The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1771: Break in

Meng Zhang is not very clear about where he is in the underworld.

If you want Tai Miao to search for the position of Shouzheng from the current position, you don't know how long it will take.

Of course Meng Zhang would not use this stupid method.

He doesn't have so much time to waste.

With his current level of cultivation, there is a better way to find the position of the guardian.

As soon as Meng Zhang thought, he began to summon too wonderful.

Too Miao easily broke the gap between yin and yang, came to the world of Yang, and appeared in front of Meng Zhang.

As soon as he arrived in the Yang World, Tai Miao felt the rules of the world in the Yang World, and his repelling force became even stronger.

This is a very normal thing, as his cultivation level continues to improve, the power of repulsion will only become stronger and stronger.

Currently, there are generally only two kinds of ghost oaths commonly used in the Taiyimen control area.

One is the witness of ghosts and gods keeping upright, and the other is the testimony of ghosts and gods.

Although the two ghosts and gods who are witnesses have a close relationship with Taiyimen.

However, because of the influence of the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth, the ghosts and gods who are witnesses must guarantee the implementation of the pledge in a fair and just manner, and it is impossible for them to favor private interests.

As the spread of the ghost oath book becomes more and more widespread, it can effectively help the ghosts and gods to gain a foothold in the Yang world, reduce their rejection by the rules of the world, and allow them to better interfere in the Yang world.

If it were not for the benefits brought by the ghost vows, it was too wonderful to break through the space so easily, and came to the Yang world almost silently.

Seeing Tai Miao appear, Meng Zhang didn't say anything.

What should be said and instructions to be done were passed to him by Meng Zhang through his mind as early as when he was synchronizing the information.

The low-level monks of the Taiyimen entered the so-called trial place, in fact, through sacrificial rituals, contacting the ghosts and gods to keep the righteousness, and then with the help of the power of keeping the righteousness and the arrangements left by the Taiyimen ancestors, traverse the space, and finally reach the destination.

When Meng Zhang was young, he had been to many trials, and he has been thinking about it for many years.

He has communicated with Shouzheng a lot of times, and he has grasped the breath of Shouzheng a long time ago.

Meng Zhang didn't act rashly, and he still had to be polite in his decision.

He arranged the altar in the secret room, prepared the sacrifices, and then began to sacrifice and guard the integrity.

Meng Zhang has not sacrificed to ghosts and gods for many years.

As his cultivation level increased, the communication between him and Shouzheng became more and more indifferent.

The function of the sacrificial ritual is to allow Meng Zhang in the Yang world to communicate with the ghosts and gods in the underworld.

When Meng Zhang passed the message to Shouzheng through sacrifices and requests for communication, Shouzheng couldn't help but stunned for a moment.

This has been for many years, and Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect, has not communicated with him.

Although Shouzheng was dissatisfied with Meng Zhang because of something very wonderful, Shouzheng was quite satisfied with Meng Zhang, the head of the team.

After the Taiyi Gate was destroyed in its heyday, Taiyi Gate has undergone reconstruction, and the experience of destroying the gate again has become very weak, and even the inheritance can hardly be maintained.

After Meng Zhang became the head of the Taiyi Sect, he led the Taiyi Sect to grow and expand, and embarked on the road of revival.

Many disciples in the Taiyi Sect have been offering sacrifices to the senior in the gate, keeping communication with him.

From these disciples, Shouzheng had a better understanding of the Taiyi Sect.

In particular, Meng Zhang's advanced Yang Shen stage reached a height that Shouzheng had never been able to reach, and it was even more admirable for Shouzheng.

On the road to the rise of Taiyimen, Shouzheng was amazed by the many ups and downs and so many arduous battles.

From the perspective of Shouzheng, the current power of Taiyi Sect is almost as strong as the Taiyi Sect in its heyday.

After many years, the head of Meng Zhang wanted to contact him. He did not neglect, and quickly responded.

I saw a gust of gloomy wind blowing over the altar, and along with a wave of spatial fluctuations, a vast divine thought came out from inside.

With Meng Zhang's cultivation base at this time, he can already see through the details of Shouzheng at a glance. You can even follow this divine mind to observe the body of keeping upright.

In his eyes, the old Shouzheng had no secrets.

Meng Zhang sat in the low altitude in front of the altar, almost flush with the altar.

After that divine thought appeared, it immediately swept towards Meng Zhang.

Before Shen Nian got close, he sensed the breath of Meng Zhang's body.

In order to be more persuasive, Meng Zhang didn't mean to conceal his strength.

As Meng Zhang expected, the exclamation sounded from the altar.

"This is, this is the Void Rebirth Ability. When did you advance to the Void Rebirth Period, Sovereign?"

I haven't eaten pork, I haven't seen a pig run.

Shouzheng not only experienced the Void-Returning Power in the past, but also had close contact with the Void-Returning Power in close quarters and received his guidance.

Although he had been optimistic about Meng Zhang a long time ago, he felt that this person was exceptionally talented, and he had great hopes of being able to advance to the stage of rebirth.

But when this day did come, he still couldn't believe it.

Divine Sense lingered in the air for a while, repeatedly confirming that it was correct, Meng Zhang really was already a power of returning to the void.

Although he has always been calm, he has become more and more indifferent over the years, but Shouzheng is still very is very excited.

After a lapse of thousands of years, the Taiyi Sect once again possessed the power of returning to the void, and the Taiyi Sect was really revitalized.

After a while, Shouzheng began to slowly return to calm.

Meng Zhang only talked about it at this time. In order to show his respect, he decided to have a good talk with the righteous body.

Under Meng Zhang's signal, Tai Miao mobilized the power of the space avenue and communicated the space above the altar.

With the help of the space channel through which Shouzheng divine mind came, he expanded it, and directly broke through the yin and yang barrier, descended to the underworld, and appeared in front of Shouzheng.

In this process, Shouzheng was obviously not very willing.

But in the face of Meng Zhang, the power of rebirth, he did not dare to resist in the slightest.

Don't think he is a senior in the door, very senior.

But the realm of comprehension has always paid attention to strength.

Since Meng Zhang is currently the only rebirth power of Taiyi Sect, he is the ancestor in the gate, possessing the supreme authority.

Putting aside the relationship with the same door, it is even more impossible to defend the integrity to disobey a person who returns to the void.

In the process of traversing the space barrier, Tai Miao fully demonstrated its powerful strength.

Shouzheng took the opportunity to withdraw his spiritual thoughts.

The one who appeared in front of the guard was too wonderful, also did not conceal his true strength, and almost unscrupulously released the breath of the Yang God level.

Sensing the wonderful breath, Shouzheng smiled bitterly.

If he was hiding in the underworld and could avoid the regaining power of the Yang world, then the ghost and **** of the Yang God level in front of him would be enough to lie in the underworld and restrain himself.

As soon as Tai Miao appeared, he began to look at the surrounding environment.

This is inside a tall palace, this is a magnificent hall.

Shouzheng sat on top of the main hall, silently watching too.

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