The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1734: Take down

Seeing Meng Zhang stably standing above the Taiyimen Mountain Gate, Xiao Mofei gave a sneer of disdain, and flew to the other side with his junior.

Xiao Mofei came from the Sect of Holy Land somehow, and before he started, he was ready to say a few words on the scene.

Where did he think, Meng Zhang just glanced at them diagonally, and uttered a word in his mouth: "Go away."

Xiao Mofei and his junior brother had a cold face, and they were too lazy to be wordy, so they just shot.

Xiao Mofei's mission on this trip was mainly to test the reality of Taiyimen.

Last time I came here, Meng Zhang was not in the door, and Xiao Mofei had a fight with Xu Kongzi.

This time, he called his junior and younger brothers together, and he was already thinking about deceiving less.

If Meng Zhang doesn't show up, Xu Kongzi will definitely not be able to stop them by himself.

Now that Meng Zhang is back, he just happened to meet the Lord.

Meng Zhang was alone, did not call Xu Kongzi, dare to be so bold, so provocative, Xiao Mofei was very angry.

Looking at Meng Zhang's aloof appearance, there is an indescribable arrogance and arrogance, as if he came from the sacred sect and has an absolute advantage at this moment.

In all fairness, Meng Zhang's previous fame and record were impressive.

At this level of the Yang Shen stage, he can be called a well-known strong.

Xiao Mofei was not sure of winning against him.

But Xiao Mofei didn't come here alone, he also had a junior fellow.

Xiao Mofei carried out this mission, and he still had an extraordinary treasure from the door on his body.

Xiao Mofei is not the kind of pedantic person, and must have a fair one-on-one contest with Meng Zhang.

Xiao Mofei took out a golden orb and threw it at Meng Zhang heavily.

This relic is in the hands of the monks in the Yangshen stage, and can barely exert the power of the monks in the rebirth period.

Of course, Xiao Mofei tried his best and could only issue this blow.

Xiao Mofei's junior abruptly accelerated, trying to bypass Meng Zhang's back to prevent him from retreating or escaping.

The lion fights the rabbit, also with all its strength. They didn't care about it, and went all out when they came up.

Unfortunately, they didn't know that Meng Zhang's level had surpassed them. Even if they fight their lives, they can't shake Meng Zhang any bit.

Before Meng Zhang had advanced to the Void Return Period, he knew that the Void Return Period might seem to be superior and vast, but in the Junchen Realm, it would be subject to many restrictions.

Meng Zhang even studied the relevant rules after his advanced stage of rebirth.

He is not a cultivator of the Ziyang Saint Sect with a deep background. If he commits a violation, he will face the punishment of the Heavenly Palace.

Can the Void Return Period take the initiative to take the initiative in Jun Chen Realm, but what if someone else can take the initiative in the Void Return Period?

You won’t be able to fight back or curse and lie down and pretend to die during the rebirth period?

Therefore, during the Rebirth Period, Da Neng has the right to defend itself when it is attacked.

Of course, if both parties are powerful in the rebirth period, as long as they fight in the Junchen Realm, no matter who is right or wrong, they will be punished.

It's just that those who take the initiative will bear the main responsibility.

If it is a low-level cultivator who does not know his life or death and actively offends the Void-Returning Stage power, then he deserves to be unlucky for the low-level cultivator.

In fact, there are really some who are able to disregard their status during the rebirth period, come to pretend to be a pig, eat a tiger, fish for law enforcement, and take the initiative to lure low-level monks to take action against them.

This kind of thing is relatively rare in the first place, if the trouble is too much, the power of the rebirth period will not be related to it.

In general, all the rules of Junchen Realm, including the laws of Heavenly Palace, are beneficial to the ruler of Junchen Realm.

When the immortals were sleeping, it was these Void Returning Powers who ruled all parts of Junchen Realm.

Therefore, low-level cultivators and high-level cultivators clash, no matter who is right or wrong, it is often low-level cultivators who suffer in the end.

This is also a true portrayal of the realm of comprehension where the weak and the prey, and it is something that everyone in the realm of comprehension recognizes.

I saw that golden orb glowing brightly in the air, like a small scorching sun, falling fiercely on top of Meng Zhang's head.

The power of this blow is indeed very close to the power of the most common Void Return Period.

It's a pity that Xiao Mofei's cultivation is insufficient. With the treasure in hand, he can only perform such a blow, and the power has not been fully urged.

With a wave of one hand, Meng Zhang held the golden orb firmly in his hand.

As long as Meng Zhang is willing, he can issue such powerful attacks many times.

Xiao Mofei first woke up with an unbelievable expression on his face.

His response was not unpleasant.

He didn't even care about his junior, and turned around to run away.

I didn't dare to be shocked in my heart. Judging from Meng Zhang's performance, he had clearly broken through the rebirth period.

Faced with the power of the rebirth period, Xiao Mofei has no chance of winning.

Meng Zhang waited so long, just for this moment, where would he let the other party run away.

With a move of Meng Zhang's heart, a powerful hand appeared out of thin air in the sky, covering Xiao Mofei who was running away.

The vitality hand above his head completely enveloped Xiao Mofei, leaving him nowhere to escape.

Xiao Mofei continued to launch attacks in a desperate manner, using various talismans and magical instruments, and even hesitated to stimulate his potential and began desperately.

Although he didn't want to believe it in his heart, it was already a fact that Meng Zhang broke through to the rebirth period.

He was powerless to resist, only to escape as soon as possible to bring the news back to the sect.

At this time, Meng Zhang no longer concealed his own breath, and displayed the magical powers and powers that belonged to the Void-Returning Power.

Xiao Mofei tried his best to fight against the big hand for a long time, but was unable to stop the big hand from falling continuously.

All his attacks fell on the vitality hand, and none of them had any effect.

Xiao Mofei's junior did not respond slowly. After sensing the breath released by Meng Zhang, he turned and left without saying a word.

Before he flew too far, he felt a huge invisible pressure that fell on him and began to restrain his body.

Although Meng Zhang was one enemy and two, there was no suspense about the outcome of the battle.

Xiao Mofei and his junior were easily defeated by Meng Zhang and then captured together.

Especially Xiao Mofei, Meng Zhang grabbed him with that vitality hand, like an eagle catching a chicken, the meaning of humiliation was very obvious.

After taking down the two enemies, Meng Zhang did not leave immediately, but waited silently on the spot.

There must be some beginnings and endings after this disturbance.

He didn't wait long, but he waited for the Lord to come.

Two figures from the sky fell from a high altitude and were flying towards Meng Zhang quickly.

One figure is Meng Zhang's old acquaintance, the old man Yinhu.

Although the other person Meng Zhang is not very familiar, he has dealt with him.

This person is the law enforcement messenger of the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall.

As far as Meng Zhang knows, there are special treasures in the Heavenly Palace, which can monitor the power fluctuations of Junchen Realm at any time.

Especially the power fluctuations at this level during the rebirth period are the focus of monitoring.

Once the power of the rebirth period breaks out, the Hall of Law Enforcement must ascertain the inside story as soon as possible.

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