The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1772: explain

Shouzheng looked at the wonderfulness in front of him, his thoughts fluttered, and his thoughts were very complicated.

Since he entered the underworld and transformed into ghosts and gods, he has never relaxed his cultivation.

He thought he had accumulations he had before his lifetime, had extraordinary insights, and had been guided by the power of returning to the void.

Even if you become a ghost, you can still make continuous progress and break through to a higher level.

When Shouzheng did not lose his body, he was already a great monk in the late Yuanshen.

After transforming into a ghost, his strength plummeted.

He spent a lot of time and energy practicing, and finally recovered his strength in the late stage of the soul.

After that, the progress of the cultivation base became slower and slower and less obvious.

Thousands of years have passed, and he still stays at the later stage of the Yuanshen stage, and has never been able to break through to the level of the Yangshen stage.

He tried various methods and tried many methods, but he couldn't change this result.

The life span of ghosts and gods also has a limit.

The life of a monk in the Yuanshen stage will not exceed two thousand years. After being transformed into a ghost, the life of a monk will increase to a certain extent.

Shouzheng is almost five thousand years old, and it will not be long before he will reach the end of his life.

He has used a lot of life extension methods, and basically cannot continue to extend his life.

As an acquired ghost, he is already considered to be a longevity.

His body of ghosts and gods began to decline, and his strength began to weaken, and he had lost the possibility of impacting the level of Yang God.

The current shouzheng is just lingering, and one day can live one more day.

Shouzheng remembered that Tai Miao took refuge in Meng Zhang for not long.

When he was in contact with Tai Miao before, Tai Miao was no more than the cultivation base of the Yuanshen level.

He could never imagine that Tai Miao had now become a powerhouse at the level of Yang God.

If Shouzheng had such an opportunity, he could advance to the Yang God level, and his lifespan could be greatly extended, instead of sitting here and waiting for the end of his life.

Suddenly, Shouzheng stared blankly at the magic, and his heart was full of jealousy and envy.

There was a wave of divine consciousness in front of Tai Miao, revealing the illusory image of Meng Zhang.

Meng Zhang's body can't enter the underworld, but he can divide his spiritual thoughts, allowing his own spiritual thoughts to follow too wonderful to come here.

The distraction of mind is not a rare method, this ray of mind of Meng Zhang has transformed into a manifestation of this phantom.

Seeing Meng Zhang's phantom appeared, Shouzheng reacted and saluted Meng Zhang.

This ceremony is not only a tribute to the identity of the head of Meng Zhang, but also a tribute to the power of returning to the void.

Even though it was just a ray of divine thought here, but what kind of eyesight Meng Zhang had, just by looking at it, he understood the specific state of keeping upright.

Meng Zhang sighed.

Regarding the current situation of Shouzheng, he is also powerless.

Even if the Void Returning Power is vast, it cannot reverse the law of life and death.

Meng Zhang guessed the mind of keeping upright.

It is not that he is unwilling to support the Shouzheng Advanced Yang God level, but there is really no better way.

The advancement of ghosts and gods is far more difficult than the advancement of human monks.

Acquired ghosts and gods like Shouzheng, under innate shackles, the later stage of the Yuanshen is almost the end of cultivation.

The wonderful thing is that the situation is special. As the external incarnation of Meng Zhang, he has too many things that cannot be copied in his body to successfully advance to the Yang Shen stage.

Meng Zhang didn't intend to reveal the secret of Tai Miao being his external incarnation, so he didn't explain anything.

Shouzheng stayed for a while again, not knowing what he was thinking about.

It took a long time for him to react.

There is a great horror between life and death, and such a determined and experienced character is not immune to vulgarity.

Shouyuan is about to end, so many thoughts that shouldn't be born in his heart.

Fortunately, after all, he came from an authentic Taoist school like Taiyi Sect, and even after transforming into a ghost, he still maintained a Taoist heart.

After experiencing complicated ideological struggles, his original aspirations played a role. The loyalty and attachment to the martial arts prevailed.

There are successors to Taiyimen and it has been revived.

With Meng Zhang's power of returning to the void, Taiyimen has an unlimited future.

With Meng Zhang's ability, he can definitely control the ghost and **** of Yang Shenqi.

The ghosts and gods of the Yangshen stage are in the underworld, and they are out-and-out hegemons, enough to run rampant for a while.

The Taiyi Gate of the Yang world is thriving, and there are still people like Tai Miao in the underworld, which can be said to be very perfect.

Shouzheng felt that he could let go of everything.

The foundation he established in the underworld, as well as some of the arrangements of the Taiyimen in the underworld, can be slowly handed over.

Shouzheng has been operating in the underworld for many years and has conquered many acquired ghosts and powerful ghosts.

If it was in the past, it might still be difficult for these guys with different minds to unconditionally surrender to the Taiyi Sect and serve the Taiyi Sect wholeheartedly in the future.

But if there are too good to come forward, it shouldn't be a problem to subdue them.

After thinking about everything, Shouzheng no longer had the slightest reservations, and began to honestly confess everything, and surrendered all the funeral affairs to Meng Zhang.

The attitude of keeping upright is very different from before, suddenly becoming so frank, which surprised Meng Zhang a little bit.

He had long guessed that he had achieved the Void Rebirth Period. It was too wonderful to advance to the Yangshen, enough to frighten Shouzheng, the acquired ghost and But Shouzheng was completely surrendered so quickly, and such active cooperation was still out of the question. His surprise.

In any case, this attitude of Shouzheng is a great thing.

Everyone can achieve Meng Zhang's goal without hurting his harmony.

As for the legacy left behind by the guardian in the underworld, as well as some of the arrangements left by the Taiyimen back then, it was even more unexpected.

In Meng Zhang's heart, he even felt a little guilty and embarrassed.

He used to be separated from Shouzheng because of some things, and didn't trust this senior in the door.

It now appears that the senior Shouzheng has been loyal to the Taiyi Sect from beginning to end, putting the interests of the Taiyi Sect in the first place.

Even if his life is about to end, what he thinks of is to safeguard the interests of the sect and leave everything to the sect.

Shouzheng talked with Meng Zhang for a long time, and they fully explained almost everything, as if they were completely entrusted to the funeral.

No matter what he saw and heard, the various news he knew, or the various situations of Taiyimen in its heyday, the various arrangements left...

He didn't conceal everything in the slightest, it was completely unassuming.

What he said answered some of the doubts in Meng Zhang's mind and benefited Meng Zhang a lot.

Next, Tai Miao also called his followers into the hall to let them surrender to Tai Miao and obey Tai Miao's command in the future.

Tai Miao just showed off his Yang Shen level cultivation base for a while, and shocked these guys.

Tai Miao is not a complete natural ghost, but has many characteristics of a natural ghost.

When he revealed a few traces of the breath of natural ghosts and gods, it completely suppressed these acquired ghosts and ghosts, making them unable to resist.

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