The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1736: run

The Tiemian Taoist was probably looking at the face of his colleagues, and he also reminded Meng Zhang a few words.

   With Ziyang Shengzong's consistent behavior style, after knowing this, he will definitely not give up, and there will be a lot of troubles in the follow-up.

   Meng Zhang had already anticipated this without needing to remind the iron-faced Taoist.

   Yang Shenqi disciples were captured alive by Meng Zhang, it would be weird if the Ziyang Saint Sect could swallow this breath.

   Ziyang Saint Sect will hold on to this matter, and it has been in his calculations for a long time, or it is simply his purpose.

   The silver pot old man said nothing during the whole process, as if he were a stone man.

   But he has given a testimony here, which is his support for Meng Zhang.

   He is far more aware of the entanglement between Meng Zhang and Ziyang Shengzong than the iron-faced Taoist.

   He only heard that Meng Zhang broke through to the rebirth period a few days ago, and before he had time to meet Meng Zhang, he met under this situation.

   At that time, the silver pot old man was optimistic about Meng Zhang, so he took many photos of him and introduced him to the camp of Tianlei Shangzun.

   But he never imagined that Meng Zhang would be able to advance to the Void Rebirth Period and become a monk at the same level as him in such a short period of time.

   The silver pot old man winked at Meng Zhang, and left with the iron-faced Taoist.

   Xiao Mofei, who had been taken by Meng Zhang, were found by Meng Zhang and found all the magical objects stored on them.

   Xiao Mo is not worthy of being born in a big family like the Xiao family. He actually constructed an independent space similar to Meng Zhang's mustard space in his body.

   Meng Zhang unceremoniously plundered that space, and then cast a spell to block its connection with that independent space.

   After the two were banned for their cultivation base, they were imprisoned in the Taiyimen Prison.

   Because of Meng Zhang's orders, the disciples in the door did not abuse the two of them, but served them with delicious food.

   Meng Zhang had a superficial plan before taking the two.

  Because of the unexpectedly good talk of the iron-faced Taoist, everything went smoothly.

  Meng Zhang first went to Tiangong and visited the old man Yinhu and mother-in-law Qiansi respectively.

   Based on the relationship between Meng Zhang and them, they would not fight for Meng Zhang, but there was nothing wrong with waving the flag and shouting on the side.

   Next, Meng Zhang directly sent a message to the Xingluo Islands and informed him of the advancement period.

   Finally, Meng Zhang personally teleported to the territory of the Dali Dynasty.

   At this time, Meng Zhang didn't have to worry about being besieged and killed.

   At least within Junchen Realm, his safety is still very guaranteed.

   The news that Meng Zhang broke through the Void Returning Stage and won the Yang Divine Stage monk of the Ziyang Saint Zong, under his instruction, has spread wildly.

  Yang Shenqi monk is not a worthless Chinese cabbage for any sect, and Ziyang Shengzong will definitely respond to this.

  Meng Zhang took this to express his attitude, that he is not the kind of person who is crumpled and oppressed by others.

   If there are still people in the Ziyang Saint Sect who are not interested, then Xiao Mofei's fate is a role model.

   Of course, he didn't mean to start a war with Ziyang Saint Sect.

   Next, it depends on how Ziyang Shengzong handles this matter and how to negotiate with Taiyi Sect.

   Taking advantage of the Ziyang Saint Sect has not yet reacted, Meng Zhang is going around in series.

   The Dali Dynasty has received news of Meng Zhang's advancement and rebirth period, so naturally he did not dare to neglect.

   Meng Zhang did not go to the capital of the Dali Dynasty, but as before, he came to the manor where he met with Emperor Ba Wu last time.

   This time, Emperor Ba Wu didn't let Meng Zhang wait for a long time. He waited here long ago.

   After the two met, Emperor Ba Wu said a lot of good things regardless of the emperor's dignity, and Hao Sheng touted Meng Zhang.

   Meng Zhang would not take these words seriously.

   If Emperor Wudi was not to resist the Ziyang Saint Sect, he would have broken through the Void Return Period long ago.

   For him, it is only a matter of time before he breaks through the rebirth period.

   Not to mention new breakthroughs like Meng Zhang, even those old-fashioned rebirth powers, in the eyes of Emperor Ba Wu, will be overtaken by him sooner or later.

   Meng Zhang accompanied Emperor Ba Wu to talk nonsense for a while before entering the topic.

   Meng Zhang did not conceal anything, and asked straightforwardly whether Dali Dynasty had the intention of making peace with the Ziyang Saint Zong.

  Ba Wudi listened to Meng Zhang's question, and couldn't help being taken aback.

   This is a high level of confidentiality between Da Li Dynasty and Ziyang Shengzong. I don’t know where Meng Zhang heard about it?

   Although this happened, Emperor Ba Wu denied it.

   He vowed to declare that the Great Li Dynasty and Ziyang Saint Sect have fought for many years, and the two sides have been feuding like the sea, and there are countless deaths and injuries. It has long been a situation of endless death, and it is absolutely impossible to make peace.

  When Emperor Wudi said these words, he was plausible and he was not guilty at all.

  Meng Zhang has been training in the realm of comprehension for many years, and he can be said to be an old fox.

   Even though Emperor Ba Wu didn't leak any flaws, he couldn't see through the thoughts of Emperor Ba Wu, but his instinct told him that the news that Qiansi's mother-in-law told him was correct. Da Li Dynasty really intended to make peace with Ziyang Shengzong.

  Since Dali Dynasty is about to make peace with Ziyang Shengzong, Taiyi Sect must make plans early, and Meng Zhang's various actions must be grasped.

   When Meng Zhang went to the palace before, he asked the old man Yinhu and mother-in-law Qiansi to support himself as much as possible.

  Meng Zhang became a monk in the rebirth period, and his status under the master of Tianlei must have been improved.

   As long as Meng Zhanghaosheng serves for the Supreme Being, the Supreme Being will not hesitate to support him.

A character like Tianlei Shangzun, even if he is ranked as the strongest in the entire Junchen As long as the senior officials of the Ziyang Saint Sect have a little brain, they will not deal with a Taiyi Sect. I can't live with the Lord of Thunder.

   With the face of Heavenly Thunder Supreme, it shouldn’t be difficult for Taiyimen to make peace with Ziyang Shengzong.

   There was a decision in his heart, but Meng Zhang was half-hearted.

   He didn't entangle on the topic just now, but gently turned away and actively changed the topic.

  The Emperor Wudi followed Meng Zhang's tone and started a enthusiastic conversation with Meng Zhang.

   As if the conversation had never happened before, the two talked enthusiastically for a long time.

   Meng Zhang said that the two companies must strengthen cooperation in the future and work in unison.

  Ba Wudi nodded repeatedly, saying that Meng Zhang was very good.

   After the talk, Meng Zhang reluctantly left here.

  As soon as Meng Zhang's figure disappeared from his eyes, Emperor Ba Wu's expression suddenly became gloomy.

   The relationship between the Great Li Dynasty and Ziyang Shengzong's peace is very important and has a wide range of implications. So far, neither party has reached an agreement internally.

   The two sides are only in the stage of mutual trial, and there is no in-depth contact.

   The leak of news at this time is definitely not a good thing.

   The Dali Dynasty is about to make peace with Ziyang Shengzong. The forces behind the Dali Dynasty and the allies of the Dali Dynasty, how should they deal with them, how should they be sent?

   It is not impossible to deal with it well, it is not impossible for Dali Dynasty to cause chaos within the dynasty and bring disaster to Xiaoqiang.

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