The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1735: Iron Man

The Hall of Law Enforcement arranged special personnel to take turns to guard the movement of Junchen Realm before monitoring the treasures.

If it was only the imperial imperial treasure of the Yangshen stage monks, exerting the same power as the powerful shots during the rebirth stage, then it would be no big deal.

Anyway, even if the monks of the Yang Shen stage struggled to fight for their old lives, they would not be able to make several such attacks.

If it is during the Void Rebirth period cultivating cultivator, the control is not good for a while, and power fluctuations erupt, everyone can understand it, and they won't care much.

However, if the rebirth period is able to make a direct shot without concealing the power of the shot, the Palace Law Enforcement Hall will have to intervene that day.

Meng Zhang hadn't constrained much in his previous shots, and directly exerted the power of returning to the virtual level.

Of course, Meng Zhangdu didn't use any Dao skills due to the direct crushing of power. He just relied on some conventional means to take down the two opponents.

It clearly senses that there is a rebirth period and the power is in the Junchen Realm, the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall cannot ignore it, and must immediately intervene.

The law enforcement messenger of the Law Enforcement Hall is one of the monks in charge of this kind of affairs.

In addition, the Elderly Silver Kettle is a monitoring messenger in charge of monitoring the northern part of Junchen Realm.

Although most of his power was swallowed by the Purple Sun Sacred Sect, something big really happened in the north of Junchen Realm, and it was not his turn to intervene for many times.

But where the duty lay, something happened in the north of Jun Chen Realm, and he couldn't help but come forward.

There are many teleportation arrays in the heavenly palace, and many of them are teleportation arrays.

Through the Heavenly Palace transit, you can easily travel to and from Junchen Realm.

The iron-faced Taoist and the silver pot old man did not move slowly, and soon came to Meng Zhang.

Needless to say, the relationship between the silver pot old man and Meng Zhang naturally.

Speaking of Tiemian Daoist and Meng Zhang, they are also colleagues in the Hall of Law Enforcement.

The Heavenly Thunder Supreme, who promoted Meng Zhang, is also the deputy head of the Hall of Law Enforcement.

As the name suggests, the iron-faced Taoist is selfless and extremely rigorous on weekdays.

But his iron face is more aimed at outsiders.

Meng Zhang is also the law enforcement messenger of the Law Enforcement Hall, and when he broke through the rebirth period not long ago, the iron-faced Taoist heard about it.

Meng Zhang himself was the head of the Taiyi Sect, and it was impossible to devote all his energy to the heavenly palace.

But he is a member of the Tiangong in name, so he will inevitably play for the Tiangong.

There are many monks serving in the heavenly palace, and there are many factions.

If summed up briefly, they are actually three factions.

One faction is the forces that infiltrated the heavenly palace from the various sacred sects.

On weekdays, they are quite conscientious to work for Tiangong.

But when it comes to the interests of their own sect, they will naturally prefer their own sect.

The second faction is the direct monks cultivated by Tiangong's own family.

They are the most loyal to the Tiangong, and they have never had a good impression of the sacred sects that divide the power of the Tiangong.

The third sect is like Meng Zhang, who has a different background, and either takes the initiative to seek refuge in the temple with a purpose, or is recruited by the temple.

Most of the time, people of this faction are driven by interests to serve the heavenly palace.

Between the Tiangong and the sacred sects, some don’t help each other; some go to the right and left, and the two parties are pleased; some are biased towards one side...

The iron-faced Taoist is a direct monk cultivated by the Tiangong, and has always only been responsible to the Tiangong.

He saw that Meng Zhang had something to do with this matter. Although he still had a cold face as usual, he still maintained a minimum of politeness.

Meng Zhang saw the two of them coming over, and before they asked them, he took the initiative to report what had happened just now.

In Meng Zhang's mouth, this matter was entirely the responsibility of Xiao Mofei and his juniors.

Soon after Meng Zhangcai returned to the mountain gate, Xiao Mofei and the two came to provoke.

