The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1732: Return to the mountain gate

Meng Zhang's advanced stage of returning to the virtual stage is barely considered to be at the top of the realm of comprehension.

Meng Zhang didn't know whether Taiyi Sect in its heyday had the power of returning to the void.

Judging from the inheritance canon left over at that time, even if there is no return to the virtual power in the door, it should be related to the return to virtual power.

Meng Zhang's current cultivation base, even if it were placed in the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, was considered top-notch.

However, he still didn't know much about the specific situation of Taiyimen in its heyday, and he had many questions.

Especially in the heyday of Taiyi Gate, the fact that the gate was destroyed by the Holy Land Zongmen Guantian Pavilion has always been a big knot in his heart, and he was always worried.

The status of Xukongzi, Extreme Sword God General, etc. in the Taiyi Gate was not very high, and the knowledge of various things and secrets in the gate was also limited.

Meng Zhang has basically opened several treasures left by Taiyimen in its heyday.

Only the last place was located in the void outside the territory. The environment was too dangerous, and Meng Zhang had not rushed there before.

Now that Meng Zhang has advanced into the Void Return Period, he should have enough strength to unlock this treasure.

However, his current situation is not suitable for leaving Junchen Realm and heading to the void outside the realm for the time being.

Anyway, after so many years, Meng Zhang had to wait.

As soon as Meng Zhang returned to Taiyimen, he felt that something was wrong.

In the messy scene of the mountain gate, the mountain guard formation was severely damaged, various buildings in the gate collapsed, and ruins everywhere.

From time to time, we can see some injured disciples.

Meng Zhang immediately summoned the middle and high-level men and women including Niu Dawei, the major disciple.

Many of the middle and high-level people in these doors are unstable, and they are obviously hurting themselves.

Many people have a heavy face and worried.

They only relaxed a little when Meng Zhang came back.

Meng Zhang didn't ask, but showed his aura a little.

Although the aura that belonged solely to the power of the Void Rebirth Period only disappeared in a flash, it was already enough to give everyone an unprecedented huge shock.

In front of everyone, Meng Zhang did not conceal his strength, and frankly admitted that he had already broken through the period of rebirth.

After listening, everyone was very excited and excited.

Everyone present was a high-level cultivator who had achieved great concentration, but they couldn't hide their joy after hearing this huge good news.

Not to mention the strength of Taiyi Sect itself, Meng Zhang alone is enough to make Taiyi Sect one of the top sects in the cultivation world, second only to those sacred sects.

Everyone was excited for a long time, and finally calmed down slowly.

During these years, Meng Zhang was not in the door, and Taiyimen encountered many difficulties and problems.

For a long time, Meng Zhang was the pillar of Taiyi Sect and the reassurance of the monks in the gate.

He is back now, and his cultivation has made great progress, enough to solve all kinds of difficulties and problems.

When Meng Zhang was in Tiangong, he learned about the latest situation of Taiyimen.

Now I went back to the mountain gate in person and saw this look in the gate, knowing that something new must have happened.

Under Meng Zhang's question, everyone reported to him in order.

The general situation in the door is not much different from the information Meng Zhang has already mastered.

The biggest trouble in the door at the moment is the pressure brought by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The Ziyang Saint Sect sent Yang Shenqi monks to come to the Taiyimen territory to show off their power and create a lot of incidents.

Just yesterday, Xiao Mofei, a cultivator of the Yang God stage of the Ziyang Sect, swaggered to the door and said that he wanted to meet Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang was not in the door, so naturally he couldn't come out to deal with this guy.

Xu Kongzi, the only Yangshen stage powerhouse in Taiyimen, came forward and faced Xiao Mofei.

Xiao Mofei casually found an excuse to discuss with Xu Kongzi.

Xu Kongzi naturally wouldn't shrink back at this time, weakening his own momentum.

The two of them flew high in the sky, and a great battle began.

As the most inherited treasure left by the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, the Void Cauldron has experienced a long period of time and has a profound heritage.

Xiao Mofei was born in the Purple Sun Sacred Sect, has a clever heritage, and has been advised by the seniors in the door.

In the Ziyang Saint Sect, where the Xiao family is very wealthy, they are all considered rich and wealthy.

Xiao Mofei, as the top monk of the Xiao family, naturally wouldn't lack all kinds of foreign objects.

After a great battle, Xu Kongzi's cultivation base was slightly inferior and unfortunately lost.

During the war, Xiao Mofei had a vicious mind and deliberately spread the battle to the Taiyimen Gate, letting the aftermath of the battle swept here.

Even though the Taiyimen Mountain Gate opened in time to protect the mountain formation, the aftermath of the battle at the Yang God Stage level still caused a lot of losses to the Taiyimen Mountain Gate.

During the battle, Xu Kongzi also seemed very passive because he had to take care of the Taiyimen Mountain Gate to avoid being severely injured by Xiao Mofei.

Of course, before the defeat, Xu Kongzi struggled to get hurt, which also gave Xiao Mofei a cruel heart.

The scene looks like Xukongzi lost, but in fact it hurts both sides, but Xukongzi hurt a little bit more.

Xiao Mofei was obviously dissatisfied at the time, but firstly he was injured, and secondly, Xukongzi's fighting strength still existed. He had to retreat temporarily.

Before leaving, Xiao Mofei said that he would come to visit Taiyimen again soon.

In the tone, the threat is very obvious.

No wonder Meng Zhang came back to and saw a mess in the door. It turned out that Xiao Mofei did what this guy did.

When Meng Zhang was not in the mountain gate, the people of the Ziyang Saint Sect had already bullied the gate.

Because this is what happened, the location of Taiyimen in Tiangong is still unknown.

Meng Zhang and the Xiao family had a lot of grievances, and they didn't know whether this was Xiao Mofei's personal behavior or the will of Ziyang Saint Sect.

Of course, anyway, Xiao Mofei dared to swagger to hit the door, at least he got the acquiescence of Ziyang Saint Sect.

Maybe, this is a temptation of the Taiyi Sect by the Ziyang Saint Sect.

Explore the whereabouts of Meng Zhang, test the reality of Taiyimen...

If the Taiyi Sect cannot respond in time, revealing its weakness, perhaps Ziyang Saint Sect will really attack the Taiyi Sect.

Ziyang Saint Sect is now controlled by the Dali Dynasty, and it may be difficult to draw out an army of cultivators to come and destroy Taiyimen.

Send a small number of Yangshen stage monks to behave on the Taiyimen territory and destroy the mountain gate of Taiyimen arbitrarily...

If the Taiyi Sect can't stop all of this, and it is clear that the cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect can only let it go, then the Taiyi Sect will surely be discredited, and the insiders are panicked.

There will definitely be problems in the Hanhai Dao League.

Taiyimen relied on its high strength, coercion, profit and temptation, and both kindness and power... just to form an organization like the Hanhai Dao League.

Taiyi Sect is powerless to do what Ziyang Saint Sect has done, and what qualifications does it have to continue to command the Hanhai Dao League?

It won't be long before the Hanhai Dao League will fall apart and completely disintegrate.

At that time, if Meng Zhang hasn't come forward, the Ziyang Saint Sect can even directly kill the high level of Taiyimen, making Taiyimen completely paralyzed.

Thanks to Brother He Ran for his reward and support.

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