The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1770: Quiet and thinking

Meng Zhang knew that in order to increase the strength of the civil war in a short period of time, he could only rely on the power of foreign objects.

He had previously obtained that piece of heavenly iron, and comprehended the Taoist rhyme above, and obtained huge benefits, allowing him to survive under the masters of the Xunhai Yasha clan returning to the Void.

Where can I get suitable foreign objects?

Meng Zhang was lost in thought.

You know, in the entire Junchen Realm, there are countless foreign objects that are suitable for returning to the void.

Once it appears in a certain place, it will soon attract competition from all walks of life.

With Meng Zhang's current level of strength, such things can't be mixed, and there are not enough channels to understand first-hand information.

What he is thinking now is whether the Taiyi ancestors, especially the Taiyimen in its heyday, left such foreign objects.

The many legacy left by Taiyimen in its heyday basically fell into the hands of Meng Zhang.

The last treasure left behind was hidden in the void outside the domain, and Meng Zhang could not go to obtain it for the time being.

He had asked the seniors in the door a long time ago, such as the Supreme Sword God General and other guardian generals, and the sect inheritance treasures such as Xukongzi, and they have not been able to provide more valuable information.

Now in Junchen Realm, there is a senior of Taiyi Sect in its heyday. That is the ghosts and gods who have been staying in the underworld.

Shouzheng was originally one of the middle and high levels of the door, both status and strength were still above the Void Cauldron. As for the guardian gods, they can't be compared with them.

It was just that Shouzheng lost his physical body and had to enter the underworld and embark on the way of ghosts and gods.

Because of some opportunities in the early years, after Shouzheng was transformed into a ghost, he still retained most of his feelings and memories during his lifetime.

According to Meng Zhang’s guess, staying in the underworld should be a backhand arranged by the ancestors of the Taiyi Sect during its heyday to ensure that the sect inheritance will not be completely cut off.

After Meng Zhang took over as the head of the Taiyi Sect, he entered the Martial Trial Site located in the underworld through the sacrificial rituals passed down by the martial art.

It is also Meng Zhang's talent that is qualified to enter the trial land.

The one who is in charge of guarding the trial site is the senior in the gate, the ghost and **** Shouzheng.

Although this senior was separated from Meng Zhang's Yin and Yang, he offered a lot of help to Meng Zhang.

He has always been devoted to his duties and worked hard to complete the tasks assigned by the ancestors in the door.

Of course, everyone has selfish thoughts.

Having been in the underworld for many years, he has established his own righteousness, and he also has his own interests.

Later, Meng Zhang had the external incarnation of Tai Miao, and he was obviously more concerned about Tai Miao, and he was more willing to invest resources in Tai Miao.

Shouzheng didn't know the details, so he was very dissatisfied with Meng Zhang. There was also a gap between him and Meng Zhang.

After Meng Zhang used the small world of the ghost door to directly connect to the underworld, there was nothing to be upright.

Taimiao established a foundation in the underworld and became the main partner of Taiyimen.

Of course, between Meng Zhang and Shouzheng, there was no tear. Although there are fewer direct exchanges between the two parties, they are still connected in many ways.

After the Taiyi Sect developed and expanded, the source of recruiting disciples in the gate became more extensive, and more and more talented disciples emerged.

Among them, there are very few disciples. At the beginning of the practice, the spirits are naturally strong, or they are predestined to take the treasures of heaven and earth that strengthen the spirits.

They met the conditions to enter the trial land. Through sacrificial rituals, offering sacrifices, with the help of Shouzheng, enter the trial land for trial.

In the past, monks from the Taiyi Gate could use some rituals to offer sacrifices and summon the Yin soldiers and generals who guarded the righteous command to come to the Yang room to help out.

Later, after Tai Miao's forces grew stronger, his Yin soldiers Yin would be more elite and more obedient to orders.

Therefore, among the Taiyimen monks, more and more people began to summon the Yin soldiers and generals under Tai Miao's command.

Of course, some cultivators are still more willing to summon the Yin Soldiers and Yin Generals under the command of the defenders because of habit problems.

The Yin Soldiers and generals under the command of Shouzheng will also actively respond to the call.

Although Taiyimen had a reliable ally, Taimiao, they still offered sacrifices to Shouzheng on a regular basis.

With the continuous expansion of the Taiyimen realm, more and more ghost vows with keeping the integrity as a testimony spread in Junchen Realm.

In general, Taiyimen and Taimiao are almost a unit of interest. Although the relationship between Taiyimen and Shouzheng is unfamiliar, it has not deteriorated and has remained normal.

Meng Zhang wanted to come, Shouzheng, as an old predecessor left by the Taiyi Sect in its heyday, should still have some useful information.

The previous Shouzheng and Meng Zhang had some gaps, and they couldn't completely bond with each other.

Meng Zhang is now capable of returning to the emptiness, enough to convince him, and willingly surrender all the secrets.

It would be great if Shouzheng knew some useful information for the power of returning to the void.

Meng Zhang is now sitting in the Xingluo Islands. As long as he doesn't leave this place, he is still relatively free.

The frontline warfare is still in a stalemate, and there is no sign of an end in a short time.

With the lessons learned last time, the Human Race will not allow the Sea Race's Void Returning Power to rush to the Xingluo Islands again.

This kind of face-slapped thing is enough Once again, Heavenly Thunder Supreme must be mad.

Since Meng Zhang doesn't need to be on the stage in a short time, and Meng Zhang has enough spare time, he should first solve the problem of keeping upright.

Meng Zhang, as a rebirth power, could not go directly to the underworld. Otherwise, the rejection of the rules of the underworld will cause him great harm.

His external avatar was so wonderful that he could just make a trip.

Ever since Tai Miao had the power of Yang Shenqi, he had always followed Meng Zhang's instructions to act in a low-key manner and did not easily appear.

He spends most of his time practicing in retreat.

The main energy is placed on mastering that authority.

After so many years of cultivation, he not only completely consolidated the cultivation base of the Yang Shen stage, but also mastered a lot of methods only available in the Yang Shen stage. There has also been great progress in the study of that authority.

With his own power, he can slightly stimulate the power of this authority and play a certain role.

Authority is the manifestation of the rules of heaven and earth, and if you have authority, you can master the corresponding rules of heaven and earth.

This power is related to reincarnation, and it refers directly to the way of reincarnation.

The Avenue of Reincarnation is a avenue of heaven and earth that many ghosts and gods in the underworld are very coveted and want to master.

But because it is too difficult to master the Dao of Reincarnation, let alone those acquired ghosts and gods, even among the natural ghosts and gods, it is difficult to see the existence of the Dao of Reincarnation.

If Taimiao can completely refine this authority, thoroughly master the road of reincarnation, and then master the reincarnation of the underworld, then it will have an inestimable effect for Taimiao himself and the future of Taiyi Sect.

The work of rebuilding the Xuanjia Yin Army was basically thrown by Tai Miao to his men.

He has been in retreat for such a long time, and he just has the meaning of being quiet and thinking about moving.

Thanks to my old friend EricWSC for his many rewards and support.

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