Meng Zhang, as a great power in the rebirth period, was originally unwilling to care about them.

However, the two of them were extremely arrogant, relying on the support of the Ziyang Saint Sect behind them, they actually dared to take the initiative to attack Meng Zhang.

Xiao Mofei had the treasure given in the door in his hand, and he could attack with the power of the rebirth period.

In order to avoid injury, Meng Zhang had to use some strength to capture the two of them.

The iron mian Taoist is the leader of this trip. Although he is a colleague with Meng Zhang, he still has to follow the procedures that should be followed and cannot be implemented.

With the iron-faced Taoist serving as a law enforcement messenger for many years, he has experience in handling many cases. There are exaggerations in Meng Zhang's words, and some reservations, but in general, Meng Zhang should not lie.

After listening to Meng Zhang's narration, the iron-faced Taoist turned his attention to the other two parties.

The Void Returning Power of the Ziyang Saint Sect last time fought in the Black Jade Forest, which caused dissatisfaction among many monks in the Hall of Law Enforcement.

Many people have demanded severe punishment of the noble Taoist priest of the Ziyang Saint Sect.

The iron-faced Taoist is one of them.

Unfortunately, although the Holy Land Zongmen is nominally subject to the rule of Tiangong, the two sides are more of a cooperative relationship.

On the surface of the Ziyang Saint Sect, he looked low and small, saying that it was at the disposal of the Heavenly Palace. But secretly all kinds of wrangling, all kinds of pressure, is to make Tiangong unable to come up with a treatment result.

As a group of monks who are loyal to the heavenly palace, the iron-faced Taoist hates this.

A cultivator is also a human being, and as long as he is a human, he will be biased.

Although the iron-faced Taoist has always had no expression on his face, his dissatisfaction with the Ziyang Saint Sect has unknowingly moved to the two guys in front of him.

Meng Zhang handed the two restrained people to the iron-faced Taoist.

Just in the air, in front of the iron-faced Taoist began to interrogate.

The Tiemen Daoist didn't let them be too long-winded, but only asked them to answer his questions with yes or no.

Xiao Mofei and his junior brother initially relied on the name of the Purple Sun Sacred Sect, and they were still a little stiff.

However, the iron-faced Taoist is not only a law enforcement monk representing the heavenly palace, but also a powerful man who returns to the void with vast magical powers.

It didn't take long for the Iron Masked Taoist to hear the answer he wanted from them.

Judging from the confessions of both parties, this matter is clearly the responsibility of the two people of Ziyang Shengzong, and Meng Zhang is just forced to defend himself.

Moreover, Meng Zhang did not take a long time and did not cause any damage to the surroundings.

In fact, this is where the Taiyimen Mountain Gate is located. When Meng Zhang shot, it was cautious, for fear of spreading to the Mountain Gate.

The process of the matter is simple and clear, and the handling of the iron-faced Taoist is also reasonable.

On behalf of the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall, he warned Meng Zhang once and again, repeatedly explaining that during the rebirth period, the power is not allowed to take the initiative in Junchen Realm.

Of course, Meng Zhang has repeatedly promised that he will pay attention to it in the future and he will never repeat it.

In this way, the matter of Meng Zhang's shot this time is even revealed.

At least on the official side, there is no trouble or trouble.

As for Xiao Mofei and the two, they attacked Meng Zhang actively and were captured by Meng Zhang. Naturally, they were Meng Zhang’s spoils and left it to Meng Zhang’s disposal. The iron-faced Taoist and the silver pot old man are not easy to interfere.

After dealing with the business, the iron-faced Taoist and the silver pot old man left directly regardless of Meng Zhang's diligence to stay.

Before leaving, the iron-faced Taoist told Meng Zhang that he would report the causes and consequences of the incident to the Tiangong Law Enforcement Hall according to the usual practice, and at the same time, he would also notify the Ziyang Saint Zong.

Thank you for taking off, EricWSC, and Wensheng for your reward and support.

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