the two parties has been maintained very well.

   Pulled the mother-in-law to be patient and explained a lot of precautions to Meng Zhang, which greatly broadened his horizons.

   Regarding the current situation of Taiyimen, the mother-in-law Qiansi is also actively helping Meng Zhang to find a way.

   Although the mother-in-law Qiansi would not go directly to conflict with Ziyang Shengzong in order to help Meng Zhang, there is still no problem with secretly providing support, transmitting various intelligence, and bridging her.

   After chatting with Granny Qiansi for a long time, Meng Zhang has benefited a lot, and he has a certain idea of ​​how to deal with the pressure brought by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

   After leaving Mother Qiansi’s residence, Meng Zhang did not stay in the Tiangong for a long time, so he returned directly to Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

   Not long after leaving the palace, Meng Zhang was flying high in the sky, and he sensed the message from the avatar outside his body, which was too wonderful.

   After all these years of retreat, the wonderful injury finally healed completely.

   It's probably a relationship that breaks and then stands. After the great injury healed, the cultivation base has also improved a lot.

  Meng Zhang broke through to the realm of returning to the Void, which is also very good for the promotion of the external avatar.

   The wonderful cultivation level has finally advanced to the equivalent of the Yang Shen stage.

   Tai Miao truly possesses the strength of Yang Shenqi, which is of great significance to him.

   He can discover more natural ghosts and gods in his body, and can master more magical powers and secrets.

  The ghosts and gods with the strength of the Yang Divine Stage can already try to slowly control the authority they obtained last time.

   As long as he masters the power of authority, he can not only greatly enhance his wonderful strength, but also allow him to slowly gain the power to control the underworld.

   The level of strength in the underworld is far inferior to that of the Yang world, and the strength of the late Yuanshen is enough to dominate one party.

  Yang God level powerhouse, you can walk sideways in the underworld.

   As long as you don't enter the depths of the underworld, you don't provoke those hidden powerhouses, and you don't act to death. There are not many ghosts and gods in the underworld that can threaten the Yang God level.

   Before that, Tai Miao led the Xuan Jia Yin Army to establish a foundation in Frost Mountain, dominating one side, and dominating the king.

   He now has the strength of the Yang God level, and he can do a bigger career.

   However, for the sake of prudence, Meng Zhang warned him too well, so that he should not expose the strength of the Yang God level for the time being.

   In order to fight for power last time, Jiuxuan Pavilion and many Yang Shenqi monks of the Situ family descended to the underworld, holding treasures, and a battle broke out.

   Not long after this incident, most of these Yang Shen stage monks were still searching for the ghosts and gods who profited from the fishermen.

   is too wonderful, although it is very strong, but it has not yet reached the point of unscrupulous.

   If it really fell into the eyes of those holy land sects, it would be dangerous.

   Too Miao Although he was a little arrogant, he was not a fool. After receiving Meng Zhang's reminder, he quickly made a plan for the next step.

   Tai Miao General hides his strength, and at most shows the combat effectiveness of the late Such combat effectiveness is sufficient to deal with most situations in the underworld.

   Tai Miao will resume command of the Xuanjia Yin Army, work hard to recruit troops, strengthen its strength, and restore the original combat effectiveness of the Xuanjia Yin Army as soon as possible.

   The underworld is vast and vast, too wonderful will find a good place again, as a base, and establish a foundation.

   It’s wonderful to have similar experience, and I am full of confidence in rebuilding the foundation.

   Whether it is strength or character, it is too wonderful to make Meng Zhang feel relieved.

   And Meng Zhang keeps in touch with Tai Miao at any time, and can also guide him at critical moments.

   Meng Zhang and Tai Miao synchronized the information, and after giving instructions, they continued on the road and returned to Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

   The days of Meng Zhang leaving the gate of Taiyi Gate were not long. There have been many similar precedents before.

   Sometimes when he retreats once, he will not see anyone for decades.

  The high-level staff of Taiyimen have become accustomed to Meng Zhang not being in the door, and they are also used to Niu Da as the acting head.

  The reason why Meng Zhang didn't give up his position of head, and served as a supreme elder, was not because he was greedy for power.

   Once he came, he served as the head of Taiyi Sect for many years, and this has become a habit.

  Even if they don't care much, when everyone talks about the head, they only approve of Meng Zhang.

  Secondly, he has always had a hunch in his heart that he will continue to be the head of the Taiyi Clan, which is a great thing for himself and the school.

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